Black Fiction Sad


I was eating and dinning with the king ,queen ,prince and princess, we have been gisting and playing, when we all heard a knock, some giants man knocked and came in , and the king asked why they were here ,they said they are from the village called 'Asioni Village' as we heard that ,we all looked up , surprised and I remembered those days.

    I was living in Asioni Village with my parents years ago, when the prince came running after me ,he said he wants to marry me but I keep turning him down ,because my family is of a lower status ,I live in the back of the village while he lives in the palace ,I do not want anything like embarrasemt or insult from anyone ,he keeps coming and sometimes he would even help me with my house chores when my parents are not around . He promised me to marry me ,but I wasn't moved with the sweet mouth .

    Later after a month ,I was moved and decided to say yes to him ,I accept to date him and yes,he keeps coming to visit me eveytime ,one day he told me to come to his friends place and that we should meet there so he can introduced me to his friends , I agreed with him ,the next day I went to his friends place and I was surprised to meet only him ,to my suprised this guy forced me to have sex with him ,I cried but no one heard, then I understand it was plannes ,I cried bitterly and went home ,I didn't tell my mum neither my dad about it because they trusted me not to do such thing, since then I tried calling the prince he didn't pick my call, the prince has not been coming to see me , I went to his friends place but they all insulted me to be a cheap girl ,they told me to check my level to price level and that he can never marry a girl like me, I cried but nothing to do.

    After a month ,I started feeling weak that my parents started noticing , one day me ,mum and dad were discussing when I rushed outside to vomit ,my mum did some home test for me and to her suprised I was pregnant ,who gave me pregnant ,I couldn't talk because I was warned to stay away from him ,he is a king son and I am just a daughter of a poor parents ,but later I told them and they got disappointed ,we all went to the palace to inform the king of what his son did , they sent us out,the next day we went again they sent us out ,the next day we went and the king called the prince and asked him ,he denied of knowing me ,the next day we went out and the king ordered some men to beheaded my dad ,we cried and begged but to no avail.

  They sent me and my mum out of the village ,we went many villages but no where to stay till we get to a very far village and we started doing a house help in a palace through the help of an old woman whom we didn't know but a God sent ,I gave birth in the palace , the prince fall in love with me without even thinking I have a child ,he loves me unconditionally and love my child unconditionally and married me, to my surprised all the family support him ,they said because I am a responsible and humble girl ,I was very happy knowing his parents and siblings support his decision and even my mum gave me the go-ahead to marry him ,the king built a house for us which my mum stay in she has maid and I stay in the palace. 

 Now they sent people from Asioni Village here ,what could have happened ? 

King - Giants men from Asioni Village what are you here for ? who sent you 

First Giant - From the Asioni Village , the prince wife and child of Asioni is here , they said she should follow us to Asioni Village now

 (Thank God ,I told them everything that happened in the Asioni Village )

   The King ordered them to leave , that I will come , after some days when we didn't come , they sent their chiefs and their chiefs came they begged that me and my child should come , they said the prince is not feeling fine and they were told he has a child and that the child must carry sacrifice for him to be well and the prince has said the truth that he impregnate you truly.

  I do not want to go , the village I was sent out needed me back ? the village that beheaded my dad for being honest ? the village that beheaded my dad because we all went their of the pregnancy ? and now they need the outcome of the pregnancy , What if I had aborted it ? what if I had flush it out because he has no dad , now they need him because of his health , so because the prince is sick they needed my son , tears dropped down my eyes ,I missed my dad so much as my husband came to clean off my eyes

  At first I decided not to go, when the king and queen of the Asioni Village saw me they begged me ,begged me and told me to marry their son , it was actually late because I am happily married to a prince and now I have children for him ,and later I went with my child and he did carry the sacrifice in his own hometown.

  I built houses in my hometown 'Asioni Village ' and i rent them out at cheaper price for people who are struggling and later I became an activist that fight for the right of human because of what has happened to me ,I don't want it to happen to anyone .

September 16, 2022 19:38

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