P. T. Barnum, Anonymous and Magnanimous

Submitted into Contest #195 in response to: Write a story about someone who receives — or makes — a life-changing, anonymous donation.... view prompt


Fiction Friendship Happy

“P. T. Barnum, Anonymous and Magnanimous!”

Phineas Taylor Barnum, better known as P.T. Barnum, was a man of many talents. He was a showman, a businessman, and a philanthropist. He was the kind of man who always had a smile on his face, and he loved nothing more than making people happy.

The American Museum, Barnum's grand entertainment attraction, drew millions of visitors to the intersection of Broadway and Ann streets in New York.

The museum was a five-story marble structure filled with a wide variety of exhibits and attractions. In addition to the human curiosities and exotic animals that he displayed, the museum also featured waxwork figures, a menagerie, an aquarium, and a theater that presented dramas, lectures, and concerts. 

Barnum also used the museum to showcase new inventions and technological advancements, such as the telegraph and the daguerreotype.

Barnum also created a 10,000-seat hippodrome. You might know that it was later called Madison Square Garden.

In the late 1800s, Barnum was perhaps the most popular man in America. He was famous for his circus, his sideshows, and his ability to entertain the masses. 

But despite his fame and fortune, Barnum never forgot where he came from. He knew what it was like to struggle, to scrape by, and to need a helping hand.

One day, as he was walking through the streets of New York City, Barnum came across a group of homeless children. They were dirty, hungry, and cold, and Barnum's heart broke for them. He knew he had to do something to help.

Barnum quietly made a generous donation to a local charity that provided food and shelter to homeless children. He didn't want anyone to know about his donation, so he did it anonymously. But he knew that his act of kindness would make a difference in the lives of those children.

When Barnum went into the office to donate, he saw a sign on the wall that read, “Suffer the little children to come unto me.” He knew at that moment he was doing the right thing! When PT entered the agency called, “Caring for Children”, he was greeted by a woman named Alice. Her face lit up with a big smile. She immediately recognized PT Barnum. “Oh, you are….”

“Yes, ma’am, I am”, he said, not giving her a chance to finish her sentence. I am here to make a donation and I would like to make the donation anonymously.

“Certainly, of course. How much would the donation be for?” she asked with great interest. PT responded after a couple seconds pause. “Well, I would like to give $10,000.”

The woman’s jaw dropped! “10?”

“Yes ma’am. 10 plus three zeros.”

She quickly added, “The director usually handles larger donations.” 

PT said, “Perhaps you could just handle my request. I’m very busy and will be traveling abroad very soon and I would like to make this donation as quickly as possible to help the children that I see on the streets.”

“For you, absolutely, Mr Barnum. I will be happy to take care of that! There is no need to wait,” Alice quickly responded. And so it was. The charity was able to provide hot meals, warm beds, and clean clothes to the children, and they were overjoyed. They had never felt so loved and cared for, and they knew that someone out there had made this possible.

Alice became the main person behind the scenes in helping these children. She organized a team of workers who listened attentively to her instructions. It is people like Alice and her coworkers who deserve much credit. They are like silent heroes who carry out the works of mercy. Of course, Barnum’s generosity was the fuel that made the engine run. The engine was made up of the hands and feet of the agency’sworkers. They were the providential instruments helping to put PT’s gesture into motion and action in real time.

PT returned to his office at his American Museum. He was feeling good about himself. He decided to share what he had done with his friend, General Tom Thumb. Gen.Tom was not only PT Barnum's friend but also his confidante. When Barnum shared with him his act of kindness towards the homeless children, Tom Thumb was moved by his friend's generosity. However, he also knew that there was more that could be done.

The next day, Tom Thumb visited Barnum at his office and suggested that they do even more to help the children. He encouraged Barnum to make another anonymous donation, this time specifically for the children’s education.Barnum was immediately on board with the idea. He knew that education was the key to unlocking a better future for these children, and he wanted to do everything he could to make that happen.

So, Barnum made a second anonymous donation, this time to a charity that provided education to homeless children. The charity was called “Bright Start.” The donation was large enough to build a school, complete with teachers, books, and supplies. It was well received by the community. Here again, there were many people behind the scenes in the agency and working with the agency. They deserved much credit. It is the ordinary guy and gal that help to bring about the unordinary and even the seemingly impossible.

The children were surprised when they heard the news. They couldn't believe that someone cared enough about them to provide them with an education, something they had never even dreamed of before. But that's not the end of the story.

A few years later, a man came to visit PT. He introduced himself as the director of the first charity that Barnum had anonymously donated to for the children’s food and shelter. The man explained that he had been wanting to thank him for his incredible generosity. He was happy he could finally meet with Barnum so he couldthank him in person. “Sir, I speak for many people from the bottom of their hearts when we say thank you for what you have done!” The man politely and sincerely said to Barnum.

