Contemporary Friendship Romance

Desmond never learned about the makings of a good relationship between husband and wife when he was growing up.  His parents often argued day and night, with their loudest of voices. What he remembered best about that were those occasions when he was lying in bed trying to sleep, and there was a rumbling of voices from his parents’ room. Then his mother would utter the argument crashing words, “Maybe I should have married George rather than you. He would not have treated me as badly as you do.” Then there would be silence, followed by the slamming of the front door. At least then he could sleep in the quiet that followed. He had long wondered who this ‘George’ was, but he did not dare ask his mother, and certainly not his father. 

Sorting the Photographs

His parents were now living in a home for seniors. They had separate rooms. His father was physically weak, and his mind had deteriorated. He almost never left his room. His mother was much stronger and healthier, and spent much of her time with friends she had made.

What was good about this move for Desmond was that he, his wife and children were consequently given the house in which he grew up, a distinct improvement over the apartment in which they had been previously living. They did not have to pay for it, but they did need to sort out his parents possessions so that they could move in completely. His mother wanted him to put together the many photographs she had into an album that she could keep at the home. He agreed to do it, not knowing that it was going to take him a long time to complete. And she made a big point of his not throwing any of the pictures out. She wanted them all saved, and kept in a series of albums. And when he came to visit his parents at ‘the home’ one day, his mother took him aside, and told him that he was not to tell his father what he was doing. Desmond thought that this was a little strange, but not really surprising at all. Her parents had never communicated much.   But why was this happening in this case. He did not known

           There was much more work to sorting out his mother’s pictures than he could have imagined. It was a real time filler. She had taken many pictures of places that she and her husband visited, but had never gotten around to organizing into specific albums. Fortunately, she had written specific information about most of the pictures on the back of the photographs

The Hidden Photograph

There was enclosed in a paper bag that was stapled shut with several staples. He was curious about what was inside the bag, and was surprised by what he saw. It was a picture of someone’s house. What was the need to hide it away? On the back of the photograph was an address, including both street and street number. Why would his mother include that unless she wanted to return there? He had so idea.

The Journey to the Address of the Photograph

Quite suddenly Desmond got an idea that might explain these mysteries. He surprised himself with the thought that entered his mine. He knew that he could only know for sure if he went to the address written on the back of the photograph. It was something that he felt he must do. So he got into his car and drove to the very spot. The house looked somewhat older, and the garden and lawn were not as well kept as they had been in the picture.

When Desmond got to the door, he first tried ringing the doorbell. Soon he realized after a couple of frantic attempts, that it was not working . So he knocked on the door rather sharply several times. He was beginning to become impatient for a result.

Finally, he heard the slow shuffling of someone walking to the front door. The door creaked open, and an old man stood in front of him, looking at a complete loss for something to say. So Desmond slowly and carefully announced the reason for his presence.

“Hello. My name is Desmond. I am sorting out the photographs of my mother, and one of those photographs included a picture of this house. I can tell that it was taken some years ago. She had written this address on the back of the photograph. I am hoping that you can shed some light on this mystery. Have you lived here long?”

The old man was silent with a face of quiet contemplation, then he burst out with the words: “Yes, I have lived here a long time. That picture was taken during that time. Now I suppose that you want to know why your mother took and saved this photograph. Her and I had a relationship going when we were in our early twenties. Then your father stepped in. He was a very handsome man, and had a good job that paid well.” 

He paused for a while and stared at Desmond. “I can see that you look a lot like your father, which is a good thing. And you probably also benefitted from the money he earned. I could not compete with him. I was barely employed when your mother and I were dating. I eventually got a decent job, but it was several years after your parents married.”

Desmond then had a sudden thought. “I want to know your first name. I will tell you why. When my mother was angry with my father, she would shoot out the words: ‘Maybe I should have married George rather than you. He would not have treated me as badly as you do’. I want to know whether your name is George.” 

“Yes, I am that George. He paused for a moment, and asked a question. “How are they doing these days?”

“They are both living in a old age home. My father has deteriorated severely, but my mother is fine.”

“Is there any way in which I could see her, or at least talk to her on the phone. Although I was married for a few years afterward, I can say that your mother was the love of my life. That was one reason for the ruination of my marriage.”

They Meet Again

After George took some time getting dressed up for the occasion, Desmond drove him to the old age home. When Martha and George saw each other. They stared at each other for tens of seconds. They then said the other person’s name and awkwardly walked almost staggering into each other’s arms. It was the beginning of a strong, warm relationship that neither of them had experienced in marriage.

July 08, 2024 16:52

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Darvico Ulmeli
09:59 Jul 18, 2024

Nice, worm story. Enjoyed.


John Steckley
12:27 Jul 18, 2024

Thank you. I am glad that you enjoyed it.


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Kristi Gott
20:19 Jul 08, 2024

The atmosphere and author's voice narrating draw the reader into the mystery of the photo and what it might mean. After learning about the parent's bad marriage, then I was wondering what clues about the past might surface when the character is going through the photos. The ending is beautifully uplifting and I enjoyed the well crafted writing!


John Steckley
21:07 Jul 08, 2024

Thank you Kristi. No matter how many of these I write, I still wonder how people are going to respond to my stories.


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