Reunited Seasons

Submitted into Contest #109 in response to: Set your story during the night shift.... view prompt


Christmas Sad Happy

*Silent Chimes of flakes, jingling Bells of Church, and the joy of Christmas spread Over The Rainbow of a shopping Street. It all makes sense on the night before Christmas.*

It was the time of Christmas I was enjoying my night working at the gift shop. Yeah! you heard it right I love working there, why, you'll know as the story progresses. I was swiping the gifts filled with the emotions of people, while they were pushing each other creating a hustle. My fellow employees were calling each other all over the store. When all of a sudden I get a message from my fellow saying "Hazel the manager is calling you", he took over the cashier as I proceeded towards managers desk. It was only a few steps until I hear a voice of a little girl crying, I shook my head here and there in search of the girl, when suddenly I see a glimpse of Icy hair dipped in the gradience of the gray. It was her, the crying girl I stepped forward and kindly asked her "Why are you crying little angel?", as she turned towards me, and all I could see was an angel, all the purity, a pair of pearly eyes, a tiny sweet nose, pleasing cheeks, and cherry lips. It was like a winter scenery, all in snow with little sweet candycanes hanging to trees. She was in desperate fear, hicupping, filled with chills, tears dropping from her eyes. She was unable to answer a single word, as she stood there with velvet mittens in her hand, still staring at me. I couldn't resist seeing her like that, so I closed my eyes, smiled at her, and gave her a soft, gentle but a deep hug, it was calm, I felt that I was in a hollow valley. A few 15 seconds later, I whispered her "Now now it's ok, tell me what's wrong dear?" as she pressurized my chest affectionately and answered "my sister's lost" she had it too difficult to speak it out, I could feel her being all desperate, I then asked her for her parents, and she replied that "me and my sister ran away from an orphanage, we don't have parents", "Why, we're the people at orphanage cruel on you?" I asked her, she said "they were willing to send my sister away, they said my sister will have a better life at her new home. I pleaded them to take me as well. But they replied we don't need you, we are in a search of beautiful child, one which can earn us money through her looks, we can't afford on taking you as well, you will be nothing more than a burden on us. They were going to take away my sister next week, so we ran away, but in the way down I lost my sister near the shopping street". I went blank, how could they even think of her as being ugly?, keeping that apart why would someone want to separate two loving sisters?, moreover they were separating them for some money. That was all going through my mind at that time, somehow I calmed myself down, stood straight and said her hopefully ''let's go find your sister!", as I wiped her tears away, she held my pinky finger with her tiny adorable hand, that was the moment I knew she felt totally secure with me, it was like she was my own daughter. She had her hopes back, smiled at me me and said "Thank you sir". I suddenly remembered that the manager was calling me!, nevertheless reuniting the sisters was more important to me at that time, I said to my fellow that "I've got some stuff, attend my shift here". Crowds of people walking from pillars to post, wide streets with broad pavements, for the first time I was afraid by the look of shopping Street, it seemed to frighten me as we were looking for the little girl's sister for about an hour now. I asked the little girl for how sister looks, so if anyone has seen her around can let us know. By the info of the little girl, her sister, similar to her was a beautiful summer scenery, however no one came to come across her sister...the night was getting colder, Christmas was on the offing. Everyone was happy, cheery, friends and family wondering around. I on the other hand was hopelessly sitting near a fountain looking for a solution to find little girl's sister. Now

the little girl understood the situation she was in and said to herself "maybe they are sister will have a better life there, much better life". Winds carried away snowy dusts, surrounding was all of a silence now, the blue hues of night spread near and all throught me. A voice that must be Cherished, a sweet scented, a soothing one that has to go on, a sweet melodious aura, a harmony of christmas took everyone into the blessing and the appealing aesthetic of humanity. "It's her It's her sir, it my sister's voice", the little girl said to me. I was completely shocked, nevertheless I was figuring out where the voice was originating from, as I moved few steps to my right the voice became more clear and louder, I turned my head towards my left and I see a crowd of people making a quarter of circle beside someone, the little girl went rushing towards his sister, while I stood there, the melody numbed, seasons united, both the summer and winter were in an year again. The girls rushed and hugged me, I was in a blessing. I said to the girls "they were wrong, either of you is incomplete without the other, you both need each other. Summer and winter together enhances the joy of an year, summer shows importance to winter and, winter shows that of summer. That's how an year exists". I hope you know now, why I loved working at the shopping street. That was the night shift I'll cherish for rest of my life. I was fired by my manager that night, tho I don't regret making that decision. I wish the girls are doing fine, they probably would've forgotten me by now, they were too young when that incident happened, or maybe they still have a faded residual of that in their memory. Who knows?

September 04, 2021 03:38

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Sourabh Bhardwaj
14:20 Sep 05, 2021

Great bro, I loved it!


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Crayon Flix
01:35 Sep 05, 2021

The reunitation carol! Depiction of year by winter and summer in two girls!


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Naina Middha
07:25 Sep 05, 2021

Keep going Dhruveee.....Yaar tu to bahot achii stories likhta h. Stay blessed


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Madhav Middha
04:15 Sep 05, 2021

Really appreciable ,👌👌


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Unknown Unknown
13:37 Sep 09, 2021

Loved it


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Neha Gandhi
04:46 Sep 06, 2021

Very nyc dhruvi.keep it up God bless u🙂


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03:20 Sep 05, 2021



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Priyansh Ruhil
03:06 Sep 05, 2021

Its really nice man u gor some skills to think in an unique way


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Boruto Uzumaki
01:37 Sep 05, 2021

The incident was his past, present its his memory, they'll cherish for lifetime


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Akiko Aikawa
01:33 Sep 05, 2021

This is a Christmas magic!


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