"Arrogant prick. Someone needs to put that guy in his place," Jaspreet said.
"I agree," Sandeep said.
"I mean, did you hear what he said?" The lines on her forehead were prominent.
"I know, right?" Sandeep agreed.
"Perhaps he needs a minor mishap or discomfort to understand others better," Jaspreet's nostrils flared.
Unaware of the traffic and people around them, the two girls walked down the road. Their conversation was all about Ravi. His classroom behaviour offended Jaspreet. She was extremely offended by his foul language. Sandeep worried about Jaspreet because of her reaction.
"How does he think he has the right to talk about women like that? His experiences are all theoretical I bet." Jaspreet stomped back and forth at the pace of a Clydesdale horse.
"I'm sure," Sandeep said.
"If I could I'd smash his face in with my fists," Jaspreet smacked her fist into her hand.
"I bet," Sandeep said. "I don't blame you."
"He makes my blood boil he's so stupid," Jaspreet shook her head.
Sandeep shook hers too.
Jaspreet's anger swiftly took over; she stomped down the road like a crazed lunatic. Sandeep heard what Jaspreet said and thought Jaspreet was way off base with her feelings and anger. She wanted to talk her out of her anger but needed to find a way. She led Jaspreet to Sandeep's house.
"I should get my brother involved. He's huge. He'll make Ravi see things in a different light. If I tell him how upset I am it will be all that much worse for that rat fink."
"Ooh, Garvinder is a big guy," Sandeep said. "It could get dangerous"
"Maybe Garvinder could hold him so I could hit him myself and kick him? I'm sure that would make me feel better." She gasped.
Sandeep gasped too.
"I have a funny feeling if I got to him and let him have it full tilt he'd wake up and get wise fast," Jaspreet said.
"Try to think about something else, Jaspreet, this kind of thinking isn't good for you," Sandeep said. "Let's go to my house for some tea."
With care, Sandeep guided Jaspreet's furious friend to the living room. Sandeep entered the kitchen to prepare tea. The conversation restarted from Jaspreet's last words once she reappeared with the tea. Sandeep rolled her eyes since it was as if she had never left the room.
"Don't allow him to take up any more of your thoughts," Sandeep said. "He's not worth it."
"Oh, he's worth it. He's worth all my energy to make sure that he gets what's coming to him," Jaspreet said. She handed Sandeep her tea and the two of them sat. Jaspreet bounced her knee up and down non-stop.
Sandeep was scared for Jaspreet because of her nervous energy. What would she do with all of that inside her? Where would it go? Talking about it could only release so much. The residual is what troubled her. And she knew it would trouble Jaspreet, too.
"Drink your tea, you'll feel better," Sandeep said.
"Ravi belongs where all ignoramuses belong, in hell." She paused to take a sip of her oolong tea. "What's that look for? Don't you agree?"
"No, I'm sorry, Jaspreet, I don't," Sandeep said. "Anger only feeds more anger and hatred. And how does that make you feel? Better or worse?"
"It's not about me, it's about him. He's such a jerk. I'd like to smash him into pieces."
"Don't you see what I'm saying? You're becoming violent. In your thoughts, words and even wishing to be physical with Ravi. Why? Jaspreet, you aren't a violent person."
"I don't care. He's going to get what's coming to him. I'm telling you. If it's the last thing I do." She took another sip of her tea.
To calm Jaspreet down, Sandeep offered her some tea. Sandeep knew Jaspreet wasn't the first to find tea soothing and relaxing. As Jaspreet sipped each sip Sandeep hoped the anger and tension would leave Jaspreet.
"Don't you see, Sandeep, I don't want to be unangered of my feelings for Ravi. Because if I am then I have to admit the true feelings I have for him."
"Oh? And what are those?" Sandeep asked.
"I admire him. I think he's kind of cool," she admitted.
Sandeep's eyes grew wide. This surprise scenario caused her to remember her grandfather's warning about the hazy line between love and hate. Looking at her friend, she understood the meaning. Jaspreet's intense anger: why the saying exists and its implications. Never could she have imagined Jaspreet hid her amorous feelings for Ravi behind her feelings of anger and hatred.
When Jaspreet stopped talking, Sandeep looked at her. Jaspreet placed her teacup on the table. Jaspreet reclined in her chair and closed her eyes. In all her anger, she exhausted herself. Sandeep breathed a sigh of relief and took the teacups into the kitchen. She returned and watched her friend sleep for a little over twenty minutes. Jaspreet opened her eyes and smiled. Her white teeth in her mouth were brilliant.
"I must've fallen asleep. Sorry about that. I guess I needed that," she blushed at Sandeep.
"No worries. I had to finish my tea," Sandeep said.
"I'm sorry you had to enjoy it alone."
Sandeep thought it strange Jaspreet had no recollection of Ravi and her anger toward him. Jaspreet was relaxed and pleasant.
"Shall we do some homework?" Sandeep suggested.
"Yes, I'd love to," Jaspreet said.
"Let's begin with math."
"Okay, that's the subject I seem to have the most trouble with so maybe you can help me by showing me how to do a few questions?" Sandeep said.
"Of course, Sandeep, I'll show you how. No worries."
The two girls dug in their bags for their books and Jaspreet found a note in hers from Ravi. He asked her to the dance. She grinned from ear to ear and then shared the news with Sandeep.
"And to think all that anger because you thought he wasn't going to ask you to the dance and was being rude to you," Sandeep said.
"Yes, how foolish I've been," Jaspreet said.
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She had nothing to worry about.
Nope. Not at all.
Thanks for reading.
Its funny one. Typical example of jealousy being part of love.
Hard not to like a story starting with "Arrogant prick"
Ha ha ha. Thanks,