Fiction Friendship

Kerry checked and double checked the oven. She straightened her flower apron, took a breath, and opened the oven door. Almost ready now. Five more minutes, tops. Everything was going to be perfect. Perfect! 

She floated to the island in the center of her freshly cleaned kitchen, and grabbed the knife. Sharp. So very sharp. Of course she always sharpened her knives, to get the most precise cuts. And the act of it was relaxing to her. The even rhythm of sliding a knife back and forth, this way that way this way that way, was satisfying to Kerry. She gazed at her reflection in the knife’s metal and smiled. Deftly, she sliced cheese and arranged it carefully on the green plate already adorned with crackers. 

Back to the oven, she removed the tray of hot puff pastries and set them to cool on top. The wine was chilling, the appetizers were just about ready, and fifteen minutes until the guests would arrive. And because it’s a surprise for the guest of honor, she will arrive in 30 minutes. Today had been planned to the very minute! Months of preparation and thought went into how to execute the night flawlessly. And soon it would all pay off! 

Kerry untied her apron and neatly folded it into the first drawer near the oven. She grabbed a bottle of Pinot from the refrigerator and helped herself to (another) glass. A job well done, she told herself! 

Kerry had been friends with Amy fifteen years now. Ah, Amy. She touched the back pocket of her tight jean leggings where she had put her notes for the speech she was to make in Amy’s honor tonight. She didn’t want to miss a single thing! 

“Everything looks great, hon!” Paul said from behind her. He walked into the kitchen, stole a piece of cheese, and put it wholly into his mouth. 

“Thanks, sweetheart!” Kerry replied, taking another sip of wine. 

“You always throw the best parties. What time will everyone be here?” 

“We only have about 15 minutes before they should start arriving! It’s really going to be a great night. It’s been too long since everyone was able to make it. Dana has that new job, John is always traveling for work. Finally a night worked out for all our dear ones to come!” Kerry said with a smile. 

“I’m going to change my shirt before they get here. Be right back.” Paul said, and kissed Kerry on the cheek before disappearing upstairs. 

Paul and Kerry were married 17 years. When they first married, Kerry worked at a bank full-time. Paul was in financing, and worked his way up to the top quickly. No longer “having” to work, Kerry quit her job and devoted her days to keeping house, volunteering for charities and the library, and tending her garden. Amy had asked her years ago if she ever became bored with the housewife life. 

“I fill my time, believe me! There’s always something to do.” Kerry told her. 

Paul wanted children. Most of their friends had children. 

“It just wasn’t meant to be.” Kerry told her friends, family, and anyone who would listen.

The doorbell rang. The guests are arriving! Kerry hurriedly made her way to the door. 

“They’re here, Paul! They’re here!” She shouted up the stairs. 

“Greg! Lindsay! So glad you could make it!” Kerry said as she gave a quick hug to the first arrivals. 

More and more friends arrived, until the house was buzzing with laughter and chatter. The wine flowed, the stories of past adventures, the warmth of love throughout the rooms.

Then, as 7pm approached, Kerry dimmed the lights in anticipation of Amy and her husband, Tom, arriving. 

“Quiet! Quiet and gather in the dining room until I open the door!” Kerry laughed as she gave her instructions. 

As she opened the door for Amy and Tom, Paul threw on the lights and everyone yelled “Surprise!” to the unexpecting couple. 

“Oh you sneaky thing! How did you put this one past me? I had no idea!” Amy said as she hugged Kerry. 

“I guess some of us are just good at secrets! Now, are you starting with wine or a cocktail tonight?” Kerry asked. 

“I think the wine. Thank you!”

“And for you, Tom? A beer?” Kerry looked at Tom who was chatting with Paul. 

“That would be great! Thanks!” he said. 

She went to get the drinks, finishing off hers in the meantime. Kerry smiled as she gazed on her friends. It was almost time! But oh! The cake and presents! She mustn’t forget those! 

Kerry went to the kitchen and took the cake box  from the refrigerator. She set it on the island, along with four candles. Now, where was the lighter? She checked the drawer and found it as Paul came in the kitchen. 

“Need any help?” he asked? 

“Oh, Paul! You startled me! I was lost in my thoughts. No, I have everything under control. Everything.” Kerry said as she gathered several boxes from the counter. Wrapped in the prettiest paper, she couldn’t wait to see their faces when they opened them! 

