The Girl with No Name

Written in response to: Write a story about a someone who's in denial.... view prompt


Inspirational Drama Fiction

This story contains themes or mentions of sexual violence.

Closed my locker, double checked and made sure it was locked tight. My spotlight syndrome makes my everyday feel like a giant stage fright. Like everyone’s eyes are beams of light on the back of my head or my ass. Everyone’s got a repulsive secret locked somewhere in the vortex of their minds. The key to unlocking it is in finding out whether they’re oblivious to it or not. Like being the hottest girl in school apparently makes me the sluttiest? I’ve always been the envied one since I got to high school, it’s a gift and a curse. Constantly being sent other people’s sexual energy through their psychological fantasies, it’s not like I ever asked them to start thinking about me. I see guys always eyeing, always smiling. The attention melts me, it’s the only reason I go to school and take my looks seriously. There’s this undeniable control, this ability to make men lose themselves over the slightest degree of attention I give them.

           It was eight summers, that was when my world started to change, and my powers became apparent. It was that late night spent on the tramp when Nate Travis groped my inner thigh and started rubbing me up and down. It was the first time I ever felt like my body didn’t belong to myself and it was invigorating. There’s something I couldn’t put my finger on about it, the feeling of possession. The feeling of being possessed, It’s like something took over my body and told me I belong and I don’t belong. Hard to explain but it kind of reminds me of being high and drunk at the same time. Being of use to somebody and nobody. It was that night that my life changed forever and took me to one of possibilities.

-Hey, Jordan you coming to the party tonight?

Uhh, Tristan Everly that whore makes me sick when she gets so familiar like that. But the guys like her, so I must be friends with her.

Umm, I mean yeah.

-Cool, we should go together. I hear that Travis’ cute cousin from Nebraska is coming too.

Uhh, bitch like what’s that supposed to mean. Like she thinks she’s the one fucking Travis tonight.

Okay, I was talking about maybe going with Jessica and Veronica.

-Oh so you’re already going with us, dope. I’ll see you tonight.

That little slut already infiltrated herself. uhhh never mind. She’s not fucking Travis and she’s not goanna be my friend.

Sweet, I’ll see you guys.

Everything goes so much faster when you hit high school. I’ve had so many relationships it’s crazy. I can’t wait for next semester at AZ state. Then I’ll finally get to be my own person. Not have to feel pressured by anybody. I can just join my sorority and go out every week and use my powers. See what I can real in. Like as if there were any real options.

I need someone who’s been through some shit. Someone who can hold me down physically and financially. Someone who can lead me. I’m too good to be stuck in Middleton with some nobody. I’ve always known that with my powers I would be in the highest esteemed of society. Any man in the world would desire me. I could get with a billionaire!? I’m so done going out with these boys. I may never be with guys like them again. I must make the most of this summer. Afterall, you only live once.             

           Getting ready for the party that night,

God I’m so fucking hot. If this were medieval times, I would literally be a queen. Not living around these inbred pieces of shit. It’s like seriously, my family fucking sucks. I just can’t wait to get out of here. As for tonight, I’m thinking after Travis does his Keg stand, I go see If he wants his cocked sucked.

‘Phone beeps’

-“Hey We’ll be over in ten”

What the fuck! Those bitches said nine o clock! They’re trying to fuck me up. They think they’re better than me? Ughh, I can’t wait to get out of here. It’s not my fault I’m the hottest girl in school.

Getting in the car the girl put on her social mask and joined the others in a fireball shot thereby followed by the ritualistic, Woooooo! We’re gonna get so fucked up tonight noted Jessica.

On course towards the party the girls listened to a range of music. Travis scotts 90210, some lil uzi vert and a devil in a new dress by kanye west. She couldn’t help but feel like her subconscious was starting to take over as the music got louder and the shots came surer. Everybody except for tiffany who only had three shots and was driving started to almost transform. The Wooo’s started to get more frequent and more ferocious. The screams in each other’s ears more and more boisterous. Until,

They arrived at Travis Scotts house. Travis Davis’ as Vicky needed to correct herself laughing incessantly at her Freudian slip. Veronica was feeling queasy after the first fireball and threw up in the middle of the street immediately upon getting out of the vehicle.

-Hey! You guys made it

Said Justin Thompson with his shirt off and a football In hand as he was previously throwing in the lawn with another bro. They left the vehicle and in a slur of disoriented buzzes found themselves walking as if half in a dream towards more incessant noise. Slowly getting louder and louder.

Trash was in the lawn, she looked down briefly to see her feet crunching some old solo cups. The door opened with two other bros racing out the house one chasing another. With the music full blast as they were at the doorstep. A ray of blue light hit her eye as she was trying to walk In unable to see the commotion of the function. Then as she was entering, there he was. Standing on top of the keg performing his last ever before his next escapades at KU state. Travis Scott, Or…..Travis Davis. As he was getting up from the boy’s rite of passage he let out a bro screech to let everyone in the party know he was the broest of the bros. And as if clockwork the girl walked on over, nearly tripping over a couple making out on the couch nearby.

Hey if it isn’t

-Shut the fuck up. I want to go upstairs and suck your cock right now.

Eyeing her up and down while biting his lip.

Ohhh shit, you wanna go. Let’s go.

The two walked upstairs to his room and as Travis closed the door started aggressively making out. A few minutes passed and the girl started to perform the act. She felt that power coursing through her veins. However slightly disoriented she felt that thing again. Like she was both in control and in bondage. Her self-realization invigorated her aggression. She got more and more into it as Travis let out a few moans. She felt like she was the most powerful woman in the world at this point.

-Ohhh God, you’re such a fucking slut.

In that moment the girl would feel the strangest sensation in the entirety of her eighteen-year existence. It was the feeling of being the most powerful woman to the most fragile and weak wretch who’s ever existed. It was in this moment that complete rage and terror overtook her whole body. As if a stinger had shocked her spinal cord and almost in a paralyzed frenzy, time slowed down. The music seemed the loudest it’s been all night. And without a second thought, consumed by her shadow. She bit down. She bit down hard.

-Ahhhh fuck, fuck, fuck, ahhhhh

Holding his crotch in agony blood started to drip on the carpet.

I’m no fucking slut you fucking pussy.

You fucking bitch, get the fuck out of here. Ahhhhhhh.

Sometimes, it’s in our weakest moments that we are most susceptible to karmas trials. And it’s in our strongest moments that we are most susceptible to karmas trials.

June 22, 2024 02:58

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