Barnum was overcome with emotion. He had never wanted recognition for his acts of kindness, but knowing that it had made such a difference in the lives of these children meant the world to him. It was a moment of true joy and gratitude, one that he would never forget. In that moment, Barnum realized even more that the true meaning of life was not about fame or fortune, but about making a difference in the lives of others. He had always believed that the noblest art was that of making others happy, and he had lived his life by that philosophy. And he felt humbled by the realization. This act of kindness had come back to him in a way that he never would have imagined.

Barnum continued to support the charity supporting the children’s educational needs. He never asked for recognition or praise, he simply wanted to make a difference. Later in life many of the children came back and shared their successes with PT Barnum. The blessings seem to be nonstop. You heard no complaints from PT about that!

Frequently Tom Thumb also thanked his friend, PT for all the good he had done in the world; for his kindness, his generosity, and his unwavering commitment to making others happy.

General Tom was not the only person that supported PT Barnum in his anonymous giving. Barnum had secured a famous Swedish opera singer, Jenny Lind, to tour and perform. The “Swedish nightingale” had a beautiful voice. At the height of her fame, she was persuaded by the showman to undertake a long tour of the United States. The tour began in September 1850 and continued to May 1852. She gave 93 large-scale concerts for him.

Jenny Lind, the “Swedish Nightingale,” was one of the most celebrated opera singers of her time. She had toured all over Europe and America, performing to sold-out crowds and receiving critical acclaim for her talent.

One evening, while she was dining with PT Barnum, she expressed her desire to do something for young, aspiring performers like herself. She knew how difficult it was to make a name for oneself in the world of music, and she wanted to help them in any way she could. She looked sincerely and directly into PT Barnum’s eyes, and while gently touching PT’s hand softly asked, “Would you do this for me, Phineas?”Barnum was touched by the moment and immediately knew what he had to do. He decided to establish a fund to support young singers and musicians, providing them with the resources they needed to pursue their dreams.

And as with his donation for the homeless children's education, Barnum did all of this anonymously. But he didn't stop there. In the future he would use his influence and connections to help these young performers get started. He would often have the young performers debut on a concert stage in his American Museum in New York.

When Jenny Lind heard about what Barnum had done, she was overjoyed. She knew that he was a kind and generous man, but this act of kindness truly touched her heart. Thanks to Barnum's support and encouragement, many young singers and musicians were able to achieve their dreams in the world of music and entertainment.

Years later, when Barnum passed away, many of these young performers came forward to share their stories of how he had helped them, often without them even knowing it was him.

Barnum may have been known for his showmanship and entertainment, but his true legacy was the kindness and generosity he showed to those in need, helping to make the world a better place, one act of kindness at a time.

PT did not forget about the agencies and especially the people working there. At Christmas time he would send lavish and costly gifts for all the workers. This is one way that he would show his appreciation for their efforts in helping share love with others through his donations. And he also would help some of these workers, who worked expecting nothing in return for their kindness, by giving monetary bonuses to those who were also in need.

At times, Barnum would be sitting in his chair behind his desk and would just have a large smile on his face. He knew indeed that his best memories in life were those filled with the joy, love, and kindness he had shown others. He knew that he had made a difference in the world, and that was all that mattered.

Barnum knew that his legacy would live on, inspiring others to make a difference in the lives of those around them, just as he had done for the helpless, homeless children.



Here is a poem written by Tom Thumb later in life, while he was pondering the wonderful years that he knew his friend, PT:

“Phineas Taylor Barnum” by Tom Thumb

In the land of the free, where dreams come true,

A man of many talents, Phineas Taylor Barnum, grew.

A showman, a businessman, a philanthropist too,

He loved making people happy, that is what he would do.

With a smile on his face and a heart full of cheer,

He entertained the crowds, year after year.

His shows were extravagant, full of wonder and delight,

And people flocked to see them, day and night.

But Barnum was more than just a showman,

He had a heart for those in need, a true human.

He donated to the needy, without any fanfare,

Giving hope to the helpless, showing he cared.

He helped the homeless children, and gave them a chance

To learn and grow, to thrive and advance.

And when Jenny Lind, the Swedish Nightingale, spoke,

He helped young singers, a new world to invoke.

Barnum's legacy was not just in the shows he made,

But in the kindness and generosity he displayed.

He lived by his words, "The noblest art is making others happy too."

His life's work showed that is the best thing to do.

He left a mark on the world that will always remain;

A man of many talents and a heart without disdain.

Phineas Taylor Barnum, a name that will never fade,

A showman, a businessman, a philanthropist, and a man self-made.

April 27, 2023 19:25

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