The Orisun Omi Forest

Submitted into Contest #86 in response to: Write a story where flowers play a central role.... view prompt


Kids Inspirational Fiction

The Orisun Omi Forest

By Lavonya Ogunwale

It was early one morning in March. Just before daybreak, all the creatures of the Orisun omi (Spring) Forest were gathering at the center of the forest. It was definitely a morning like not many in Orisun. You could hear the pitter-patter of little hoof and paw scampering from near and far. 

Every creature was dragging and pulling one of their own kind in a rush to hear the voice of the great, Elder Evergreen! Every year this was the greatest event of the Orisun Forrest. They had all gathered together to hear the announcement of the coming of spring. 

It was always a feast of friendship whenever the animals of the forest would gather together. The laughter as the day begins to come alive. The bunnies playing along with the young squirrel. The young doe prancing about trying to get in step with the other youngsters. Everyone was excited and in a state of unrest.

In past stories told near and far...It was a great honor to be in the presence of your Elder Evergreen. Each creature invited to the festivities of the day was tasked with the responsibility of being the courier to their kind for the coming of spring.

It was a great honor because it was the only time of year that Elder Evergreen broke tradition and spoke to another outside his kind. The Evergreen had been around for a long time and so they spoke in an ancient tongue that only the Evergreen could understand. On this day the Evergreen would show his face and speak in a language that every creature could understand.

Every year, in late winter the word will start to spread abroad… “The awakening of the Evergreen!” 

As the animals of their forest were making their way, Elder Thumper, one of the elder rabbits, started to complain loudly, “Every year, creatures of every kind would show up. The rabbits and foxes are here. The turtles and the bears are here. The only ones who never showed up would be those lousy garden plants and flowers.”

Then grumpy old Thumper folded and gave a loud sigh. “Ahhh!”

Just then, one of the younger rabbits snarled back, “Yeah, and someone always has to be responsible for taking the news back to them. Who do they think they are?”

No one said another word in response.

Meanwhile, in the far east of the Orisun omi, there was a clearing in the woods, just below the ground’s surface lived five sisters. Baptista, Peony, Chrysanthemum, Choral Bell, and the most prettiest of all, the youngest sister, Asters. That same morning far away the flower sisters were all snuggled comfortably in their beds.

Peony was next to the eldest and the first to awaken. She let out a loud yawn and then a sigh. Then little miss Peony rubbed her little eyes and threw her feet off the side of the bed. Peony immediately began to smile when she noticed the bright rays of the sun peeping through the small holes in the ground that the sisters used for windows. Peony was snuggled tightly in her winter gown. It was the softest color of pink but it was just right for keeping her warm during the winter months.

Peony was soft just like the color of her gown. She was the quietest and most timid of all the sisters. Quietly Peony tip-toed into Baptista’s room and sat down softly on her bed. “Baptista wake up!” Peony whispered in her excited whisper voice. “The sun is shining and I can feel the warmth beating throw the surface of the dirt.”

Baptista rolled over and smiled with her eyes still shut. She grabbed her little sister by the hand and sat straight up and whispered back, “Can’t you just smell the rain already.”  Baptista was tall and skinny. She also was adorned in her winter gown. She wore royal purple and a color that just made you want to smile.

One by one the sister began to awaken each one reminiscing on their favorite characteristic of spring. 

Right in the middle of their awakening...the youngest of them,  all yelled out with joy, “ I want to be the first one on the surface this year. 

She immediately ran for her room and started dressing in her springtime dress. Aster put on her white spring gown. It had the brightest, most-beautiful, yellow bow it tied right in the center of her gown. She could barely keep still as the other sister reached and grabbed at her trying to get her ready to meet Orisun omi. They twisted and turned her until she was more beautiful than before and then they all smiled with a look of satisfaction.

Peony whispered, “Now you’re ready!”

As soon as Aster reached the surface she could hear the bees buzzing and the birds chirping. She didn’t look back as she emerged from the deep. She just out-stretched her arms and absorbed the sun as she had never before seen it.

One by one the flower sisters started to surface and take their rightful place. Soon all of the sisters had surfaced and together. They were all standing in the sunlight, with their arms outstretched, making the most beautiful garden one had ever seen. 

