Fiction Horror

“Ouch!” screamed Lisa while feeling this heated knob on her forehead that she got from hitting the frame of her bed.

She got this weird feeling. This premonition feeling. 

“You alright? Oh lord, there is a whole red bump on your forehead” exclaimed Matt, Lisa’s twin brother.

“Ya I think so, but I am having this weird tingly feeling” Lisa said with concern on her face.

“Oh please, that’s cap, you're lying, why did you have to get that feeling before our big trip to the Devil’s cave? '' moaned Matt.

“But it is that bad feeling, let's not go to the Devil’s cave today, let's postpone it, tell Emily and Jack so they know not to come” demanded Lisa.

Ding dong

“See even the bell wants you to go, come on,  get up lazy face,  Emily and Jack are here. Let us four 18 year old kids go to that cave” said Matt while rising up and throwing the blanket onto Emily’s Morning face.

He went downstairs and opened the brown dutch door. 

“Sup Matt, how do you do” Jack pounced on Matt.

“Hey Matt, everything ready for today’s trip?” questioned Emily

“Everything is ready, but your best friend Lisa is not, she is saying she is having tingly feelings” he mimicked Lisa's voice.

They all walked up the fusty stairs. The house that Lisa and Matt lived in was a little quaint because both parents also spent their childhood in this house. Both maternal and paternal grandparents spent their childhood in this house. After the death of the twins’ parents, the twins both settled on staying in this quaint house because one, they did not want to leave this house because it had theirs and their forebears childhood spent in this home and two, they did not have enough money to buy a different house.

“Can we come in Lisa?” questioned Jack.

“Ya sure, guys I am having this very weird feeling, where something disastrous will happen or where we will get caught into something disastrous. Please, let's not go” requested Lisa with her hands joined together.

“Here have this” said Emily with a glass of water in her hand, “ drink this and sit in the car, we don’t have time for your nonsense”

Lisa could not do anything more to convince them to not go to that devil’s cave so the only thing she could do was go with them herself. Jack helped Matt get the blue suitcase to the car and Emily helped Lisa downstairs with packing the greens and the snacks for the trip.They all sat in the car and Jack insisted that he should drive. Jack and Emily were siblings but not twins.They both lived together in an apartment because their parents had also passed away, but in a plane crash. Matt and Jack were very close friends in high school so they decided to make Lisa and Emily amigos too. And that was pretty successful. Now all four of these kids go on trips and vacations together. The four hours that went awesome and pretty fast for Matt,Jack and Emily, did not go as well for Lisa. She tried sleeping but that thought of something horrendous about to happen kept eating her insides. The appalling feeling kept coming to her when she tried eating the prawns. She thought if the prawns were all poisoned and all four adults in the car would die in 3 seconds. She hoped that looking outside would make it better but it made it worse. When she looked outside, she thought of her friends getting all atrocious and throwing her dead body under the trees for no one to find. These four hours were the longest four hours for her. At last they ended.

“Look we’re here and Lisa, see nothing happened to us!” exclaimed Emily

“I don’t know yet, maybe the horror still awaits for us” Lisa said in a hushed voice.

“ OH GOD, THIS GIRL!” Matt, Jack and Emily yelled.

“ How do you deal with this girl, Matt?” Jack exclaimed with an irritation.

“ I have no idea!” Matt said while dragging the word “No”.

They all got off and cleaned the mini mess they had made in the car. Emily rolls down all the windows of the car. Lisa looked at her reflection on the blue Hyundai car. Her red bump was throbbing more than ever. But she did not want to drift away from the pack so she ignored her bump and ran to the other three. Matt pulled out the keys and locked the car. They all continued walking until they reached the visitor center. Matt pointed towards the visitor center and went into the center. Jack, Emily and Lisa stood outside and looked around.

Matt came outside and said “ We have to walk down a mini trail and then we will see the cave. By the cave, there is another center where we can change into our swimsuits and where they give our oxygen cylinder and more”

“Okay then, what are we waiting for!” screamed Emily.

