Contemporary Fiction Drama

Sally and Fred were an unusual couple. Though they were a matched pair, their outlooks were very different. Sally was open and friendly whereas Fred was usually withdrawn and taciturn. She wanted to visit places of tourist interest whereas he liked to stay home. He was almost a cynic while she was an optimist. He was an academic in a college whereas she worked in a 9 to 5 job with a firm of auditors. While she wasn’t interested in sports he was fond of frequenting the gym, the swimming pool and basketball court.

It was nearing a year after their wedding and Sally looked forward to celebrating the anniversary and the holiday season thereafter but he showed no interest. That day when she asked him about his plans he merely said “I’m ordering the cake.”

“How about inviting friends?”

“Not too enthusiastic about that. We should celebrate quietly.”

“The firm I work for has given me 10 days off and the university also has furlough for you.”

He said “It is basketball season and there will be a number of matches. Also I’ve become a trainer and umpire. The matches will be exciting. You should also come and watch.”

She sighed as she said to herself ‘as usual I see the doughnut whereas he sees only the hole!’

After some thought she said “I had in mind a quiet wedding anniversary but was thinking of going somewhere sightseeing during the holiday.”

“What is there to see? Earth is everywhere the same. Mountain, river, lake and so on. Of course there will be man-made structures in between to suit individual societies.”

She was angry but didn’t show it. She asked “Why do people climb mountains?”

“It is madness. In due course the mountains will crumble to dust.”

“You’re a wise guy and have an answer to everything! I sometimes wonder why you got married.”

He laughed and said “Don’t find fault with me! It was an arranged marriage. You must seek answers from our parents!”  After a pause he said “What does it matter if we don’t go round seeing places? I suggested that you watch the basket ball matches instead.” He sighed and said “Tell me what is on your mind. Where do we go?”

She felt she had overcome some of his inhibition to travel and said “I was thinking of going to Muga Muga. Of course I’ve been there once when I had accompanied my parents there.”

“Nothing would’ve changed. Seen it once you’ve seen it all.”

“I feel there is something wrong with your reasoning. You weren’t there when I went last. It would be a new experience for me to see it with you. I will make pictures and preserve them for the future.”

“I can tell you I never look at old pics. Muga Muga wouldn’t have changed. The pictures of the island and of the quey and of the mountain on top can all be seen any time on our TV. Anyway now that you say you want to see the island again let us go there. I haven’t been there at all though it is so close. The famous aboriginal painter Sam Mugwump it seems made paintings of the island almost 2 centuries ago.  But I’ve read that he had made many more of female aboriginals. When we go there we’ll see the bare breasted beauties he had captured on easel.”

“It seems he had given some of his paintings to friends and admirers. Do you know how much they are worth today?”

He laughed and said “I’ve neither the money nor the intention to acquire such paintings.”

“They’re worth a fortune.”

He asked “What would you say to my framing one of the reproductions of his pictures and nailing it to this wall?”

“Of course I’ve seen them and wouldn’t approve of your displaying one of them. You’re forever teasing me.”

He said “We’ve to take a flight to Kuku which is 200 km away. From there we take the ferry for the one hour or so journey over the sea to Muga Muga. We’ll be back in Kuku latest by the evening. Alright we will do it. I’ll book the tickets once the dates are decided.”

Sally was very happy. She wanted to tell him that an addition to the family had started but thought she would announce it on Muga Muga.

 The trip started off well. The ship had the usual large tally of tourists and they landed in Muga Muga at 8 in the morning.  Sally made closeups and selfies.

Fred said “The place looks a jungle alright but the women around seem clad like anywhere else. Civilizing moves and the effect of missionaries I assume.” He added “I can get this golf cart to go near those plants. I’m sure you can pose like one of the models used by Mugwump. You’ll look svelte. I can’t paint but can shoot you with my camera.”

She said “I won’t allow it despite the liberties you’ve taken due to which a new life has started.”

He was very happy to hear what she had said. They went round looking at the few monuments and the picture gallery of Mugwump’s paintings .She refused to accompany him inside the gallery.

He said “Shared memories! Okay. You stay in the quey’s bar. I’ll go for a swim. I see some people in the water.”

He drew on his swimming trunks and in moments was off in the water in broad sunshine. Hearing about his approaching fatherhood he was in great spirits. He went a long distance when he saw a young woman ahead. At the same time he saw the looming great shape come into view. He was sure the woman wouldn’t have heard his scream. But then he saw the big fish disappear and the woman sinking. He rushed towards her and saw she had lost consciousness. He dragged her up and soon was on the quey where a crowd had gathered.

A native doctor said “The girl has lost two of the end phalanxes of her left hand. Luckily the shark has not dragged her into the water. She is lucky to be alive.”

Fred said “A dolphin chased the shark away.”

The quey officer said “She is the daughter of Sam Renshaw president of the 7 star Excelsior Hotels  world-wide. Here he comes.”

The big man in a wide straw brimmed hat came and shook hands with Fred. “Thank you for saving my daughter. As my reward you will get to stay at any Excelsior hotel anywhere in the world for 30 days totally free of charge.”

Fred said “Thanks” as somebody produced a TV camera and shot the scene.

On the way back by ship Sally said “We must plan the 7 star trip.”

He was unenthusiastic as he nodded.


December 24, 2022 11:34

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