First time abroad

Submitted into Contest #98 in response to: Write a story involving a character who cannot return home.... view prompt



They stared at her with impatience, a raving lunatic who almost killed her unborn child.

Stacy was illiterate, she knew zilch about childbirth or even the anatomy of her own body. Even when the local gynecologist, doing a pap smear to confirm her pregnancy was bitingly annoyed. Stacy threw a raucous tantram and almost kicked him in the face. So when she was strapped to her hospital bed whilst giving birth to her gorgeous princess, it drove her almost insane. She was surrounded by Impatient nurses who tried in vain to calm her erratic screams that thundered through the silent hospital passages and causing mayhem. Finally her daughter emerged unscathed but Stacy was stitched unceremoniously and left in excruciating pain. She was certain that her vagina must have endured a ruthless caesarian operation.

Diana was a gorgeous little puppet, everytime Stacy saw her baby girl, she assured herself that the pain was not in vain. Life was always a struggle, the alcoholic that she married only increased her challenges. Diana grew into a beautiful young woman. Stacy was forced to send her to the infamous city of gold to seek employment. Being brown and the part of a group minorities was difficult for Diana to find employment in their small town.

That was the beginning of incessant drama. Diana did find a job in the big city, whilst also falling head over heels in love with a rugged policeman. A cop with no morals no ethics and like her father he also was an alcoholic. After a tumultous marriage of fifteen years she plucks up the courage to divorce him. Stacy's heart somasaulted a thousand times. She left her hometown to move to the big city to be with her daughter and only grand child. Diana worked while Stacy took care of the little girl. They were slowly sliding downwards, so before they could reach rock bottom Diana concocted a brilliant idea. Because of covid the invisible monster, many people lost their jobs and Diana was one of them. So she decided to apply for a teaching post in Abu Dhabi. All three of them were ecstatic with joy, for Diana will work overseas and send money to her mom and daughter, Stacy will keep the ball rolling back home. Although sadness engulfed them they knew that was the only way out of their stagnant situation.

Covid restriction halted them from goint to the airport to bid goodbye.

The home became a silent dwelling encompassing it with sadness, for Diana was the live wire.

Everything was great at the beginning, Diana was happy with her sponsored family. Her job was to homeschool two children of different ages. Although the language was a huge barrier, because Arabic was foreign to her she coped quite well. Obviously their lifestyle and culture was different but that did not hinder Diana.

It started with subtle changes, her working hours were extended some times late into the night. She was not allowed to have an easy banter with any of the other employees. And lastly she was not allowed to leave the premises under any circumstances. If Diana wanted something from the local shops, she was allocated a driver to go buy it for her.

In the UAE money rules, and the Arabs are condescending people. They are to be addressed as madam and sir respectively. The biggest mistake that Diana made was by not empowering herself with Arab laws.

So she approached her employer in regards to her dissatisfaction with her working condition. Alas! That was a blunder straight from hell. Her salary was held back and her passport taken.

Diana was literally stranded in a foreign country. With the help of some friends she left the house to go to the local police station to lay a complaint about her passport. Immediately her crafty employer opened a case of absconding with the labour courts in Abu Dhabi.

During Ramadan the emiratees are on a go slow. Diana has been skittering from labour court to emigration for the past three months. Thanks to a few compassionate South Africans she has acccomadation. She cannot leave the country until her employer cancels her visa so her predicament is quite sticky.

Meanwhile at home her mom sold all the valuable they owned and sent the monies to Diana for her survival.

Diana is still not home and her passport she still does not have. Only a miracle can save this little family from drowning.

Diana has realised her employer is a narcissist, her lies just get bigger every day. She feel trapped and scared in a foreign land.

Back home Stacy has reached the the cliff top of depression. She feels she is going to topple over the cliff at any time. Her only thoughts are for her grand child, who will take care of her.

It seems the agency recruiting these women. Are quite shoddy. No assistance or advice is offered when you are in the UAE. Women are being lured and mislead with better job opportunities and promise of good salaries.

It is sad for a country that boasts so much wealth, to treat people like modern day slaves.

Stacy believes that her bad karma has transfered on to her daughter and grand daughter. Will the nightmare ever end. Will they ever know peace and content. Is there a light at the end of the tunnel. People are motivated daily with positivity. But to walk in the shoes of a person that only sees gloom is definitely not possible. For only you can feel the emotional and physical pain one endures through unnessary suffering.

Amazing this is the last year at school for her grand daughter. She is in matric and is excelling despite all the drama. It is a strange world we live in although Stacy accepts that challenges are inevitable, must every day be a cry for survival for the rest of your life. It seem that is how it has turned out for her. Stacy is lost and her soul is blank. She just a living dead, afraid to even die because what will become of her grand daughter.

June 17, 2021 03:50

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