Fiction Happy

“Hey Caroline, what’s up?”

“April, you will not believe this; are you sitting down? Friday night; it’s happening.”

“What makes you say that?”

“I overheard Jack talking to Doug. He said that Friday night is the night.”

“He could have been telling Doug that Friday was the first hockey game of the season, or he has to get a root canal.”

“Oh, April, you’re not much of a romantic, are you? You forget that as the receptionist that sits outside of Doug’s office, I can hear just about any conversation.”

“Isn’t it rude to eavesdrop? I’m sure it isn’t company policy.”

“When it’s something important, like Jack walking in and asking Doug to be his best man, I think it’s perfectly ok to eavesdrop.”

“Oh my God, he asked Doug to be his best man? He really is going to propose?”

“Yes, but I don’t know where. I checked Doug’s calendar to see if he had anything scheduled for Friday night. There was no hint.”

“Why would Doug be there? They’re usually kind of private, don’t you think?”

“April, Jack asked Doug if he was free on Friday!”

“Well, you didn’t tell me that part. Geez, I’m not a mind reader.”

“Sorry, you’re right. I’m just so excited.”

“Do you think Mom knows?”

“I doubt it. She would have mentioned it if she knew.”

“I wonder why he didn’t tell us? I think we all should have been consulted. Didn’t he say anything to you when he walked past your desk?”

“I wasn’t at my desk when he walked in. I came back and heard them talking. When I realized what they were talking about, my ears perked up, and then Jack said he had to leave, so I hightailed it away from my desk, so he wouldn’t know I had overheard.”

“I just think he’d mention something to us.”

“April, don’t be a baby. You’re not pouting, are you? “

“But why ask Doug to be there and not ask the whole family?”

“I don’t know, April. Ugh! I hate this phone. Hold on while I answer the other line.”


“Mullins and Franklin Associates. This is Caroline. How may I direct your call?”

“Hi, Caroline, it’s Mom.”

“Hey, Mom, what’s up?”

“Jack just called me and invited us all to dinner at The Mill House on Friday night. He said we are going to be celebrating something huge. Are you free to attend on such a short notice?”

“Wow, that’s pretty ritzy, The Mill House. It must be some celebration. Luckily, I am free to eat and drink to my heart’s content on Jack’s dime. What time?”

“Caroline, don’t be snarky like that. He said 8:00.”

“I’m just kidding, Mom. What do you think we are celebrating?”

“I don’t know. He made it sound all so mysterious. Maybe it is the merger. He said that Pam and Patty would be there, and he wanted all of us there as well.”

“Cool, I haven’t seen the twins in a while. It will be good to catch up with them.”

“I have to call April to tell her. Jack said he’d mention something to Doug at work. I hope Marley can join us. I bet her mother would love a couple of hours of alone time with Cassie.”

“Oh, you’re right. It’s perfect that Claire is here for a couple of weeks helping them. I know Doug is relieved since he’s been working on this huge merger.”

“Doug works too hard, just like your father did. I worry about him.”

“After this merger is through, he plans on taking time off to spend with Marley and Cassie. He’ll leave the practice in Jack’s capable hands.”

“I hope you’re right. I’ve got to run, and I still have to call April.”

“I’ve got April on the other line, Mom. We were making some plans for Saturday afternoon. I’ll tell her.”

“Perfect. I’ll see you later. Oh, if April can’t make it, have her call me or text me. I told Jack I’d let him know who would be there.”

“Sure thing. Bye Mom.”

“Bye bye. See you Friday.”

“OMG! April, you’re going to flip out. That was Mom on the other line, and she said that Jack called her and invited all of us to join him for dinner at The Mill House on Friday. Pam and Patty are going to be there, too.”

“No way! Isn’t that where they had their first date? What time did she say?”

“You’re right! He’s really being romantic. She said 8:00 and said if you couldn’t make it, to let her know.”

“Like I would miss this! Of course I’ll be there. Plus, it’s The Mill House. Who would miss out on that place?”

