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Romance Creative Nonfiction Drama

"Are you coming tonight?" Todd yelled from the outside of my apartment door.

I had to have been staring at myself in the mirror for 20 minutes before he knocked. Shit. I knew I was running late, but I must have lost track of time. I glanced at the door, nervous as hell to open it. I had not been out of my apartment in weeks, except for work, after the sudden breakup from what I thought was the best relationship of my life. My prince charming wasn't just charming me. How disappointing. I wanted to sit and wallow in self-pity, but my friends were not allowing it.

"Alexis? Are you in there? You have to come out! We are not letting you do this to yourself, you are so much better than he ever was."

"Yes... Yes, I will be out in a minute, just… hang on."

I give myself one more look over and decide that I look hot as hell. I am in ripped, high rise skinny jeans, a super low cut black top and high black cowgirl boots. Every curve was on display and it had been so long since I had taken the time to put effort into my appearance that I forgot how well I could clean up. It took me hours to get my hair right, but it was good, and my makeup was on point, for once, even though I would probably get drunk and end up ruining it before the night was over. I opened the door and saw my best friends Todd and Shana.

"Daaammnnnn GIRL!" Todd was beside himself. "You look better than I have seen in a long ass time! This breakup was good for you."

I snarled at him, not ready for his shitty remarks on my ex. Shana stared at me smiling, took my arm, and we all walked down the stairs. They had both blown up my phone the day before about getting me out on the town for a rebound, convinced that helping me get a one night stand would be my best path towards recovery. I did need a good distraction. I had one night stands before, so it’s not like this was new, but I had not been with anyone since before Scott, and that was 4 years ago. Jesus… 4 years of my life down the drain. Shana must have been reading my mind.      

“Girl, we are going to get you out of this funk. It sucks what he did to you. You have every reason in the world to be sad, and I will be here through all of it. Tonight, I want you to forget about him, tonight… it’s all about you.”

I smiled at her, knowing she was right. I know my worth, and it’s his fucking loss. “Screw him, tonight is all about me!” I claimed the words, and my friends cheered as we paraded down the street to the Country Dance Hall.

           We paid the $20 to get into the hall and to my surprise, it was packed. We lived in a smaller town on the outskirts of Rochester, NY, where the cows roam, the corn fields grow and it always smelled of fresh hay. The Hall wasn’t old, but it wasn’t new either, regardless I had only ever gone 3 times in my life. I didn’t know how to line dance, and I knew I might get drunk and embarrass myself, so I’d usually just avoid it.

           I immediately caught the eye of your typical tall, dark and handsome stereotype. We made eye contact, he smiled, I smiled, he winked, and I laughed. Suddenly my arm was being yanked towards the bar, and I lost sight of him. I sat at the bar with Todd and Shana, scoping out the place. I just wanted to see the beautiful man that winked at me. Shana’s mouth gaped open suddenly. There was Scott, my ex, laughing, smiling, and being a total douchebag. Directly behind him, was tall, dark and handsome. I don’t know what came over me, but I had a sudden urge of bravery. I got up from seat and walked towards them. Scott saw me coming, his smile faded, and his eyes saddened. “Lexi… I’ve been wanting to see you.” I walked right past him, took the hand of the mysterious man who winked at me and walked onto the dancefloor. Scott had still been trying to talk to me as I waltzed off with someone I didn’t know. I could see Shana and Todd at the bar, completely entranced at my bold actions, totally shocked. This was not a typical me move, and way out of my normal. Tonight I just needed to pretend I was someone else.

           Tall, dark and handsome did not let go of my hand. His smile was lighting up my soul. Something about him had me in a bubble, where I could see nobody else but him. He twisted me around the floor, my feet moved in a way I’d never let them go before. I followed his moves, trusting his hands and feet to lead me. We swayed and danced, laughed and smiled. The song ended and my disappointment must have been apparent.

           “Hi, I’m Danny.” He smiled again and everything disappeared around me.

           “Hi Danny. Alexis… or Lexi. Whichever you prefer.” I smiled back at him, instantly wanting to hang onto him again. His entire entity was so perfect, head to toe, from what I could see. He had to be over 6 feet tall, dark hair, green eyes, olive skin, perfectly straight teeth, broad shoulders and muscular chest. I think I might have actually been slightly drooling. I thought to myself, “Scott who?”

           Danny asked if I wanted to go outside and get some air, so I blew a kiss at Todd and Shana before heading to the door. I could see them give each other a corny high five, and rolled my eyes. I didn’t notice Scott tailing me as I followed Danny outside. As soon as I got out the door he latched onto my arm and dragged me to the side.

           “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” He was angry. I had embarrassed him in front of his friends.

           “Well, I was enjoying a nice night out until I was rudely interrupted by a giant asshole who thinks he can still boss me around. May I remind you that YOU cheated on ME Scott? Let go of my arm and don’t fucking touch me again” I may have been acting bigger than my 5’1’’ stature with my suddenly snide attitude. I had never spoken to him that way.

