Friendship Sad Fiction

“And you knew how much that would hurt me!”

“God, you are such a victim”

“All I've ever done was be kind to you, you are so cruel!”

“I”M cruel?? You don’t even know yourself. To call me cruel… you’re such a hypocrite”

“And I never said what happened that day was your fault”

“No, but you might as well have. And now you want me to feel sorry for you, after everything you’ve put me through”

“Just STOP! Already, please… why is it never enough?”

“Oh, I’ve had enough. I’m done with you”

“Good! You are so draining to be around, imagine trying to be friends with someone who has it out for you for no reason! Anyone else would have given up long before I did”

“God, you just don’t know when to stop. How many times do I have to tell you I can’t stand being around you?”

“You are so miserable. And bitter. You’re gonna end up just like your mother”

“HOW DARE YOU. To say something like that? You are an awful person, and I’m gonna make you pay for that”

“Whatever. I'm done trying to be gracious and understanding. You never deserved any of that”

“You better watch your back”

“I’m not scared of you.”

“That’s awful. And I thought what she said to me was fucked up.”

“I don’t even know what I did. I tried my best”

“It was never about you though. She has serious issues, thats why shes in therapy”

“Well she needs a new therapist. She keeps doing the same things to people over and over without any remorse or self awareness. It's like she holds everyone to this insane standard but the rules don't apply to her. I can't stand it”

“It'll be okay. Just try to forget about it. The people who actually know you know you're not like that. She's just projecting onto you the way she did with me. You’re not a bad person and you didn’t do anything wrong”

“But for some reason I still feel terrible. I wish it had never happened”

“I know. It'll take time to deal with it.”

“I hope one day we can reconcile”

“I doubt it”

“I’m sorry it happened like this”

“Good luck”

“But why can’t you just try to talk to me? I’ve tried, can’t you appreciate that?”

“You’re too much. You need help”

“That’s rich coming from you. You get upset at the way I react to things. That I don’t comfort you enough, but then when I try, it's pity. Make up your mind”

“I don’t have to explain myself to you. Your life is so easy, you would never understand.”

“You’re kidding. MY life is easy? Right, so being bullied and losing my brother were just nothing then”

“But it's not the same. You don't experience that every day”

“YES I DO! I feel it every day of my life! You never made an effort to comfort me but when the roles are reversed I’m a terrible person? You’re sick”

“The fact that we are having this conversation proves my point. You just can’t let things go”

“But if I did let it go then you would be upset! There's no way I win”

“ you need to think for yourself and stop being so obsessed with what i think of you”

“No. if you have a problem with me you'll do what you did to Amanda and spread lies about me. I actually care about my reputation”

“That's pathetic. And i didnt lie about amanda she was a terrible person”

“You’re just as pathetic as me! You are obsessed with how others view you, and you DID lie about Amanda. She did nothing to you yet you turned on her and spread all those lies about her. You surround yourself with pathetic yes-men and enablers who will never disagree with you”

“Like you?”

“Yeah like me. But I’ve changed. I now see you for who you really are. You’re manipulative, cruel, and you don’t care about others at all. They’re just a means to an end. They are pawns to climb up the social ladder for you. You walk all over others and don’t care how you hurt them”

“You need a backbone. Grow up. Just because I don’t like you doesn’t mean i'm a bad person”

“But it's more than that! You tell random strangers lies about people. I don't want people to think of me like that. I want to control my own narrative”

“I don't know what to tell you. At the end of the day I will say whatever the hell I want”

“She’s dead to me. I hope she gets hit by a bus”

“Jesus Christ”

“ I mean it. People like that, who have no empathy for others, shouldn't exist”

“It'll be okay, you don't have to deal with her anymore”

“But I can't let it go. It's like waiting for the other shoe to drop”

“ I know it's scary but like I said, the people who actually know you will see through her lies”

“But there are people out there who will take her side immediately with no question”

“Those people don’t matter. Just the ones in your life right now, who love you and care about you”

“And how are you feeling after talking to your sister about it? Do you feel any better?”

“I guess. She made some good points and I realize it's not the end of the world. But the situation still bothers me.”

“I understand. Is there anything specific you;d like to discuss about that day?”

“I don’t know. I’m honestly glad I wasn’t there when she left. I probably would have gotten into an argument again”

“But instead you spent time with that boy you've been seeing. Was that pleasant?”

“Yeah. I definitely needed that time with him, it cheered me up a lot. I think i was actually able to relax”

“That's great. You deserve that. Keep in mind that just because one person is unable to communicate doesn’t mean everyone is like that. I think it will be good to surround yourself with the people in your support system that make you feel safe and understood.”

“That makes sense”

February 19, 2023 20:59

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