“I said the same thing to Mom. She said I shouldn’t be so snarky.”

“Ha ha, she has you there. Snarky is your middle name.”

“You are the funny one; aren’t you little sister?”

“You know you love me.”

“Yes, I do. Hey, I have to hang up. Doug is walking back to his office. He gets testy if he finds his two sisters talking about him. I’ll see you Friday when Jack proposes to Mom.”

“Oh, I’m so excited! I can’t believe it’s really going to happen!”

“Are you talking to April? I don’t pay you to talk to our sister. Tell her I said hello, and she should stop bothering you.”

“You don’t pay me anyway, no matter who I’m talking to. Remember, I’m helping you while Denise is on maternity leave. By the way, do you want to go out for drinks after work on Friday with April and me?”

“Oh good one, Caroline. Let’s see what he says.”

“Uh, no, I don’t think so.”

“Come on, we need to celebrate Cassie’s birth, just the three of us. Your calendar looks clear.”

“Ok, how did you figure it out?”

“I heard Jack talking to you. Then Mom called to tell us Jack wanted us to go to dinner at The Mill House.”

“Put April on speaker.”

“April, you’re on the speaker with Doug and me.”

“Hello big brother!”

“So Jack came in to ask me for our permission and blessing to ask Mom to marry him.”

“Why did he only ask you?”

“April, it’s not always about you.”

“He asked me as the oldest, and he knew we would be in lockstep. Then he asked me to be his best man. If I had been a chick, I would have been crying.”

“Come on, Doug, you can tell us you cried like a baby. We won’t tell.”

“Screw you, April!”

“That’s not a very nice thing to say to your favorite sister.”

“Whatever, April. I have to get back to work, unlike someone else who works here.”

“Yeah, whatever you say, Doug.”

“Ok, I’m hanging up now. Goodbye, Doug. Goodbye, Caroline.”

“See you Friday, April.”

“Did you know Jack was thinking about proposing to Mom? They’ve been dating for four years. Are you ok with that?”

“Yeah, I am. He makes Mom happy. She put her life on hold to raise the three of us after Dad died. It’s time she does something for herself. When Jack first asked her out, I’ll admit I wasn’t, but Marley told me to get over it. She said Jack would not replace Dad, and I knew what a great guy he was, so like Marley pointed out, I couldn’t ask for a better man.”

“That’s true. I think the idea of Mom dating someone threw me a little, and then with him being a single father to teenagers, Mom didn’t need that hassle again. She had already done her time with teenagers, but I got over the shock.”

“I’m going to be outnumbered getting two more sisters on top of the two I already have. Then my beautiful wife gives me a new daughter. I need you girls to bring in some more males.”

“Keep dreaming. Pam and Patty are only freshmen in college. April is in grad school, and I’ve sworn off men since that whole shit show with Robbie.”

“Hey, Doug? Do you have a few minutes to look at these reports of all the associates’ billable hours?”

“Sure, Michael. Come into my office.”

“Hi, Caroline. I like your sweater. That blue looks good on you.”

“Thank you, Michael. I like it too.”

“How much longer will you be working here?”

“At least another two months. Denise is planning at least six months off on maternity leave.”

“That’s cool.”

“Michael, are you coming in or what? Quit hitting on my sister.”

“My brother needs to mind his own business.”

“I heard that.”

“I better get in there. Uh, would you, um, like to get coffee or a drink maybe sometime?”

“Yeah, I think that would be nice. Are you free tonight?”

“Yes, great, perfect. Drinks after work?”

“Sounds good.”

“Michael, you asked me to look at your report. I don’t have all day.”

“Sorry, Doug. I’ll be right there.”

“He gets grumpy when someone talks to his sister. You better get in there.”

“Right. Meet here at your desk at five?”

“Sure. we can decide then if it’s coffee or alcohol. Crap, there goes the phone again. I’ll see you later. Mullins and Franklin Associates. This is Caroline. How may I direct your call?”

February 21, 2023 06:08

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