Lisa started to feel sick. Her bump was hurting like it was about to slice itself off of Lisa’s forehead. She kept on getting the premonition feeling. They all meandered like the river on the zig zag trail. At last, they could smell the fresh water. They just wanted to jump in and let the water do its concert. As Lisa walked by the water, her reflection was glowing like a star. She could see that she had gotten weak because of the stress and tension. But she also felt a sense of comfort. For the first time in a long time, she felt like she was in her mother’s arms. They walked to the center. 

“Hi, how may we help you today?“ asked the person behind the front desk

“Hi, me and my friends have a booking to go in the Devil’s cave” said Matt

“We are truly sorry, the cave has been closed temporarily” said the person.

“ What do you mean it is closed, then why did you even say what can we help you with, the main attraction here is that cave, and if that is closed then what are we supposed to do?” interrogated Jack

“Ya this is pathetic!” yelled Emily

“Guys chill down, don’t get mad it… Bob,” Lisa said while reading the person’s name tag.

“Be quiet Lisa, you never even wanted to come to the cave” Matt scolded and then turned his head toward Bob “so what else can we do here sir?”

“Well you can go snorkeling but just don’t go in the cave,” said Bob.

“ Why is the cave closed though?” asked Jack.

“ Well, there was an invasive creature in the cave. We even lost five people because of that creature. So we have put a very strong cage outside of the cave” stated Bob

“ What creature is it?” questioned Emily.

“Well…. It is a Godshark killer” mumbled Bob

“ A god what?” Matt, Lisa and Jack asked at the same time.

“ A Godshark killer was an ancient titan. It is a mix of a Godzilla, shark and a killer whale,” stated Emily, “ but it went extinct a long time ago. How did you guys find it in the cave?” 

“ We are also not sure” said Bob

“Okay then just give us the snorkeling gear and we will go snorkeling.” demanded Matt.

Bob nods and goes inside this room to get our swim gear. He comes back with all this equipment. He hands them to his colleagues and they help the four kids wear everything.

“Ok, remember not to take this band off, because this tells us if you are alive or not and it also helps us track you.” Bob said while tying the band onto Lisa’s hand.

Jack,Lisa,Matt, and Emily secure their oxygen cylinders and dive into the water. The splash of water tingled the red bump on Lisa’s forehead. They all swam around and looked at the beautifully colored aquatic plants. Then they saw this circular rock. It had a hollow area but was closed with a very sturdy iron cage. Matt signaled and all the others followed. They reached the cage and Jack pulled out his phone that was in an air packed bag. They took a picture and turned around. Emily Jack and Matt nodded at each other and then Matt swam away to find a gap in the cage. Emily held onto Lisa because Lisa found out what they were doing. Jack took off Lisa’s band and threw it down with Emily’s band and his own band. Then Matt waved and they all swam to him. Lisa was dragged instead of swimming herself. They go into the cave and keep swimming. Lisa looked around and then the feeling came back. But this time, it was intense. She felt like something was jutting into her stomach but it was just that feeling. They all swam to the top of the cave where there was an air pocket. They took off their helmets and put their cylinders by the rocks. 

“Look not so bad” Matt proudly stated.

“ARE YOU NUTS! We will definitely die” cried Lisa

“ Oh chillax,” said Jack.

“You know I am also kinda scared, I did say yes to plan of coming, but now that I think of it, what if we die. I have read that the Godshark killer leaves no one” Emily said with concern.

“ Oh please shut up, don’t go into what Lisa is saying, just enjoy” assured Jack.

“ Guys……. the…..the….there….there” garbled Lisa.

“ What is it Lisa?” asked Emily.

“There….. is….. is” Lisa murmured.

“Breathe and talk,” said Matt.

Lisa took a big deep breath.

“There is something behind you,” Lisa took another breath “ The Godshark killer”

They all turned around and gasped. Its bladed teeth. Its wide grin. It knows that these four humans will not survive.

The only things that were in that cave was the red velvet blood, the humans scream echoing through the cave, and the Godshark killer waiting for its next prey.

June 17, 2021 16:15

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