Love is in the Air (Unrelated to the prompt)

Written in response to: Start your story looking down from a stage.... view prompt


Fiction Happy Romance

NYC’s yearly Christmas lights are always something to look forward to. But this year Ron isn’t here. He usually visits me on Christmas but this year he was too busy. Oh how I wish he was here with me. Admiring the lights as we admire each other fiercely. I sat in my apartment complex, watching others roam the streets. There was also a sign that said: “Love is in the air.” Pft oh sure. He’s not even here this year. Sigh. The first christmas without my love. I sighed as I saw the giant christmas tree. The bright lights covered the whole tree. The couples taking selfies and pictures. Such happiness. I sat there. Alone. I felt desperate for love. Affection. Happiness. I had the audacity to call Ron. I went into my contacts and found him. “My love” I called him and waited for him to pick up as I stared at the city lights. “Hello?” He picked up and my face elated with joy. “Hey…” “What’s wrong Lin? Everything okay?” “Yeah I miss you...I want you here with me. It’s Christmas….” “Aww yeah….I’m sorry love. I wish I’m here with you too on this lovely Christmas day.. Hmm..why don’t you go take some pictures in front of the giant christmas tree. Doesn’t NYC have that famous one every year?” “Yeah….but it’s not the same without you. I’ll look so lonely..” I replied, sighing. “Oh well you won’t look lonely. Just a fierce independent woman. Don’t worry. I’ll come to visit for New Years. Go take photos….you’ll look so stunning! Go do it for me love.” “Ugh fine. But don’t expect them to look good.” I laughed and gave in. “Okay. I’ll go right now.” “Good. Bye Lin. See you soon….” The call was cut off and ended. I sighed and got dressed. I wore my white boots with my long jacket that matched with my top and tights. I also wore a scarf and a hat that Ron gifted me last winter. Gosh I miss him. Sigh a few more days I guess. I got my phone and left the door. The snow was falling ever so perfectly outside with the crisp cold air. My hand felt empty without his. I sighed and walked to the tree. It was crowded with couples and kids and families. I had social anxiety and stood there, staring at the tall, bright tree. The giant star on the top reminded me of Ron. The one star that shines bright in the sky. That one person that makes you the happiest person ever. I sighed and decided to take a selfie. Just for Ron. He probably wants a photo of me to look at. Such an angel. I took a few selfies of me and the bright lights behind me. I then put my phone on the ground to take a selfie of me posing. Thank god there’s not a lot of people around. I started posing and made sure there was a 3 second timer. I stood there, posing, waiting for the camera to click, when I felt a familiar feeling. Someone hugged me from behind. My brain realized. It’s him. I turned around and there he was. Ron was hugging me, smiling brighter than the lights behind him. I stared at him in complete shock. There was no way he’s right there in front of my eyes. I backed away, and got my phone that was still on camera. I couldn’t believe this angel was right in front of my eyes. He stood there, like the precious boy that he is, his arms in front of him. My mouth was still open, my eyes started watering as I ran towards him. I landed right into his arms as I cried. His coat was so soft and perfect. My face is right in his chest. He hugged me back, his head leaning on mine. “Ron, I missed you so much. Please tell me I’m dreaming.” “It is not a dream, my love. I’m here. Just for you.” He said as I heard some jingling. I looked down and there it was. A golden retriever puppy running around our feet. The puppy had a little bell on her collar. I looked at Ron, tears in my eyes. “You got a puppy?” I pouted as I started crying again. “Aww Lin...yes now she’s our puppy.” I looked at the puppy and at Ron. “I love you Ron.” “I love you Lin.” He smiled as he gently twirled me around and picked up the puppy. The snowflakes were on her fur but she was just like Ron. I looked at the collar and there was a small key chain. It had our initials on it with a tiny heart. Ron hugged me and our future dog as the snowflakes fell and the red and green lights blended in the background. Love is truly in the air.

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December 07, 2021 00:35

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Kate Reynolds
00:39 Dec 07, 2021

AAAAHHHHHH THIS IS SUCH A BEAUTIFUL LOVE STORY. It reminds me of a dream-like sort of state, in the best way possible. Like nostalgia, but for something that hasn’t happened yet. Great job!!


Molly Smith
00:39 Dec 07, 2021

AHHHHHH THANK YOU!!! Yeassss I agree. <3


Kate Reynolds
00:40 Dec 07, 2021

Mhmmmm npppp


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