High School Inspirational Teens & Young Adult

Sidra is a 16 years old Muslim girl who studies at Neva Bassett's International School, New York. Her birthday is on 24 September and she is a Libra. She got a scholarship to study there. She belongs to a big poor family back in London.

She is a normal teenage girl, living normally in her international boarding school. She have 3 roommates, Lia, Olivia and Sam. They thought they were living a normal life, but it all changes until one day, Sidra bumped into a teacher.

Sidra: I'm so sorry Mrs Walker! *bows to take Mrs Walker's files that fell*

Sidra: *Accidentally looks at the file's title*

File: *Written: Lack of Funding and Possibility Rate of School Closing*

Mrs Walker: Thank you. What's your name?

Sidra: Sidra.

Mrs Walker: Thank you, Sidra. *Walks away*

Sidra was shocked. As soon as she got into her room, she told her roommates straight away. Sidra and Lia planned to meet the headmistress and ask about the school while Olivia and Sam observe every place in the school.

As soon as Sidra wake up, she took her cardigan, her beret and her backpack and wore them. She took the bus (the dorm is 10 minutes away from the school) to the school while enjoying the autumn view. During lunch, their plan was run. Sidra and Lia walked to the headmistress's room and knocked the doors.

Headmistress: Hello young girls. What do you want?

Lia: Don't close the school.

Sidra: Please.

Headmistress: How do you know?

Lia: Just please don't close the school. Sidra is just a kid who comes from a poor family who got lucky and got scholarship. If she loses this school, her parents can't support her studies and she can't change her family's destiny! There are many students, in this school that is just like her.

Headmistress: Okay, any plans? I'm all ears.

Sidra: We'd like to do fundraising activities in this school area. If you're okay with that.

Headmistress: Have you guys planned?

Lia: Yeah, we've planned. We should ask the clubs in this school to do shows and the other students and parents can go to the show.

Headmistress: Okay then. Just discuss the date with me later.

Olivia and Sam is walking around the school exploring the areas and details. They met in the canteen and was celebrating it. At their room, they started printing posters to put around the school. Olivia was on her way to get poster stuffs.

While they were printing and celebrating, Sidra got a call from her brother.

Brother: Sidra, I’ve to tell you something.

Sidra: What is it?

Brother: Dad is sick.

Sidra: What??!

Brother: Dad is in a coma ‘cause he got a heart attack.

Sidra: *Cries and hangs up*

Sidra: *Texts dad*

“Dad, I hope ur ok.”

At that time, Olivia was driving (her house is close) to a stationery shop to buy stuffs for that poster. She was vibing to pop songs in the car and she was pretty much distracted. She didn't saw a lorry coming close to her car. Once she realized the lorry, it was too late. And in a blink, the lorry crashed into her car. She was so conscious when the lorry hit her car. By the time the ambulance arrived, she almost fainted. Luckily, she survived with a few broken bones.

While they were comforting Sidra, they got a call from Olivia's mom. The surrounding become more sadder and darker. They took a taxi to the hospital. Olivia said they should continue without her. After a long talk, they went back to their dorm.

Sidra: I hope you're okay, Liv.

The next day, their plan was executed. Each of them walks around the school and pastes the poster. Of course, they saw students impressed when reading the poster.

The next day, they continued pasting posters but they realized the posters that they pasted were gone. They were dissapointed.

Sidra: We can't stop now! We're so close.

Sam: This is getting harder.

Lia: Calm down, guys.

Sidra: We can't fail guys! If I lose this school I'm nothing! *Cries*

Lia: Don't cry, Sidra. I have a plan.

Sidra: What is the plan?

Lia: We'll stay for the night and-

Sam: Catch the person that did this!

Lia: Exactly.

Night came and they hid in their spots. To their surprise, a familliar guys came and they catched him. It was the headmister from the neighbouring international school, Mr Sparks. He wanted the school to close and he confessed that he always steal a lot of money from the headmistress's room. They sent him to the police station and left him there with the cops.

After weeks, the day came.

Sidra was setting the chairs and she suddenly got a text.

“Brother: Dad left us.”

Sidra was shocked and started tearing up. Her friends came and asked her what’s wrong. She said they should continue working on the show.

A few hours later, the show started. Before anything, Sam invited Sidra to give a speech. Sidra declined but at the end she’s standing at the stage.

“I know, you all are here for the show. But this show is to help this school. Thank you, Olivia for the things you gotta go through to help me. I come from a poor family and are lucky to get this scholarship. My dad is sick and-“

She stopped and started tearing up.

“My dad died a few hours before this show. If I lost this school I can’t change my family’s fate. All I want is the best for my family and I’m the youngest so I am the only one who can change my fate. Me and my family's fate. To dad, hope you’re okay.”

She cried and bow while the other applause and some of them crying.

Before the show ended, the students that were involved will march together and say bye together. Sam, Olivia, Lia and Sidra hugged while crying tears of joy at the stage.

The audiences clapped cheerfully.

At the end, their fundraising is successful.

“Dad, I hope ur ok.”

June 14, 2021 07:24

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