Drama Fiction Crime

This story contains themes or mentions of physical violence, gore, or abuse.

“Stop squirming and tell me where to find Peter Huyin” the tiny little blonde girl tied up in a chair starts crying. Bianca isn’t 100% sure it’s Peter’s niece, but she doesn’t care enough to double check. The girl stays dead silent, afraid to speak. Her eyes fill up with tears “I’ll ask one more time where he is before I lock you and your little pigtails down here in this dark lonely basement forever. Now where is Peter!?” Bianca yanks a knife out her boot and the girl nearly soils herself. Reluctantly in her frightened and shy voice the girl responds “He’s at the c-coffee shop that’s where he goes every day at 2:00pm.” She’s stuttering on the verge of tears. “Can I please go now?” . “Next time a stranger is driving a big bright pink van try to avoid them, chick, now leave.” Bianca hadn’t bothered to ask her name. She laughs as she begins slowly untying the little girl, purposely taking her time. Once she’s let go she frantically runs out of the basement as Bianca smirks to herself. I hadn’t expected it to be so easy to find out Peter’s location, is it really, her mind wonders.

Bianca always goes straight in for the kill when finding her victims, but this time she has to do it differently. When Bianca first met the man who hired her it was at the gas station. That was redflag number one, an odd place to meet. Then he gave her specific instructions which was to assassinate Peter right in front of him. She honestly thought he was high or just mentally not there, so she wasn’t gonna ask many questions.

Bianca walks into the coffee shop looking for Peter, she scans the room and sees nothing. She heads towards the tables hoping to find him there, and then she sees someone familiar looking. She’s seen his face before she knows it. “Excuse me, I'm looking for Peter. Do you know him?” The guy has a concerned look on his face “That would be me, can I help you?” Bianca quickly examines him. About 5’7, black eyes, light brown hair, that's her guy 

 “Hi Peter, Im Bianca we were supposed to meet here for a date right?” Peter pauses and looks around then down at his phone and starts typing almost as if he were waiting to see someone. “Is this some kind of prank because I definitely don’t remember asking you out.” Realizing she needs to think quickly she starts giggling and coming up with an excuse “You caught me, you didn’t ask me out, I’m Bianca and I just wanted to get to know you.” “Bianca… nice to meet you Bianca, and sure why not. There's a table over there we can share” .

”So Peter, what kind of work do you do?” “Oh well I don’t usually talk about my job, but I do accounting.” He’s lying, she’s staring at Peter’s social media profile which says unemployed. The two continue to talk for a while, until Bianca feels like it’s time to execute her plan. She asks about a second date with a fake smile plastered on her face. She awaits his response, if he says yes it’ll be the perfect time to commit the murder. “I would feel amazing about that. How about we go to the movies?” “Movies, sounds great!”

 Once Bianca gets into her car she starts making sure Peter isn’t watching. She takes out her phone to call the man who hired her. “Look I got Peter locked in, meet me and him at the movies Saturday afternoon 4:30.” “Ok I’ll be there, but be careful killing this kid, he’s a hard target.” “Don’t worry I’ll be fine, Bianca Roosevelt always does her research.” As the man hangs up Bianca notices a chuckle, but she doesn’t put much thought into it. She drives away planning the murder in her head. 

Saturday rolls around and Bianca and Peter are both getting ready to go. Although they are both imagining the evening very differently. They wait in the line to get snacks, and Bianca starts looking around to find the man. Apparently she’s making it obvious “Bianca, are you looking for something you keep glancing at the door.” “No, I’m just trying to see if anyone I know is coming in.” Right then he walks through the door. She gives him a thumbs up letting the guy know that she had Peter and mid-way through the movie Bianca texts him. “Come to the lobby area, I'm doing it now.” Bianca gets up from

 her seat and asks Peter to come walk her to the bathroom. She strolls out so innocently.

As she pulls out a knife Peter pins her to the wall and snatches the knife right from her palm. The man who hired Bianca comes out of the shadows nodding “Good work boy.” 

2 weeks ago Peter Junior was sitting on the couch. His eyes involuntarily glued to the TV. He wanted to move, but he couldn't or at least that’s how he felt. It was too hard for him, it felt as if he was melting into his spot, molding a lasting dent in the cushion. He hadn’t moved for 4 days, he hadn’t eaten anything but pizza. He hadn’t showered, brushed his teeth, or stopped watching tv. He took his mothers death really hard. Then he got a call. Interesting considering he hadn’t talked to anyone for a week. 

“Hello… who’s this?” his voice was scratchy and his mouth was dry when he picked up. “I know who did it, PJ. I know. I know. I know. I know!” whoevers on this other line clearly hadn't slept in days. He was about to hang up, but then “It’s your dad. It wasn’t an accident… She was killed. Your mother. Killed! Killed!.” “Woah dad slow down. Why tell me this? To make me feel worse? What do you want from me?” he paused for a short second “Revenge! Not on you, on her.” When PJ heard the word revenge he lit up. He thought there was no one to blame for his mom’s death, now there was. “Tell me more… what do you need me to do?” no matter what it is he’ll do it “On Thursday go to the coffee shop in Miami. You’ll meet Bianca who foolishly believes she’s gonna kill you. Tell me when you see her I’ll tell you what to do from there” 

Once that day rolled around Peter was more than ready for it. He notified his dad immediately when he saw her and of course said yes to the second date.“Peter I have to pee, go to the bathroom with me?” He smirks knowing what's coming. PJ grabs Bianca’s hand and slowly walks out waiting for her to take out her weapon. It all happened so fast but now here he was, with a knife and the woman who took his mother away from him pinned on the wall.

Bianca’s face turns red practically looking like a tomato “Oh Bianca Bianca Bianca… did you really expect to kill me? Well here’s a secret: this whole thing was planned. From my so-called niece you trapped in the basement, I hired her. Oh by the way, I'm a junior. Peter Jr or PJ. The man who hired Bianca comes out from the corner. So that’s why she thought PJ’s face was familiar. “I’m Peter, his father. You think you're so sly killing everyone huh. You think it's funny how you can just murder people and get away with it. You killed my wife!

Bianca starts to laugh villainously . “Do you think I’m stupid Peter? I figured out your little plan when I met your son.” “I'm an accountant, oh please such an obvious lie” She says with a mocking face. .”Let’s see, was your wife’s name Samantha? Samantha Huyin,, 1 kid Peter Junior Huyin, Spouse, Peter Huyin, Parents, Debra and Xander Fredrick.” PJ and his father’s face both go white. “I have pictures and everything. Didn’t I tell you that Bianca Roosevelt always does her research. You're the victim here, you and your dumb son!”PJ takes the knife he snatched from Bianca and attempts to stab her “It’s fake hun. Aww someone wanted to kill me. Come on.”

She yanked a sharp knife out of her boot and shoved it right into PJ’s chest. Over and over again

 “Well Peter you got what you asked, he died right in front of you didn’t he.” Bianca smiles at Peter maliciously “Come here… I don’t bite” Bianca yanks the bloody knife out of PJ’ chest and grips it in her hand. “This might hurt” He falls to the floor as Bianca stabs him with the same knife she used on his son. Bianca stomps on Peter’s now lifeless body.

She walks out of the movie theater with blood stains on her shirt and a smile.

September 13, 2024 17:01

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