Contemporary Fiction

Picking Up the Pieces


Sorry it took me so long to reply to your letter. I recently moved and it took some time for my mail to catch up with me. I included my new address with this letter. I hate it when someone starts out a letter by saying they’re sorry for not having written, but there you have it. It made my day to hear from you. I’ve talked to Olivia several times and she’s kept me up on your progress. You’re fortunate to have such a caring sister nearby. You didn’t need to apologize for not wanting to talk to me. Your recovery needs to be your focus right now. I say recovery, with the news that you have been getting some feeling in your fingers. I pray that is just the beginning. I like how you started your letter ‘how are you, I am fine’. I sincerely hope that you are.

About my move, my company has dictated that all employees are required to return to the office, my days in the country are over. It will take a while to get used to living in Denver again. Too bad we don’t have a branch in Pittsburgh, I would transfer there. The cost of living is lower, and you always said the city is underrated.

You asked if I’m still planning on doing Ride the Rockies this year. I did not sign up and I am not riding my bike right now. After your accident, it became harder and harder to make the effort to ride. I need to get back in the saddle, I’ve put on a few pounds!

Again, it’s a good thing your sister is nearby and was able to push them to get your TV working.

Take care, Chris

Hey Ben,

I received another letter from you. You’re keeping your caretaker, Becky, busy while you dictate your missives! Say hello to her for me.

I’ll keep this short, since I just dropped a letter to you in the mailbox this morning. I’m sorry Olivia hasn’t been able to visit you as much as she would like to. I know taking care of her two kids, by herself, keeps her busy. Her ex is an asshole. Tell her I always thought she was the prettiest girl in school.

I woke up last night, dreaming about the crash again. Except in my dream, you were in front of me, not behind me. It was in slow motion, and I watched you get catapulted down the hill and into the rocks. I know you don’t remember the crash, but when I was able to stop and ride back to you, I swear I saw you move. Maybe that was just in my dream. Or maybe that was a sign that you’ll get better. I’m not religious, but am saying some prayers.

I got the information you sent on that television preacher. I don’t think sending him money will help anything. I looked him up and he has a multi-million-dollar mansion, a garage full of cars, and a hot blond wife.

I must go, I’m writing this on my lunch break at work. Before I forget, there’s a cable channel that will be carrying the Tour de France. It costs extra, but I want to pay for it. Maybe Olivia or Becky can check on that. By the way, Becky has much better handwriting than you or me!

Say ‘hi’ to Olivia for me.


Hi Christopher,

This is Olivia, Ben’s sister. He’s allowing me to include a note of my own along with his letter. I want to give you a quick update on Ben. His broken bones have healed and when you first see him, he looks like the old Ben, but thinner, and then you realize he can’t move (he does have some good news, but I’ll let him tell you that. It’s heartbreaking but he doesn’t want to dwell on his problem.

He loves getting your letters. I suggested communicating emails, but he said he’d rather get letters. Something tangible, I guess. So, with his permission, I slipped this note in with his letter. It seemed like the right thing to do!

It would be great if you could visit sometime, but I know you have your own life to live. Ben frets that you might think the crash was your fault or that you could have done something to prevent it. He worries more about how the crash is affecting you than how his life has changed. Anyway, what I’m getting around to I guess, is that it would do him good to see you. Which is a major change from where he had been, mentally. He’s come a long way from when he didn’t want to see anyone.

Ben’s sister (the cutest girl in the school!)


Hey Ben,

I went for a ride this morning, and plan on getting back into a regular routine. I mapped out a route I can take for my commute to work. It’s mostly on bike paths and side roads, I’ll let you know how it goes. I imagine I’ll get caught in the rain a few times! Speaking of riding, you asked if I still have your bike. I do, in my garage, and yes it survived the crash better than you did, as you can see from the photos I attached. There are some broken spokes and paint scratches, but I didn’t see any frame damage. I’ll take it to Old Town Bike Shop to get it rideable.

That’s great that you are starting to get some feeling in your toes, but no, I don’t think it’s from my prayers. My prayers would never make it past God’s spam filter.

Can you see Olivia gets the note I enclosed for her? It’s in response to the one she sent me.

Things are still crazy at work. There’s been extensive turnover and I’ve been swamped. Getting back on my bike again will be good for my sanity. I put in a request for a week off next month. If you’re not going anywhere (sick joke) I thought I might fly to Pittsburgh to see you.

We’re keeping the USPS in business.



