
“Wait- I don’t understand! We have her! We have the Black Widow! She’s Lana O’Leroy” screamed Chief Smith, the head of the CIA. 

“No darling, you have my hairstylist and that isn’t even her name. Lana O’Leroy is a name inspired by the acronym LOL” chuckled Sarah Rosen as a grin creeped on her face.

“You will pay for this Sarah! Who is she? Who is the Black Widow?” countered Chief Smith quickly, knowing his time was running out. Dwayne Smith quickly calculated all possible scenarios, staring at the cadavers riddled with bullets around the meeting room within the CIA headquarters as the realization dawned upon him. He understood everything as the pieces of the puzzle fell in place.

“I see” whispered Dwayne hopelessly.

“Awfully late darling. Awfully late” hissed Sarah as she pulled the trigger of her 9mm Glock without flinching.

The story began months before, in a warehouse, in Florida. Large trucks carrying illegal weapons had been unloaded into the warehouse. The air was filled with the creaking sound of crates and tired sighs of the workers. A heated discussion took place between the arms dealer Sarah Rosen and the buyer Stefan Volkov, one of the most dangerous men in America.

“I agree with you Mr. Stefan, however, she won’t be pleased” spoke a slim lady. She pushed her ginger hair back as her green eyes pierced the customers.

“Madam, I would like to keep our business professional and I don’t need to explain how easy it is for me to walk out that door, if the price is not reduced” warned Stefan.

The threat was heard by every worker, bringing their work to a stop.

“I don’t like being threatened sir. Please remember we can take our business elsewhere and I doubt the Black Widow would appreciate this” spoke Sarah calmly.

She nodded to the team present in the room. Immediately each person held a revolver and ostensibly aimed it towards him as their target. Volkov glared at his henchmen wishing they were better armed and prepared. He did not like being intimidated. However, he recalled a myriad of rumors warning those who crossed the Black Widow.

That was the Black Widow’s reputation. Untainted and supreme.

He smiled in all innocuousness and shook Sarah’s hand. Consequently, he gave the orders to load the crates filled with illegal nuclear weapons into the ships anchored outside.

“Pleasure doing business with you” said Sarah as he walked away.

Sarah Rosen had been working directly for the Black Widows International arms dealing business for the last 13 years. She was the only person rumored of having seen the Black Widow’s face. Renowned for the product quality and secret trading network, the Black Widow is a woman who seemingly built her international empire from corruption and bribery. With her reputation came the unwanted attention of the federal government. She was at the top of their list. She posed as a threat to the security of the country.

At that moment, the doors of the warehouse violently blew apart injuring those working close by. CIA operatives swarmed inside. There were multiple shots fired. Without breaking her stride Sarah grabbed the briefcase with the money and charged towards the roof. Looking up she spotted four agents heading towards her. “BANG” four shots fired, and the agents were down. At that moment she heard the click of the revolver hammer being drawn back. She stopped abruptly and dropped the briefcase. They got her. They got Sarah. It was just as she planned. Perfect!

Within the CIA office in Florida, in an interrogation room heavily guarded, Sarah Rosen sat across two of the most intelligent agents.

“How are you Sarah. How was the trip?” spoke a bulky middle-aged man sarcastically. Boyle Hendrickson’s eyes drilled into his prisoner’s.

“It was fabulous. I’m honored” spoke the woman quietly.

“Now, let’s get down to business. You know whom we want. We-” said Jason Bennett before he was interrupted.

“I’m ready to help. Anything you want. You see, I am tired of working and when you are in this business” she winked “you can’t really get out. I will tell you everything. Stocks, operation centers, locations, anything” said Sarah. Her calmness was unusually intimidating.

The men started laughing.

“Do you think we’re brainless?” spat Boyle as he continued laughing.

“Why would you help us?” questioned Jason trying to restrain his laughter.

“What can I say agent? I’m just kind-hearted” whispered Sarah maliciously.

“You obviously want a deal” replied Boyle. Most people underestimate him because of his appearance; however, the Princeton graduate was much smarter than he seemed. “What are your terms Sarah?”

“Simply, freedom. You let me disappear.” spoke Sarah coolly. Rosen slowly lifted her legs onto the table, lazily stretching as if she owned the building.

She knew they had no choice. She was enjoying this. One could blame her several foster care givers for her twisted mind.

“It depends on the accuracy of the information Sarah. Names, operations and traders are useless if we don’t arrest her” explained Jason.

“Consider it done” she said, as she rocked on the steel chair.

Week after week, her information proved trustworthy. Doubts were forgotten and cooperation turned into trust. Their greatest mistake. Rosen was brilliant without a doubt. She had staged each operation so the CIA would be grateful. Her plan fell into place just as she wanted. “I was born to direct” she often thought.

She thought she owned everyone. Most sociopaths did.

Finally, the time had come to trap the Black Widow. The woman everyone wanted. After numerous failed attempts, Rosen exploited their desperation. Why? Why would she get caught in the first place? Why indulge in the façade? Simply because she was bored. She enjoyed playing games.

“I know that she will be attending a masquerade ball at the Bishop Museum of Science and Nature today…in about sixty minutes.” said Rosen behind the platinum bars, smiling.

“We understand. Once we get her, you walk. Now that we waited, we want a name.” said Boyle.

“Aww, you poor darling…someone at the top pressurizing you?” slurred Sarah.

“No one. I don’t trust you. I want her name now” barked Boyle as he pushed his face closer to the bars.

She knew she wouldn’t be released, and he knew she wouldn’t let them get the Black Widow. A dangerous game was being played.

“Lana O’Leroy. That’s your villain’s name” Sarah said as she gripped the bars aggressively. A professional actress all the way.

“Sounds fake. I know what you’re doing Sarah. I don’t have a choice because my superiors are desperate, but I know what game you’re playing” said Boyle

An hour later, the museum was stormed, and Leroy was arrested. It seemed too good to be true. Leroy did not put up a fight either. ‘Something is wrong’ thought Boyle.  

The CIA Chief, Dwayne Smith and the supervisors of each department met at its headquarter the following morning. Sarah Rosen was brought to the meeting to close the case. How Sarah came armed remains a mystery but what followed was brutal. The Chief and every other supervisor was left mutilated. A blood bath was all that was left when she exited the building.

Walking out of the headquarter, Rosen wiped a drop of blood off her face and laughed out loud. Victory never felt this good.

“Hello Jason” the Black Widow said seductively, as she slid into the matte black Porsche.

“Hello lover. I never did like that stuffy meeting room, it felt so dead” Jason purred,

“What can I say, my aim is to please” she smiled.

April 16, 2020 14:43

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