Everyone always said Kerry threw the best parties, and gave the most thoughtful gifts. She took pride in knowing that she was good -really good- at some things. 

Kerry placed the three small boxes atop the cake box, and made her way into the other room. Everyone was still laughing when she gently tapped her wine glass with a fork to get their attention. 

“Everyone! Everyone it’s time!” she said above the noise. The room began to quiet, as everyone turned their attention to their hostess. 

“Thank you everyone for coming tonight! It’s been way too long since we’ve all been together like this! And what better reason than to celebrate Amy’s birthday!” 

A clapping and sound of glasses clinking bounced around the room. 

“Now. You all know I’ve known Amy for what feels like forever at this point. But, how well do we really know a person? I think over the past few months I’ve been able to know her even better, as the hints and clues became more obvious! Like the new bathing suit you wore when we went to the pool! Perfect for a beach get-away! If nothing else, I’m observant, right?” Kerry looked around the room to smiling nodding faces. 

“She must have bought them tickets for Jamaica! Or the Bahamas?” Dana whispered to John. 

“What an awesome gift! A trip!” John whispered back. 

“Which made picking out her present very easy for tonight! And, I even have one for Paul and Tom!” Kerry said as she picked up the boxes. She realized she didn’t even need the notes she had made after all! 

“Yep! Must be a vacation for them!” Jackie nudged Laura. 

“They’ve talked about going for years! That Kerry, she ALWAYS has the best ideas!” Laura whispered. 

“Ok ok, go ahead and open your boxes!” Kerry instructed. 

The smiling trio opened their small matching boxes, and each took out a photo album. They all gave each other a quizzical look, then looked to Kerry. 

“Oh! Those must be for the pictures they’ll take on vacation!” Greg offered. 

“Go ahead. Open them.” Kerry said, with a smile that Laura tried to figure out. 

They opened the albums to find them filled with pictures of Amy. And Paul. From the park, restaurants, the book store, Paul’s office. Pictures of them holding hands. Kissing. And more. Use your imagination. 

Kerry had known for months, though it appeared to have started years ago. She had followed them from a distance. Gotten proof. 

Also in their boxes was a printout of texts Kerry had found under the name Andy in his phone. Clearly Amy. Receipts for lingerie that was never meant for Kerry. Even the receipt for Amy’s new revealing bathing suit, charged to their joint credit card. 

The blood drained from the three faces. The room fell silent. Mouths hung open. 

“Who wants cake?” Kerry asked, holding up a knife and motioning to the cake she had just taken out of the box. On it, in edible photo paper, was an image she had snapped of Paul and Amy in an embrace kissing. Under it were written the words “It Was Never Meant to Be” in beautiful purple script icing. 

Stunned, nobody knew what to do, so did nothing but look from Kerry to Amy to Paul to Tom and back to Kerry. 

“Well. You all have your cake and eat it too. My bags are packed and waiting in the car. I do hope you all enjoyed the party! And…Surprise!” Kerry said as she walked out the door. 

June 22, 2023 10:04

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06:52 Jun 29, 2023

What a "surprise"! A fun read, and a great payoff at then end. This story must replay itself so often in suburbs and small towns. There were a few stories like this amongst the parents of the surburb I grew up in. For the critique circle feedback, I think you could have added some tension in the beginning with a little hint that something is wrong...some foreshadowing. Her husband wondered 'why is she so excited today?' or her thinking this was the day she was waiting for etc. Also it felt like there were too many exclamation points in ...


Nina H
13:22 Jun 29, 2023

Hi scott! Thank you for reading and for the feedback! You picked up on my excessive exclamating early on, which I did in a (failed?) attempt to show her slightly crazed mindset knowing what the ultimate intention of the party really was. I thought it could add to her trying to be in total control but hinting at the unhinged. Maybe that would be more clear if, as you said, her husband questioned her extreme excitement foreshadowing a “what’s going on here?” attitude toward the party. I thank you so much for your input!!!!


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John Siddham
01:59 Jun 29, 2023

Oh my, what a surprise party that was! Never expected that twist. You write very well Nina, interesting character Kerry, she had all the patience to build evidence and create those albums and plan a surprise party, she did it her way! Excellent!


Nina H
13:22 Jun 29, 2023

Thank you, John! I very much appreciate your kind words and feedback!


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