           He seemed to be taken aback, and genuinely hurt by my words. “Alexis, I know what I did hurt you, and I am sorry. I cannot take back my actions, and I wish I could take away the pain.” His words sounded like they were begging for forgiveness, and I did not want to hear any more of them. My vision started to blur as my eyes filled with tears. “I told you weeks ago I do not want to see you, or hear from you again. There will never be an us in this lifetime. You made sure of that when you stuck your dick in another woman. Fuck you Scott. Fuck. You.” The tears started to spill from my eyes as Scott tried to bring me in for a hug. I pushed him away as hard as my small frame would. Then suddenly my back was against something warm and Scotts face became angry.

           “I don’t think Lexi wants you to touch her.” Danny said quietly so that only the three of us could hear, without making a scene. He took my hand and gently put me behind him. I rubbed the tears away and tried to regain composure.

           Scott was very obviously heated instantly. “Who the fuck are you?”

           Danny smiled at him, “Danny. You’re Scott? Right? It’s not my business what your past is, but Lexi here, clearly has become discontent with your actions. We would both appreciate it if you left her alone, for the rest of her life. If you try at any point to talk to her again, you and I will become much more acquainted.”

           My heart was pounding, what the hell was happening right now? Tall, dark and handsome was a Knight in shining armor too? This was too much for me. I was absolutely loving how calm he was in the situation and how he was talking to Scott. I watched as Scott looked at me then looked at Danny and shook his head. “You will never find someone as good as…” Scott wasn’t able to finish his sentence before Danny backed him into the wall. I could feel the tension as their noses almost touched.

           “I don’t think you understood the words I just said to you Scott. The rest of her life started at the end of my sentence, and yet you still thought you had words to say. You don’t get to speak to her, hell, I don’t even want you to look her way anymore. She will never find someone as good as what? You? He laughed in Scotts face. “You aren’t even a man, you’re a fucking boy. Run along before I beat you into the fucking ground.”

           Scott had never been the fighting type, and it was easy to tell from the look on his face, that he wasn’t going to start today. He only ever had words, but to my amazement, he had no more words after being threatened. Danny left him at the wall, he turned around and took my hand in his. Before we walked away, I looked back at Scott and smiled. I loved how defeated he looked and hoped he’d feel the pain of my loss for years to come.

           We rounded the corner of the Hall and I couldn’t stop myself. I took a step in front of Danny and pushed him onto a bench near the side of the building. I was still standing while he sat, and could finally see his crystal green eyes straight on. I did not say anything, just stared into them, like I had always needed this moment. His hands moved to my face and he brought me forward. His lips were so warm, and tasted of salt and lime. My mouth parted, inviting his tongue to dance with mine. My entire body was on fire. Every inch of my skin longed for him to touch me. A soft moan escaped my lips as his hands moved to my hips, urging me forward to sit on his lap. I did as he wanted, running my hands through his hair as our mouths became more in tune with each other. Suddenly my mouth left his. His eyes were filled with lust, and I could only imagine what mine were telling him.

           “You didn’t have to do that, back there.” I bit my lip as I waited for his response.

           “There is something about you Alexis. As soon as you walked into the Hall tonight, I knew we had a story, I just didn’t know what it would be. I felt you like you were right next to me, before you were, and then you were.” He took my face back in his hands and kissed me hard. I wanted him, and I was going to have him. I quietly reminded myself that I did not know Danny. I didn’t know his last name, his story, I knew nothing, and yet I did not care.

           My phone buzzed in my pocket and brought me out of my fantasy. “Sorry, I am guessing it’s my friends inside the bar making sure I am okay.” I took my phone out and read the message from Todd. “Just checking on you. That dude looked like a real man, unlike the douche canoe that’s in here talking shit at the bar. If you need us, let us know, otherwise tear that man UP!” I laughed at the message and turned my focus back to Danny.

           “Who are you?” I asked him gingerly.

“I am a man who knows what he wants, and right now all I want is you.” His words took the air out of my lungs. Nobody had ever been that straight forward. I pretended not to be affected.

“But you don’t know me, don’t you want to know me?” Danny smiled and tucked a piece of lose hair behind my ear. “I would love nothing more than to know you. Can I give you my number?”

           “You can give me anything you want.” The words came out of my mouth before I could stop them. The lust returned to his eyes, and his lips curved into a seductive smile. He moved his hands to my ass as he stood up holding me. He kissed me again before putting me on my feet. At first I didn’t know if I was going to be able to stand because my entire body felt like it had melted. He took a few steps before turning to look at me. “So, are you coming tonight?”

July 27, 2021 17:57

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F.O. Morier
09:01 Aug 05, 2021

thank you for sharing this story. I enjoyed reading it. felt like I was in the hall! thank you!


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