Drama Fiction

"I don't want to" I complained trying to pull my arm from Natalie's viper like grip while trying not to drop my books

"it'll be fun," she said pulling me down the sidewalk towards her house "we can wear costumes and meet cute boys"

I made a gagging noise "yuck"

"oh don't pretend you don't know a single guy in our class you like" she was totally fangirling now "ooh what about Johnathan, he's a total jock or Liam ooh Liam is sooooooo hot"

I shook my head "I don't want to go to Stephanie's stupid party and I don't want a boyfriend"

Nat huffed but kept talking, listing all the cute boys in our class. I tuned her out and kept walking, keeping my eyes on the ground.

I didn't notice that she stopped suddenly and kept walking. I walked straight into someone and fell over scattering my books all over the sidewalk. I scrambled to my feet and collected my books again mumbling apologies under my breath not bothering to look at who I ran into until we both reached for my last book. I grabbed it and stood up nose to nose with Aiden, the school's star QB, and Stephenie's boyfriend. I gasped and took a step back tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear and looking the other way.

"sorry" I mumbled and took a step to the left at the same time he apologized and took a step in the same direction. keeping my head down I pushed past him and kept walking, turning into Natalie's driveway. I walked up and leaned against her garage door. she wasn't very far behind me. as soon as I was in earshot she started blabbing about how cute he was and how we had 'totally had a moment'

"he has a girlfriend Nat," I said "besides he's probably just an annoying jerk like most guys" I tried to sound annoyed but Natalie must have picked up on a hit of disappointment in my tone, she was really good at reading people, she plopped down beside me and leaned he head on my shoulder

"you know you can't hide your feelings from your best friend"

I sighed and looked at her "ok you got me he's cute" her high-pitched squeal cut me off and I clapped a hand over her mouth. she licked it and I recoiled

"I knew it I knew it I knew" she was jumping up and down dancing on the driveway

"NAT, NAT STOP" I hissed but she didn't, I rolled my eyes getting up too, chasing her around the driveway laughing until she finally stopped. we were both out of breath as we walked in her front door

The next day at school everyone was talking about Stephenie's upcoming Halloween party, well not really the party more like what they were going to wear and which boys they hoped would ask them to dance, me and Nat walked down the hallway she was blabbing her big mouth and I was barely listening like always. The noise in the hallway got louder but I was too busy staring at the floor drawing the least amount of attention to myself as possible. Natalie grabbed my arm and tried to pull me out of the hall but it was too late. I hadn't noticed the football players had started down the hall rallying the crowd on the edges of the hallway and I ran right into Aiden, again.

"Well hello again," he said a smile tugging on the corner of his mouth "we've got to stop running into each other like this"

he helps me to my feet but I keep my eyes on the ground, I can hear quiet laughter and feel the eyes of every kid in the hallway on the back of my head.

"Yeah" I mutter, keeping my eyes on the floor, heat rising in my cheeks. He lifts my chin and our eyes meet for a second too long. I gasp and pull away grabbing Natalie and pulling her into the nearest bathroom and locking the stall door. gasping and out of breath I slump against the wall Natalie is smiling at me but before she can say anything I blurt

"what the heck was that, doesn't he have a girlfriend, why, every time we meet it's me running into him" I would have gone on but Natalie cuts me off

"that was destiny, you would know if you bothered to check your messages that he dumped Stephenie this morning because she was a self-centered jerk face, and you keep running into him because you're destined to be together"

"I don't know about that-"

she cuts me off again " oh my god! I just had a brilliant idea"

I roll my eyes

"Oh come on I know you're wondering what my amazing idea is"

"no, not really"

"I'll tell you anyway" she walks over and pulls me up "imagine you at Stephanie's party dressed in a beautiful dress dancing all night with Aiden, your prince charming!" she squeals and I cover my ears

"not happening"

"I'll make it happen because you deserve a prince charming"

walking to nats house after school I can barely tolerate her. she won't stop talking about how she is going to get me the best dress and make sure Aiden and I dance

"nat!" I blurt finally "if I go to the dance will you stop talking"

"yes!" she squeaks then covers her mouth. the rest of the way to her house was quiet and peaceful but as soon as we walked in the door she pulling me up to her room rattling off a bunch of online shopping sites that we could order a dress off of

"well Ineedadress.com is good ooh we could get one from partydressnow.org or prom.com"

She sits down at the computer and starts shopping. In about 5 minutes she's picked out at least 20 dresses for me to choose from. she shoves the computer at my chest and I start scrolling through the dresses she picked, I see a blood-red ball gown with a devil horn headband and a beaded white dress with angel wings there are blue dresses with crowns and pink ones with bangle up to elbows and a necklace with rubies I narrow it down to the white angel dress and a baby blue dress with a tight bodice poofy skirt and shawl I show them to nat and she looks disappointed

"oh, I was hoping you would pick the pink one with and the cool jewelry"

"That's a bit too flashy for me, which of these do you like?" she points to the white one and we order it.

the days leading up to the party are long and boring but the dress fits perfectly and according to nat I look like a princess. the night before the party we do each other's hair and makeup and her mom gives us a ride. walking into the ballroom is a moment I'll never forget. standing at the top of the stairs looking down at the dance floor all the colorful dresses and costumes just as a slow song starts to play I don't notice Natalie sliding away, a big grin on her face because I spot Aiden in a blue tux with a gold plastic crown sitting lopsided on his head. we lock eyes as I start down the stairs he breaks away from the group of guys he was talking to without looking away I hold his gaze as everyone in the room turns to stare he walks up the stairs and meets me halfway dipping into a deep bow he asks me to dance. everyone is staring at us as we twirl around the dance floor. the music fades and he dips me leaning closer and closer. I feel his warm breath on my face, his hand in my hair, our noses touch then our lips, and everything disappears I feel only the kiss only his perfect lips on mine. he gently pulls away and grins spreading across his face

"you don't know how long I've been waiting for that," he says

May 10, 2021 16:07

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I do like your stories! I was wondering what your goals are in your writing, like do you want to publish, and you're using Reedsy to kickstart your career? Do you just like writing and want to share your stories? Thank you! And there is a way to edit mistakes under "edit story", if you get too many comments about changing grammar.


Claire Huettl
21:30 May 12, 2021

thank you ❤️ I just like writing and want to share you cant edit a story after it's been approved for a contest (thanks for reading my bio)


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19:06 May 11, 2021

OMG THIS IS SO GOOD😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍


Claire Huettl
15:40 May 12, 2021

awe thanks ❤️


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Maddy Writes
17:39 May 11, 2021



Claire Huettl
17:41 May 11, 2021

awe thanks! ❤️


Maddy Writes
18:24 May 13, 2021

Of course!!! :)


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Charlie Murphy
20:44 May 20, 2021

Great story! Why is the ending rushed?


Claire Huettl
17:11 May 24, 2021

thanks because i was running out of time


Charlie Murphy
17:21 May 24, 2021

You ;know you can edit before it gets approved, right?


Claire Huettl
18:50 May 24, 2021

yes but I was really busy that week I had time for the contest deadline but I had a lot of other stuff going on


Charlie Murphy
18:53 May 24, 2021

Oh, I'm sorry


Claire Huettl
19:46 May 26, 2021

your fine


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23:04 May 19, 2021

Great job describing everything that was happening and they were feeling. 🎉


Claire Huettl
14:10 May 20, 2021



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