From One Heartbeat to the Next

Submitted into Contest #261 in response to: Write a story in the form of a series of thank you cards.... view prompt


Sad Drama Friendship


Dear Carol,

Sorry for the cheesy card, I just wanted to send you a note of thanks for meeting with me today, and since we’ve only just met, this seemed most appropriate. I’m still not sure about calling you “Carol”, as it seems little informal, but here I am, giving it a shot. Anyway, thanks again.


Andi Johnson


Dear Carol,

Sorry again for yet another cheese-tastic card, but you said you really liked the last one, so I figured I’d stick with the theme. I’ll admit, I was a little hesitant about you meeting my family today, but things went SO much better than I could’ve expected, and it’s made me excited and hopeful about our future together.

I’m sorry about my dad being so overbearing, and thank you for your patience with my mom and her endless questions. I know they tend to come on a little strong, but it’s how they show they care. Hopefully the next time we get together, they’ll have settled down a little (or a LOT!)


Andi J.


Dear Carol,

Maybe this should be an “I’m sorry” card, I don’t know. Anyway, I know I wasn’t at my best today, but thank you for keeping it together despite my outburst. I don’t have much else to say right now, just thank you, and I really am sorry. I’ll try to do better.




Dear Carol,


I couldn’t believe the results myself, but I followed your plan and recommendations, and they worked!!! I’ll admit, there were times where I wasn’t sure it was a possibility, but here we are! I wish I were there to give you a big hug right now, but I suppose this card will have to do until we meet again.

Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Dear Carol,

I know, I know, you said we’d have to stay connected and that it’s just a formality, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a bundle of nerves. Even though you’ve assured me that it’s not the case, coming back and doing this feels like starting all over again, like doing so will somehow make it a reality.

I’ll admit; there was a point where I almost canceled, but I realized that doing so would be silly and that hiding from it wouldn’t make it go away. Knowing I’d get to chat with you again though made it well-worth it, so what I’m trying to say through all of my babbling is, thank you. Thank you for being my motivator, even when my worries got the best of me. Thank you for being a constant source of reassurance, and thank you for staying true to your word that, no matter what, you’d be here for me through everything.

Thank you, you truly are a peach!




Dear Carol,

I think you and I may take some dance lessons, because our celebratory dancing is terrible! Even so, thank you for some of the BEST news I’ve received in a very long time!!! There is NO way I could’ve made it through all of this without you; you truly are one-of-a-kind! Here’s hoping our future encounters are few and far-between!

Thank you,



Dear Carol,

Probably not the best of circumstances for a cheesy card, but I needed something happy to think about, and this provided a little distraction. I’m not sure what to say here now that I’m putting pen to paper, but I’ve been staring down this card for a week and figured it’s time to get it off of my desk and into the mailbox.

After our last meeting, when I was told I was still in remission, I thought I could finally move on with my life. I never expected to be back to this again. Thank you for giving me a hug and just letting me cry. I don’t know that a lot of others would’ve done so, but you let me slobber and wheeze into your shoulder and didn’t even bat an eye, so thank you for that.




Dear Carol,

Today was…weird, to say the least, but you made it so much better when I walked into your office to find you wearing a rainbow-colored clown wig. I know you said this round of treatments would have to be more aggressive, but it just feels different and a lot scarier this time, and picking out my new hair only added to that.

I’m trying to do my best to do what you told me to do all along so I don’t get so overwhelmed, and take things a little at a time.

First, start by taking things from one heartbeat to the next. Second, from one breath to the next. After that, one moment to the next, one second, then one minute, and next thing you know, you’re writing a goofy card and walking it to the mailbox, just like any other day. I know I keep saying this, but I truly could not get through this without you.

Thank you for being here and making me feel like I’m not going through this alone.

Thank you,


🪻(Blank Inside)

Dear Carol,

Even though we see each other for treatments, I figured it had been some time since I’d written to you, and I just wanted to send a reminder of how much I appreciate you. I’m sorry this isn’t as fun as my other cards, but I haven’t been able to get out to shop recently, and this is all I had on hand, so hopefully it’ll do.

Thank you,



Dear Carol,

Cancer sucks, but you’re awesome. Thanks for being awesome.

That is all.



Dear Carol,

It’s been getting harder to write, as I’m so tired all the time. I asked my mom to get a card for me and tried to tell her what I had in mind, but this is what she picked out. Not quite what I was going for, but she did her best, so I appreciate the effort.

I’m not giving up hope, and I’m still fighting, but, well, I’d never say this to my parents because I hate seeing them sad, but let me put it this way: I don’t know how many thank-you cards I have left in me. Every day seems a little bit harder, but I’m still doing what you’ve been saying all along - one heartbeat to the next.

Anyway, even if this does turn out to be my last card, I just wanted to make sure I told you one more time how much I appreciate you and how great you’ve been through all of this.

Thank you for everything,



Dr. Carol Sanders,

Thank you for all you’ve done for us throughout this journey and for the support you provided us and our dear Andi during this process. Trying to move forward now with just the two of us hasn’t been easy, and there are days where it feels nearly impossible to get from one moment to the next, but we’re doing the best we can, remembering what you’ve told us: Start by getting from one heartbeat to the next, then from one breath to the next. Then it’s from one second to the next, one minute to the next, and so on.

We will forever be grateful to you for giving us as much time as we had with Andi, and we appreciate how you always kept our spirits uplifted, despite the circumstances. Thank you.


Bill and Laura Johnson

July 29, 2024 01:38

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