“Why are you running away from me?”
“I’m not running from, I’m running to!”
“I’m not leaving, Mom, I’m moving TO!”
“What do you mean, where is TO?”
“To my life. You know, the life you wanted for me? The reason you made sure I am healthy and educated?
Why did you spend money on my education and training, not to mention Dad buying flight lessons for me so I could fly his plane?
Why did you insist I go to college?
What did you think I would do after college, or obtaining a pilot’s license?
Stay home with you?
Dad is out in the world, but I should stay home … and do what?”
Well … she jumped up and down and sputtered a few unintelligible words, then turned her back to Dorothy who stood still in shock and waiting for her mother to fall over in a faint or in the throes of a heart attack. When nothing happened, Dorothy turned and left the kitchen intending to walk toward the front door. I need some air.
At that moment, Ken came into the house through the kitchen door. “Hey, what’s all the noise about?” Janet and Dorothy stood silent.
“By the way, who’s the guy in our garden. If he’s the new gardener, he’s not moving very fast.”
Dorothy moved to the kitchen window and looked out. “No, he’s not moving at all. Dad, something’s not right.”
Janet bolted toward the door, but Dorothy blocked her way. “Dad, take a look. This is not good.”
Janet whimpered and tried to push Dorothy aside, but Ken made it past both of them in a flash. Janet shoved her daughter out of the way, but Dorothy grabbed her dress and in the scuffle she ripped the back of it. Janet yelped, threw herself forward and tripped out the door.
She saw the young man on the ground and yelled, “Oh my God. No!” She ran toward him, shoved her husband aside, and wrapped the young man in her arms rocking back and forth. “Oh no, no, no. Not him. Please, not him.” Then she began to cry.
Dorothy stood in silence observing the situation. She snapped out of her stupor when her dad yelled, “Call 911. Call 911. Now.”
The ambulance pulled up out front and EMTs ran up the driveway to the back of the house and into the garden. Three of them assessed the situation and told Janet to go into to house while they took care of the young man. “Sir, please stay here so we can get a background on him.”
“I – I don’t know him, or why he’s here. Ask my wife. The one you just told to go away.”
Dorothy started to panic. “I don’t know anything either. I’ll get my mom.” She turned and ran into the house. She ran down the hall into the bathroom where she could here her mother throwing up. “Mom, mom, they need you to answer questions. Who is this guy? I saw a knife in his back, Mom. What the heck is going on?”
“Oh, God. Oh, God. I don’t know. I swear. I asked him to come over today to meet you. I don’t know what happened.”
“Meet me? Why? He’s a stranger. Why would I want to meet a stranger here at our house? What the hell are you doing interfering with my life … my new life?”
Ken watched as the EMTs put the body of the young man onto a stretcher and covered him over. He walked behind them as they wheeled the gurney out to the ambulance. Damn. Look at those gawkers across the street. Nothing happens here without the whole neighborhood knowing.
The police showed up and Ken gave them his personal information. They asked to have two officers enter the house to talk to his wife and daughter. Just like in the TV shows. I don’t need this. Not with the shit show that went on at work today. Damn. And what’s wrong with Janet crying like that. You would think she knew the guy.
The police were quiet and polite and asked both Janet and Dorothy questions about the man who had been stabbed in their garden. They both said no, they didn’t know him and had no idea he was there and didn’t know anything about him being stabbed in the back.
Dorothy said, “No, I don’t know him or what he was doing here. I’ve never seen him before. I feel terrible but honestly, I don’t know anything.”
Janet just stood there and nodded her head.
“All right, thank you. We’ll be in touch. We’re sorry this happened to you.”
They left and got in their car, exchanging nods that they didn’t believe a word they were told. Paul said, “Something’s off. I think the old lady knew something.” Carrie nodded as they drove back to the station.
The neighbors began to disburse. George looked across at Ken and slightly nodded his head. Ken stared at him. I wonder what he knows? He never acknowledges me. What is going on?
Ken went into the house and Janet was sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of tea. She only drank tea when she was upset and needed calming down. He sat across from her.
“Okay, what’s up. Don’t lie to me, Janet. I know when something’s going on. You’re keeping stuff from me again.”
“Oh, Ken. It’s worse this time. I have something to tell both of you. I asked Ryan to come over today because I had decided it was time for both of you to know. And now. And now. I’m so sorry.”
Dorothy came into the kitchen and heard the conversation. She got herself a cup of tea and sat down next to her dad. “It’s okay, Mom. We’ve been through a lot of stories with you before. But I have to admit this one is really not good. However, we need to know what you did this time.”
“Who is Ryan?”
“He’s your brother, Dorothy. He’s older than you. He’s not a half-brother, he’s the baby I had before your dad and I were married. Ken didn’t know about him.”
“I’m so sorry, Ken. You were in the Army in a war zone, and I didn’t want to screw up your concentration over there. I also didn’t want to admit to my family that I was pregnant, so I went to live with my cousin Cristina while I gave birth and you were overseas.”
“What the hell, Janet? Then what? Did you give him away?”
“Yes, I thought it was best for everyone. He went to a nice family in Florida, and we stayed in California. Neither of our parents knew. Just Cristina. I felt terrible but you came home with PTSD, and I couldn’t handle my family’s strict religious views, or my friends with their arrogant superior attitudes, and my college studies and everything. Oh, jeez.”
Janet put her head in her hands and sobbed.
Dorothy finally opened her mouth and said, “Mom, I’ve had a brother all this time and you didn’t tell me? That’s unreal. How could you do that to any of us?”
“I don’t know. I don’t know. But after your dad came home from the war, he wasn’t right in the head. I knew he would pull through eventually, but it was touch and go with him for about two years. I’m so sorry. I made a mistake and I’m really, really sorry. Please try to understand.”
Ken stared at his wife. “So, I’ve had a son all these years and now he’s dead.” He slammed his hands on the table and stood up. “This is too much.” He walked out of the room.
Dorothy looked at her mother and said, “I understand, Mom. I don’t like it, but I understand. I do have one question, though. Why was he stabbed?”
Janet looked down at the table and quietly said, “Well, that’s the rest of the story.”
Ryan was extorting money from his employer for the last three years. He told me about it and I didn’t want to tell anyone. I hadn’t told you or your dad about him and didn’t want to go to jail as soon as either of you knew about him. I wanted to give it a little time before I told anyone about him, or his illegal activities.”
“I decided last week that it all was too much to handle so I talked with him and asked him to fess up to his employer and take his lumps. He was going to do that. I asked him to come over here to see me and our neighbor George who could help him in asking for a deal. He had information on some illicit dealings of Mr. Henderson.”
“George, our lawyer neighbor, George?”
“Yes, He’s a criminal attorney.”
“I didn’t know that.”
“Mom, it’s not your fault. It’s not your mess. But you have a lot of explaining to do to Dad. I’ll be okay but you need to take care of your husband now.”
Dorothy stood up and left the room. She sighed.
I don’t envy her. She just lost a son and now she might lose everyone. What a mess. I’m going to have to rethink leaving home right now. The brother I never knew is probably the victim of a crime, and my mom needs me now. Well, shit happens, and plans change.
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