stranger things back

Written in response to: Center your story around a photo that goes viral.... view prompt


Horror Kids Middle School

friday 8:21 p:m at the cinema

max sat down to her boyfriend mike sat down nexts to will mike took off his backpack and put it in his lap and opened it*

Will.”said mike

yeah???” said will

i have some snacks do u want some??”said mike

sure.” said will

ok.”said mike

mike grabbed a soda and chips and gaved it to will*

ty.”said will

np.”said mike

mike took out a chocolate and closed his backpack and open it and ate it *

the movie started the lights turned off*

what is this movie???”said max

this movie is call chucky it’s a scary movie.”said lucas

i never heard of it.”said max

will now u did.”said lucas

around the road will use to take there was a weird blowing thing the weird blowing thing blow so hard into the light switch all the lights started to go off

Uh what just happened???”said lucas

i think the lights went off.” said max

will started to feel a weird thing behind his back *

steve it doesn’t turn on!!!”said robin

ur just weak move let me try!!!!!”said steve

robin moved from the light switch and step aside Steve turn down the light switch and up *

it won’t turned on understand.”said robin

yes it will!!!!”said steve

ok if it doesn’t turn on in 2 minutes then ur weak.”said robin

the weird grey blowing thing went away from the light switch all the lights started to go back on *

see im not weak.”smiled steve

robin rolled her eyes and got back to working *

Dude r u serious rn!!!!”said lucas

lucas calm down.”said max

no this is why I spend my money!!!!”said lucas

lucas the lights went off maybe the movie was still playing and it got to the end.”said max

but that quick???”that’s not ok!!!!”said lucas

lucas got up where he was sitting *

where r u going????”said max

to another cinema!!!!”said lucas

ugh!!!!” I hate when that happens Will let’s go.” said mike

ok.” said will

mike put on his backpack and got up where he was sitting and walked will got up where he was sitting and walked behind him max lucas will mike walked out the mall from the cinema*

mike Will.”said lucas

yeah???” said mike

ima go to another cinema wanna come????”said lucas

sure.” said mike

no.” said will

aw why????”said lucas

because i promise My mom that I will be home before 9:21.”said will

oh ok cya on Monday.”said lucas

cya.”said will

bye Will.”said mike

bye.”said will

bye.”Will said max

bye.”said will

will got in his bike and rode his bike home max lucas mike got on their bike and rode to another cinema will arrived home Will parked his backpack outside and walked to the doorsteps and open the door and got in and closed the door Will walked to his room Will closed his bedroom door and walked to his bed and sat down Will got scared *

he’s back!!!!” said Will he’s back!!!”

the nexts day will got his walkie talkie from the table and press the speak button *

mike do u copy????” said will

this is mike I copy???”said mike

i have to tell I something.”said will

what is it???”said mike

it has to be in person.”said will

oh ok come to my house.”said mike

ok.”said will

will got out his room and walked to the front door and opened it and closed it and walked down the doorsteps Will got in his bike and rode his bike to mikes house 4 minutes later Will arrived to mikes house Will parked his bike and knocked the door mike answered *

hi.”said mike

hi.”said will

come in.”said mike

ty.”said will

np.”said mike

will got in mikes house and walked to mikes basement mike closed the door and walked down the basement Will sat down a couch mike had in his basement mike sat down nexts to him*

Will what do u want to tell me???”said mike

so last night when the lights went off I felt a weird feeling thing behind my neck.”said will

a weird feeling behind ur neck???”said mike

yeah u know how u go up on a roller coaster????”and it goes down and u get scared????”said will

yeah.”said mike

it felt like that.” said will

where u scared of the lights going off???”said mike

no.”said will

if u weren’t scared then???”said mike

will looked at his hands and got scared*

mike looked at will*

is he back???”said mike

will didn’t say anything*

Will is he???”said mike

will looked at mike scared*

yeah.”said will

mike keeped looking at Will

to be continued……

April 03, 2024 05:39

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Paul Littler
07:04 Apr 03, 2024

It’s always interesting to see a different approach to telling a story. It reads like a script, without the descriptions and directions. Maybe create some atmosphere by describing locations as well as fleshing out the characters with details of how they look and what they do. Thanks for doing something refreshing, you’ve got something there, I look forward to reading more.


20:40 Apr 03, 2024



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20:41 Apr 03, 2024

and thanks


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Mary Bendickson
16:15 Apr 03, 2024

Mariana, I think it is wonderful you are writing stories to this week's prompts. I have a couple of questions if you don't mind answering them. What country are you from? Is English your first or main language? Happy birthday, Mariana! Hope you are enjoying your sweet sixteenth!🥳🥳🥰 Happy birthday to you on the 24th of April. It concerns me that you are not excited to turn sixteen. Most teenagers love that age even if everything is not perfect around them. It is always a blessing when our Good Lord blesses us with more time in this life. Fi...


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