Sad Fiction

The small bedside lamp gave off just enough light for April to knit without disturbing her boyfriend's sleep. It was a little past three o'clock in the morning as he snored the night away.  But his guttural sounds could not pierce through her earbuds as she listened to her stories. Night after night she nursed an empty void of suppressed emotions, as they mixed with insomnia inside of her. But she got through it with the voice of the same author. His name was Charles Aplomb, which was clearly a nom de plume. 

Charles wrote and gave narration to the most delicious erotic fiction she had ever listened to. And when you live a life with no intimacy you take it where you can get it. That’s what April told herself, at least. Generally speaking he posted a story every single week night, just for her, or so it felt. Tonight’s story was titled, Her Turtle Shell. 

While she truly did love her man, she had craved the touch of a woman for so long that she had almost forgotten what it felt like. The gentle intimacy of a soft caress from a manicured hand. The electric feeling of long hair, deliciously scented, teasing her bare flesh. The intensity and rhythm of a woman’s kiss. She knew the dance of their lips had to match the beating of their hearts. 

Her mind drifted back to the first love she had ever felt for another person. She could never forget the moment that the luminous, blonde haired, blue eyed angel came into view. She was a walking embodiment of passion and beauty. She seemed so delicate and so powerful at the same time. It was almost as if she walked on air.”

April’s mother knocked gently at her bedroom door. When she didn’t hear it to answer, her mother opened the door and came in. She knew her daughter rarely slept at night. In an accusatory tone her mother asked, “Why did you stress your father out like that today?” Immediately put on the defensive, April replied, “Mom, that’s between him and I. Please don’t push your way into our business.” Her mothers eyes narrowed and her shoulders squared up to show her disapproval of her daughter's tone. She took a step to leave, but before shutting the door behind her she laid out her parting shot. “If you only came here to give us more pain and stress, then you shouldn’t be here.”

She truly did love her mother. But these verbal altercations with her were so regular for so long, April had to wonder if she had sparred with her in the womb. Of course she did not want to live with her parents. And she damn sure did not want to be under the same roof with her narcissistic sister, who never missed a chance to needle her about anything. Gloating over her own personal success and putting April down had been a lifelong sport for her. Deciding to center herself and move on, April took a deep breath. She put her earbuds back in and pressed play.

“She was quickly awakened from her daydream of love with a beautiful past playmate by the sound of the front door opening. Startled, she quickly gave herself a once over to make sure her thoughts did not betray her. As her eyes raised she saw her always hard working husband enter the room, smiling ear to ear. 

She asked why he was so happy today. He told her he had a surprise for her. She asked what it was. He told her to pack a bag for the weekend because they were going to scout for their new home in Denver, Colorado. His job was paying for everything. All they had to do was find their dream home. She leapt into his arms, overjoyed at the chance of getting to start a new life in a new place.”

April was frustrated at this point and pushed pause. She reflected on her place in life. Out of work, living with her family, and feeling lost. It all started with that damn car accident. It had been years since she had been able to pursue her dreams. And she had come to believe she never would be able to again. Listening to a character in a story get all that she wanted out of life was too much to take right now. Tears welled up in her eyes as she continued knitting in the dim light of her bedroom. Sounds of her boyfriend snoring filled the room. He was a kind man, and her only support in this world. Both emotionally and financially. Thinking about that made her grateful for him, and yet, sadder still. She put her earbuds back in and pressed play.

“After arriving at their hotel in Denver her husband was called away for work for the rest of the day. So much for scouting for a new home. A little saddened by his absence she got cleaned up and put on her cute dress that she wore when she wanted some casual fun. With nowhere else to go in a town she did not know, she went down to the hotel bar. She ordered a dirty martini with three olives, and took a look around the room. 

A handful of folks watched sports on some televisions. Others enjoyed the off key sounds of a washed up old singer long past her prime belting out hits from the 70’s and 80’s. Before she could turn her eyes back to her drink she realized that someone was walking directly towards her. She could feel the eyes and presence piercing into her before she even saw them. 

A stunning brunette with emerald green eyes, and a full figure lovingly hugged by a short black cocktail dress stopped inches from her face. She could feel and smell her cinnamon flavored breath as it played a symphony with her perfume and shampoo scents. Their eyes locked on each other as they stood silently, frozen in time. 

There was electricity pulsing between the two of them. It was the most excited she had ever felt. The brunette reached out to touch her thighs possessively. “Your room, or mine?” was all she said in a breathy voice. Unable to answer the question, she gave in willingly while the brunette took her by the hand and led her to the nearest elevator.”

The sun was starting to come up. April knew her boyfriend would be waking up soon to get ready for work. She pushed pause on her story. She felt a swell of something inside of her that she had not felt for a very long time. As her boyfriend woke to the sunlight shining on his face she sat next to him and placed a hand on his chest. “Good morning babe.” he said groggily. “It is time we make a change.” were the only words she could summon to let him know what was consuming her. “Ok, what did you have in mind?” he replied. “Let's make a new life. Let's move to Colorado.” were the first words that came out of her mouth. 

April 01, 2023 03:25

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Sav Lightwood
12:32 Apr 07, 2023

Hi Joseph! Here as part of reedsy's critique circle :) This is the first time I've read about someone being inspired to take action and make a change in their lives by listening to an erotica audiobook. A strange source that works somehow so kudos for that! If there's something I may suggest, it would be to mix up the length of your sentences. Longer sentences create more 'rhythm' in your writing and helps incite thoughts and feelings. Short sentences give emphasis. Quick and sharp, like bullet points. By mixing them together, you can crea...


Joseph Padilla
19:48 Apr 07, 2023

Sav, I am very grateful for the feedback. Thank you! I can assure you I will be working to apply it to my future submissions. Your writing is very impressive, so I feel honored that I got to have this exchange.


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