Contemporary Creative Nonfiction Crime

“A question asked from every child: what do you want to be in your future?” My elder sister every time happily answers that she wants to be a doctor. And people used to appreciate her, she kept on working hard to score good grades in her school and college life, MashaAllah she was successful in her every task. Once she cleared her FSc in pre-medicial, her mind changed she desperately wanted to be a fashion designer nor a doctor. Every child faces this problem, she came to me and said; “I don't want to be a doctor, but the fear of anger is not letting me to talk to my parents.” I know that doctor’s life is full of storms, they have to study 24 hours which I am not willing to do I am tired of this routine. I asked her: “So what do you want to do now? Do you have any other options? If so, go for that don’t waste your time.” She was very scared and said; “ I have many options but my parents are willing to help me that so, what would I do?” She impatiently left the room and decided to talk to her parents. Everyone was confused, but worried for her because her parents called her. After listening to her parents, she unconsciously came out of the room and went to sleep without thinking anything and to get relax and try to take some decision. I was scared, but I went to talk my parents’ room and wanted to talk to them, they were sitting in full of anger which made me terrified and I quietly left the room. She woke up and without thinking anything she went in the room and said; “ I don’t want to be a doctor and please don’t force me I won’t be able to clear test.” And left the room without listening their answer, she was scared and not able to face them. They gave her few days to think about what to do rather than doing fashion designing. A few days passed she patiently went to them and said; “Fine! I will do MBBS, but if I won’t be able to clear so, don't blame me.” She finally made her mind to give MDCAT, she views her result she had passed although she didn't get the merit in universities under Lahore. She decided to get admission in some other university and next year I will again appear in the test to fulfil my parents wish, she got admission in Biotechnology for some period of time so, that her year must not be wasted. Half year passed, she prepared for the test and hopefully said that this time I will clear it. She gave the test and came back happily, she viewed her result and finally she got the admission in Lahore’s 2nd top universities “Allama Iqbal University.” She entered the University and passed her 1st year. While she was in her 2nd year, it was very difficult for her to pass the exams. In midnight, listening her sobs made me wake up, I looked around the room and she was sitting in the corner behind the side table. I went to her and made her cool down and asked her don’t take stress everything will be fine. After giving the exams she hopelessly told us I won’t be able to pass these exams, when she viewed her result, she got distinctions in two subjects which were unbelievable for her. Her life was full of stress, we kept on encouraging her that at the end you will be able to clear every exam in your life and will be a successful physician as you want to. A few years back, she cleared her MBBS and was hopeful that she will also clear all the other hurdles which are going to come in her life. Sometimes she loses her hope and don’t want to study anymore and after looking her parents, telling everyone that my daughter is becoming a physician gives her hope and encourages her to fight with the tests. After doing MBBS, she was looking forward for many different categories in medical life from which she was really scared. Starting her house job was the most difficult part, because she doesn’t know that from medical things, she is afraid of. One day she was assigned a duty in operation theatre (OT) with the senior surgeon she was terrified, but confidently entered the OT. The surgeon started the surgery of a young man who was having his throat surgery, he also teaching the students how to work. During the operation the surgeon was telling about a vein that if we will cut this vein his surgery will be successful when she looked at the vein of blue colour, she told the surgeon that this is the wrong vein the vein the blue one is the right vein if we will cut this vein the patient will not be able use his tongue anymore. But as usual some doctors don’t listen to the students and do what they want to do, same the doctor did with patient and when the surgeon got to know that she was right he asked the students to leave the OT as this was his own mistake. After watching that scene happening in front of her, she got to know that she is afraid of blood she can’t see blood as a flow coming out. She decided to become a physician which was really good, but on the other hand her father wants her to become a heart specialist or a surgeon which she bluntly told her father that I won’t do this. I know myself this is really difficult for me to do, I have already fulfilled your one dream so now let me do the things I can confidently do, from which my patients won’t heart. Her father called her and said; “okay! Do what you want to do this time I won’t pressurize you and encouraged her.” After fees she went abroad for studying further courses and getting experience so that she could be a great physician which can make her happy and confident. When she came became a professional physician and also got the degree and an experienced letter from USA she came back to Pakistan and made her parents happy and proud of her. She came to Pakistan and opened her own clinic and successfully started her career. 

January 22, 2021 20:13

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Carole Cobos
21:36 Feb 03, 2021

It was a very charming story with a solid plot but the problem is that the format makes it very hard to read. I suggest you break your story into smaller paragraphs! Quick reminder; Start new paragraph whenever there is a subject change. Change in the scenario. New character dialogue. A new character or action introduced. And new actions.


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An Um
21:33 Jan 30, 2021

Keep up the good content 👍


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Patrick H
20:31 Jan 30, 2021

Hmmm... the writing style seems to fit the "stressed out" nature of the main character.


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Adan Fatima
23:38 Jan 26, 2021

the title is very interesting and chraming. And the story is interesting and charming as well. themes that are explore by you in the story are really good. Really enjoy your story.....keep it up!!


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Waqas Shah
06:24 Jan 26, 2021

Well written 👍


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QuratulAin Alam
12:53 Jan 25, 2021



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Aamir Wahhed
12:33 Jan 25, 2021

Creative writting leasson has to learn from the that be possitive and helping for the sibling even others infact you are helping yoyrself by helping others so for me the positive point is helping others helps you a lot in the successful future of you own.


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Techno Insider
12:14 Jan 25, 2021

Great 👏👏


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Haram Haider
11:08 Jan 25, 2021

Impressive... Excellent story


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Muhammad Umer
10:53 Jan 25, 2021

Great story the i think the writer made a very good point that the support of your and your siblings helps you alot to be successful in your life


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Aqsa Qamar
10:30 Jan 25, 2021

Good effort Rimsha


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Anosha Tung
10:03 Jan 25, 2021

Well written😍👍


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Bilal Subhani
09:27 Jan 25, 2021

Well written 👏👍


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Ejaz Randhawa
09:20 Jan 25, 2021

Very well 😊


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Yaari Basra
09:09 Jan 25, 2021

Very well written


Rimsha Azeem
09:19 Jan 25, 2021



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Saniya Khakwany
09:04 Jan 25, 2021

very well written


Rimsha Azeem
09:19 Jan 25, 2021



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Hina Ijaz
12:59 Jan 24, 2021

Great effort!!!👏


Rimsha Azeem
09:01 Jan 25, 2021



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Fiza Ilyas
16:24 Jan 23, 2021

very well written👍


Rimsha Azeem
18:46 Jan 23, 2021



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Rida Fatima
21:33 Jan 22, 2021

Excellent work.❤


Rimsha Azeem
18:46 Jan 23, 2021



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Unknown User
08:35 Feb 27, 2021

<removed by user>


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