Of course, you can come! I’d love to see you. And the extra pounds you’ve put on. I could use a few extra pounds myself. When the hell do you think I would go? I was going to say something stronger, but I wouldn’t be able to get it past Becky. Besides being my angel, she is my editor! Let me know the dates, I’ll be counting them down.

I’m aware that Olivia sent you a note and am wondering what’s going on between you two. I’m being totally selfish here, but you two should get together. Becky is nodding in agreement. You could move back to Pittsburgh and Olivia would have someone to help with the onerous task of sitting in on my pitiful life. Besides, she has her hands full with her two kids since that jackass husband of hers left.

Sorry, that’s just my poor, poor pitiful life side of me coming through. It pops up occasionally. My life could be worse. I have my own TV. With some more feeling in my fingers, I’ll be able to use the remote.

I’ll wrap this up now, Becky’s time is up. I tried to convince her to read Olivia’s note to you, but she refused, as I knew she would. One last thing. Another enticement for you to move back home. They completed the bike path along the river, it goes for twenty miles in either direction.

Love, Ben

PS Don’t listen to my crap about you moving back home. Do what’s best for you. Just send me the pictures.


I checked into getting the channel that is airing the Tour. At first they said it couldn’t be done, but I finally found a young tech guy who said he could get it hooked up.

Ben is so excited that you will be coming to visit. I know you saw him after the crash, but he was so out of it that he doesn’t remember.

You don’t have to get a hotel room. I insist you stay at my home, I have an extra room. If you don’t mind a couple brats running around! We’re all looking forward to seeing you.




Would you be able to email me a picture of Ben? I would feel more comfortable seeing how he looks before I walk into his room. You could have Becky take a picture of you and him together, so he won’t get picture-shy. I will take you up on the offer to stay at your house. Thanks.

I’m taking a week off work, if that’s too long of a stay, I can cut it short.

I keep thinking of Ben’s accident, it was so freakish. I saw nothing of it since he was behind me. The car passed close by me, but the shoulder had widened at that point. Looking at Ben’s bike, it’s hard to tell if the car made contact. Maybe it was close enough to make Ben swerve. Anyway, in Colorado, drivers are supposed to give cyclists three feet of clearance, but when the car passed me, it was a lot closer than that. We were going downhill, close to forty miles per hour, if Ben swerved, he wouldn’t have had any time to correct. It was a blur and his life changed.

On that morbid note, I am so looking forward to seeing Ben and you (as well as your so-called brats).




I am getting more feeling in my hands and feet! It’s a burning sensation, but I don’t care. The doctors are impressed. They do say it is a waiting game, but the last surgery may have taken care of a pressure point in my spine. As long as I continue getting feeling back. I’m not expecting too much, but I’m thinking by the time you get here, we’ll be able to arm wrestle!

Just kidding.

I’ve been looking at the pictures you sent. You’re right, my bike doesn’t look too worse for the wear. Not as bad as the time I crashed out riding through Garden of the Gods. Then the only damage to me was some road rash. You said you are going to have the bike repaired. When it is done, would you mind selling it? I’ll buy a new bike when I’m ready to ride again.

See you soon,



These will be the last letters from Ben and me. I don’t think anything postmarked after today will get to you in time. The kids will be in the car with me when I pick you up at the airport, I hope you don’t mind. They are excited to see you, they remember you from the trip we took to Colorado. You and Ben saved the day, since I was down in the dumps over my divorce. Did I cry the whole time I was there? It seemed like I did. I’m so over that jerk now, I can’t believe I wasted any tears on him.

After that trip, Jenny said she was going to marry you when she grew up. She was jealous of that girl you were dating. So was I!

Anyway, Ben is excited about his progress. It’s not much, but it means the world to him.

Text when you get in, then we’ll drive directly from the airport to see Ben. Thanks in advance for making the trip, we both appreciate it.



Ben and Olivia,

I’m dashing this off today, to make sure you get it before I fly in. We’ve been busy at work, as I’ve mentioned before, and my boss informed me she was canceling my time off, since her department was so far behind in all the ‘metrics’. The reason we were so far behind is that half the employees quit when we were told we had to work from the office again. I was so pissed. I walked out of her office without saying a word, which, as you know, would be hard for me to do. It didn’t take me long to clear off my desk. I left a post-it note on my desk phone, informing her I quit.

My next question is, would it be okay if I stayed a couple extra days? Or weeks? I hear the job market in Pittsburgh is good. Plus, I want to try out the bike path along the river.

I can’t wait to see you both.

Love, Chris

August 25, 2023 18:31

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