Back at the center of the Orisun omi forest, all the animals had gathered and the Elder Evergreen had made his grand entrance. He greeted and graced the crowd. He and all the evergreens of the forest began to sway and bow as the Elder Evergreen began to speak.

“Greeting creature of the Orisun omi, I am the eldest of the Grand evergreens,” said Elder. As he began to speak all of the creatures began to get quiet. All the laughter and scurrying about had now ceased. It was so quiet you could almost hear the leaves growing.

“As you all know us Evergreen has been around since the beginning of time. Year after year we brave the weather and season changes. We never sleep nor slumber. We’ve seen the creation of the Orisun come with the season and we’ve seen them go! We’ve witnessed the evolution of our world…  I am grateful to have you all come and join us for the days’ festivities. This day is the most important day of the year. As you all know there is nothing new under the sun and a season for everything. Without further ado, I am proud to announce that the season of new life has finally arrived.”

All of a sudden the animals, insects, birds, and the trees began to cheer. They all joined hands and began to sing…”  Spring is here, spring is here. Ask me how I know. The birds are singing, bells are ringing and flowers are starting to grow.”

The Elder Evergreen was so elated to see the creatures of the Orisun omi come together and have such a grand time. 

Just as the dancing and the singing were coming to an end, the evergreen began saying their goodbyes until next year to come. Elder Thumper manages to corner the Elder Evergreen.

“Excuse me Grand Evergreen… Excuse me!” yelled Thumper trying to be heard over the crowd and laughter. “First, let me say I am honored to be here, sir. I have been back here year after year and never made your acquaintance. Sir, sir, may I ask you a question, sir?”

Elder Evergreen was making his leave but he stopped to give Thumper the attention he seeked. He then responded by saying, “My pleasure, Elder Thumper.” The Elder was a wise old tree. He then stood there in silence and waited to see the nature of the call of Elder Thumper. 

Elder Thumper didn’t want to appear to be too pretentious… he stammered around his word before coming to the point. “Why is it every year all the creatures, animals, and flowers alike show up to the awakening of the evergreen. The forest goes up every year! Everyone having the time of their life and those darned garden flowers are never around.”

The Elder evergreen stood in silence. It was as if he were giving Thumper time to get all his thoughts out before thinking of a suitable answer. “Elder Thumper, I did notice that they never show up. When you return home don’t you carry the new of the Orisun?”

Thumper began to rub his feet together as if he were nervous. “I-i-i-i mean, I used to. We all used to. That is before they got too good. I mean I just don't understand why we should have too!”

By then a small crowd began to gather around the elders!

Elder Evergreen in his infinite wisdom addressed the crowd again. “Fellow Orisun Omi creatures, from this day forward, no one is responsible for bringing the springtime news to the flowers. After Evergreen had the attention of the crowd he proceeded to tell the citizens of the forest the signs of springtime. He talked about the rain. He talked about the birds coming back, chirping and making their nest. He talked about the new litter coming in and the animals coming out of hibernation. Then...he got to the point of the flowers.

“I’m sure you all noticed that every year the flowers aren’t in attendance. The flowers are an important part of who we are. Here in the Orisun omi, flowers help to feed the bird and the bees. They provide the animals and the humans with medicines to help aid in their wellbeing. They help to fortify their own and on the darkest day, they make the world seem bright. They never come but are always there when we need them. One of the signs of the time is the flowers blooming. So, you see you never had to return the news of Spring’s arrival. They are the sign.” exclaimed the Elder Evergreen.

Thumper's cheeks turned a dark shade of Easter pink, he was so embarrassed. At first the crowd sat in silence holding onto every word of the Elder Evergreen. Then they broke out in another cheer, “flowers make you happy, flowers make you sing. Flowers are pretty important especially  in the spring!” 

Year after year the creature flocked to the center of the Orisun, spending all their time being mad at the flowers for not showing up for the awakening of the Evergreen. Now the creature understands that the flowers are signs that defined the akoko orisun omi (Springtime) in the Orisun omi forest.

March 24, 2021 21:09

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