Julie's New Cat

Written in response to: "Write a story including the line “I can’t say it.”"

Friendship Kids Sad

Chapter 1

Julie had just moved into her home. A home she had worked hard to save for years. But with this home came with an added bonus: a cat. The black and tan tabby appeared a few days after she had finally moved everything in. The morning that changed everything was the morning she was sitting on a chair overlooking the railway cars beyond the fence. She was sipping her coffee and imagining how to arrange her home when she heard a meow.

Not knowing where it was coming from, she called out ‘here kitty kitty,” But she saw nothing as she walked around the house. For a moment she thought she was imagining it. But the moment she walked back to her front door, there it was - A black and tan tabby.

Well, there you are,” Julie smiled as she bent down holding her hand out so the tabby could sniff. That was until the feline came close and circled her legs meowing.

SO, you are the friendly sort,” she said, now scratching the cat behind the ears. When she stopped and stood, the cat lifted up on her hind legs and stretched up as far as she could on Julie’s legs.

Laughing, Julie reached down and continued to pat the cat, ‘Do you have a collar?” She asked more to herself than the cat. Then she felt it and read it.

The tag read ‘Emily Jinkens 209 Singer drive.’ “Well, you are in the right house. But I’m not Emily.” Julie said not knowing what to do so she sat the cat back on the ground. Suddenly the sun disappeared behind a cloud. As she looked up at the sky, she saw the clouds rolling in and they were darkening. “Well, I can’t let you stay outside if there’s a storm forming now, can I? Come on. ‘She said, slapping her hand against her leg. “I think I can find you shelter for a bit, at least until we find your owner.”

As they went inside, she closed the door behind her and headed into the kitchen. Before she called the vet who was listed on the tag, she gave the cat a bowl of milk. As she dialed the vet, she watched as the cat lapped up the milk. “Hello, my name is Julie Marx and I just moved into the house on Singer drive…. Well, the reason I am calling is because I found, well a cat found me with a tag that had this address and the name Emily Jenkins,”

After listening to the receptionist for a few minutes, she spoke again. “Yes, I can hold.” Emily said, moving the mouthpiece below her chin. “Did you get enough?” She said looking down at Tabby. “Oh, hello, yes I can bring her in.” Emily said, jotting down the address and how to get there since she had just moved to town. ‘I’d hate to see the cat and owner apart any longer than they have to be. This afternoon sounds great, see you soon.” And with that, both parties hung up.

Well little one, we are going to see if we can find your owner.” Julie said, looking down at the hungry Tabby who went back to devouring the milk. Since she didn’t have a carrier, she had to find a box to transport the cat. Or at least to carry Tabby into the vets. 

Chapter 2

Moments later Julie and Tabby were entering the vet's office and going up to the receptionist, "Hello, my name is Julie. I phoned the vet " a few minutes ago regarding a cat I found on my porch.”

Ahh yes. We were expecting you, go ahead and have a seat. I’ll let her know you are here.” The woman behind the counter said.

Thank you,” Julie said, turning to find a seat. Julie didn’t have to wait long as the inner door opened and there stood a woman in a white lab coat. “Julie?” She said looking round the room.

Here,” Julie said, standing and lifting the box with Tabby inside. Within minutes both women were in an exam room and Julie opened the box allowing the cat to exit.

Tabby was cautious at first as she ventured out but the minute she saw the vet, she quickly hurried to her.

Hey there Tabby. I hear you are looking for Emily. Let’s see if we can find her for you.” Within minutes the vet lifted the cat and carried her to the counter where she lifted a device known as a chip identifier to see what they could find. Within minutes she had moved the wand over the fir and almost immediately there was a beep. And the information came up on the screen. Emily Jenkins 209 Singer drive phone number….”

Well let’s give the family a call and see what they say.” The Vet said handing Tabby back to Julie before she picked up the office phone.

After three rings someone answered, “Hello?”

Hello, my name is Dr. Royce, I’m a vet here in town.…’

Oh, Okay?” The woman said slowly and questionably.” How can I help you?”

” I don’t know if you remember me, but a cat was found this morning, and she has a chip with the name Emily and an address on it.”


Hello?” Dr. Royce said after a moment. “Are you still there?”

Yes, we’re still here Dr. Royce.” a man now answered. “I’m sorry for the silence, but a few months ago Emily passed away from a car accident. Tabby was also in the car, escaped. We stayed in the house for a few weeks after that in case she came home. But she didn’t. So, we moved. We just couldn’t stay there. You understand.”

“Yes, I can.” Dr. Royce answered. “Well, I’m happy to report Tabby did find her way home. Is there a way we can-”

I’m glad she’s safe, but we can’t take her back. It’s just too painful.” And to drive that point home crying was heard in the background.

I can’t say it doesn’t make sense, but it does. I do understand and wish you both well.” Dr. Royce looked at Julie with raised eyebrows.

Thank you, maybe the new owner can care for her. The cat would only open wounds that were hard to close.” He said matter of factly.

Now taken aback, the vet and Julie did not know what to say. “Umm, okay, I will take your name out of our system.” The Vet said before hanging up a few minutes later.

Well, you heard him,” Dr. Royce said after hitting the speaker button and hanging up.

Yea and I really don’t blame them, but you think you would want to have the cat she cherished.

I agree. But we have to respect their wishes.” Dr. Royce said after hanging up. “And it does seem that the cat is fond of you, so are you willing to adopt a cat?” She asked as Tabby began nudging Julie’s hand trying to get her to pat her, “Clearly she likes you.” The vet said watching the tabby.

Well, I can’t say it. I can’t say no. The little one did travel from wherever back to the home she knew, and she seems happy and comfortable with me. At least so far. Yea let’s do whatever we need to. Will it be hard to change the information on the chip?

Not at all, I have the information the chip company needs and can do it for you. And while I do that, I can check her out making sure she is healthy.”

Awesome, thank you. I’ll call you tomorrow and see when I can bring her home. It will give me time to shop and buy the things she will need.”

Wonderful, I will talk to you then.” And with that the two women parted.

The end. 

Posted Feb 22, 2024

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