Fiction LGBTQ+

My girlfriend is with a bit of a "hot and cold" personality. You see, one moment they could be perfect. They feel attention and attraction. It can feel intense. I, being her girlfriend, try to make sure that she feels very loved. I can feel very intense for her. But in the col phase, she pulls away, making her crave my attention, and when she does have it she wants more. The results of this are making her feel frustrated or sad.

I love her, but the side effects of this affect everyone around her, including me. There was this one time when she was having a really hot moment. I felt almost addicted to her. As if she was the only thing I wanted or needed in life was her. Then, as if she flipped a switch, she was cold. And because I was already yearning for her, she skipped right to being frustrated and upset at me. Then it was like it was my fault that she was getting what she at that moment was not enough attention. Even though I was focused on nothing else.

She apologized the next day and I did too. Her parents warned me of this. They told me it could be a problem sometimes. They told me to move on and pick another girl that did not have this problem. I almost laughed in their faces. I was mad though, furious at them. I told them I didn't care. I love her, and I wanted only her. She moved out and we started to live together. Since then, I have experienced this happen every day. It's hard sometimes. But I decided that there is nothing I want more than her. Problematic personality and all. She walked out on her parents for me.

She does love me. She tells me every day. I couldn't imagine life without her. I make sure to give her attention, whether she's in a hot or cold moment. And I love her so much. But the thing is, she does have really embarrassing moments. I remember this one time in the mall she was having a really hot moment. I tried to calm her down and get the things we need and get out. But I must have gone too far to get her to calm down because she started to have a really cold moment. She started to cry. I had to put down what I was looking at and take her to the car and cradle her in the car until she got better.

I will never forget that day. Where she was crying in my arms. Where she was begging me to never leave her. To love her. And I agreed. And I rocked her back and forth, back and forth. It's tough to love someone with a personality like hers. But I love her anyway. And we fight this together. One step at a time. One switch from hot to cold at a time. And I'm not saying that's her entire personality, but that's a lot of it. There is just a lot of that in her personality. Yeah, there is a room temperature part to her too.

After a lot of things where she flips the switch, she can have a moment where she is completely neutral. This is where she loves me, I love her, etc. She can function perfectly normally for the majority of the time. In fact, she only has a hot-cold moment once or twice daily, depending on the day or what she's been up to that day. We're pretty good at keeping her neutral though. We've learned a few things to get around her problem.

For example, there are a few signals to me that she's going to have a moment. She's usually frozen up a little bit. In these moments, I sit her down and let her relax. I get her something to eat or drink. That usually helps her and she's able to calm herself down a little bit. It's much less intense when it happens. She's not crazy at all, she just gets a bit wild. Well, a bit more than wild. In fact, it's a very weird type of behavior. A very interesting behavior.

I can't really describe it very well. It's intense, especially if she hasn't rested before she has her moment. But I've grown to it. So when I asked her to marry me, she immediately said yes. I was so happy. A week later, we tied the knot by signing the marriage papers. We did not want to have a big thing. Our parents were both there at the quiet gathering. The reception was just us hanging out at the house. Our parents left and we grabbed our bags and went on our honeymoon.

We've been married for three years now. We have never had a stronger love for each other. We almost never fight. We're able to manage, even with her hot, cold, and neutral personality. We got a puppy a year ago and we live in the same apartment. Our puppy has learned to help my wife, even though her switches. We both make sure to take care of her. I love her so much, and cannot even imagine having a different wife. Have her any other way. We have got her help.

Yeah, she does go to therapy. We go together every Tuesday. Yeah, it's happened a few times in front of the therapist. The therapist has told me that she's seen this a few times before. She says that it's so hard on her loved ones. She says that she really needs me. That I can't leave her side. She needs me. And I don't. I know how much she loves me. I know how much she loves me. I know how much she needs me. I make sure to stay by her side. I make sure she's loved. I know how much she needs me. I know that I need her as much as she needs me. I love her, and I keep sticking by her, every day.

February 23, 2022 21:59

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