Gravity and Apples

Submitted into Contest #63 in response to: Write about two characters going apple picking.... view prompt


Friendship Drama High School

What happens if the earth has no gravity at all? Are we going to float and do our activity in the sky? It gonna be fun. Violet is in her class today, a physics class with a teacher who is explaining the force of gravity according to Newton's laws. She is trying to stay awake after a night of finishing her work. Violet made extra money by selling her writing to the newspaper under the alias Purple Sky. Not much different from the meaning of her name.

"I assign you to study Newton's laws in groups of two. Do you want to be randomly divided or choose your own partner?"

After hearing what her teacher said, everyone in the class was silent. Some fall asleep because they can't help themselves. There is someone who offers an opinion.

"What kind of assignment, sir?" 

A girl, Lily, who raised her right hand turned out to be just asking questions and not giving the necessary idea. She looks so interested. Her eyes were wide and showing no signs of being bored. Violet watched the girl's movements, that girl loved physics to the best of her knowledge about Lily's past.

"You will look around you, take pictures of it, and write explanations according to Newton's laws. Anything is allowed as long as it meets the requirements and doesn't offend anyone, "

"I want to choose my own partner, sir," Lily proposed her opinion.

"Okay. Because the others don't want to put forward their opinion. Only Lily will choose her partner, ”the other friends still looked uninterested. Maybe many want to get out of this class. Physics is known as a difficult and boring subject and here it is natural.

"I want Violet to be my partner,"

Violet, who heard her name enter the conversation, immediately raised her head and paid attention to the conversation that seemed unattractive earlier. The reason behind Lily wanting to be her partner in this task is unknown. Violet and Lily were once close friends. But for some reason, they became distant from each other.

"I don't want that sir," Violet said immediately. She didn't want to be awkward in doing this task. After all, she still uncomfortable get back to talk and be alone with Lily after that a bad thing Lily does to Violet.

“Very well, Lily will pair up with Violet. The other you will choose randomly and after recess, the class leader can meet you to take the list of groups. Do this task well and don't be lazy like this. The class end here. Do it well okay, " 

As if not listening to Violet's opinion, Mr. Indra immediately walked out of the classroom. Violet still didn't accept that decision. Lily put all her books and stationery into her bag then walked to where Violet is.

"When are we going to do it? You know we have to do this to get a grade and I can't do it alone. " Lily looked at Violet who was still busy putting books into her bag and ignored Lily's words.

"Only Sundays. I know that. Even though I've been tricked by you, I'm not that stupid. I understand the purpose of this assignment," 

Violet was still angry with Lily. Violet remained silent after saying that and lifted her bag to leave the classroom.

"Okay, I'll call you. Please don't avoid me any more,"

Violet just walked out of the classroom without showing the slightest interest in Lily. After what Lily did to her, her trust was completely lost. Lily is a close friend and a person with who she shares all her secrets. If Lily wasn't close with her maybe she would forgive quickly. Since her best friend did that herself, it was not easy for Violet to forgive and reconnect with her. She even finds it difficult to trust other people.

Violet returned home and entered her room. Back when that thing not happened, Lily used to play here after school. They will be doing a lot of activities. Watching all day, do prank with people on the internet is quite fun, and chatting about many things. Unimportant things up to the feelings he keeps from anyone open up in this room. Many of the photo stamps on the wall of her room that she had dismantled and discarded. Violet was so disappointed by something Lily did to her.


Sunday came. Violet was used to getting up at noon today. And Lily knows her habit. They used to be very close, of course, Lily knew Violet's little quirks. That morning, Lily was presentable and walked into Violet's room. Violet's mother didn't know what had happened and allowed Lily to enter Violet's room. Violet's mother was very happy because Violet's friend came again after a long time. Violet only shut herself up after that event and no longer trusted anyone to be her friend.

"Violet wake up," Lily tried to shake Violet's body who was hugging a doll slowly. Violet just stretched her body and changed positions without wanting to open her eyes. Lily shook Violet's body and laughed a little at Violet's innocent face. She hadn't seen this side of Violet in a long time. Lily decided to photograph this moment. The moment he had been waiting for a long time since that incident. Unfortunately, the camera light came on and immediately woke Violet up.

"What are you doing here? Delete that photo !!! " Violet, who was still half-conscious, was furious at what Lily was doing. After the previous incident, he did this again.

“Hurry up and delete that photo! You still want to demonize and tell my secrets to your friends? "

"Delete it quickly or I'll erase it myself," Violet got out of the blanket and immediately tried to reach Lily's cellphone. Lily, who didn't want to make things worse, immediately erased it and showed it to Violet.

"I deleted it, don't be angry, Vio. I just want to capture this moment. This is the first time we greet each other, "

Violet only brushed her hair hard. Then he took a deep breath trying to calm down and regain his full awareness.

“Don't expect too much. I talk to you about this task only. So please wait outside before I do anything untoward. ”Lily heard that immediately came out before things got worse. She didn't want Violet to avoid her again and not speak anymore. So, she tried to restore shattered trust.

Violet immediately got ready for the day and hoped that this task would end quickly. Violet actually doesn't want to have anything to do with Lily anymore, let alone involve her "gang" friends. Violet thought that forgiving Lily and not dealing with her again was the best thing. Forgiving and accepting what happened is far different from holding back someone who is clearly going to do the same thing. She didn't want to take that big risk again.

Lily waited for Violet in the living room while looking at her social media. She looked at the group that was still active and asked about Violet's news and the relationship between them. Lily just read the message without intending to reply because all she wanted was get back her best friend.

Violet came out of the room wearing jeans and a casual white T-shirt. Violet really liked clothes like this. She doesn't want to be judged as a feminine woman who always wears floral motifs. Even though she liked pink, Violet just didn't want to stand out and be the center of attention. After all, this was just a group assignment that required a lot of movement of his mind.

Violet walked past Lily in the living room. Lily immediately stood up to see Violet who came out and immediately went to the front of the door.

“Come on, hurry up, I don't want to spend any longer with a traitor like you. And I ask you not to do anything with your cell phone. I'll take everything we need, "

Lily, who heard Violet speak in a calm tone even though it remained cynical, felt a little relieved. At least this was the chance she had to fix their relationship.

“We're going to the Apple tree in the playground not far from here. Taking the theme of a playground is okay for you, right? " Lily had planned a great place for them to talk and at the same time complete this physics assignment.

"Appletree? So we're going to imitate how Newton got his thought of gravitation? Isn't that too ordinary? "

“But we don't just take apples, we can take pictures of fallen leaves and stems. Besides that, we can also take pictures of children playing to use, "

“Even though you are a liar, your idea is quite good. That's all we will do. I just hope it ends quickly. Linger with you will only make me sick. "

Lily who heard Violet's words was silent. Was it a compliment or sarcastic about her?

Violet and Lily walked towards the playground that was their destination. Lily brought a backpack filled with mats for them to sit on, some snacks, and a notebook. Whereas Violet only carried a small bag, it seemed that she really didn't want to do this task. But on the other hand, she did not want this assignment to affect her small grade. At least this can help her in physics. 


Arriving at their destination, Lily opened her backpack and took out all its contents. Violet just stood and surveyed their circle. Greenfield with lots of children playing around it. Some play swing, climbing, ball, sand, and so on.

Violet remembered that this was the garden where they had first met. At that time Lily was just a child who was being bullied by a group of other children. Violet just watched and didn't want to get involved. As the other children left, Violet walked over to Lily. Violet offered Lily a cover and from there Lily always followed her wherever she went. Violet is not brave and is feared by many other children, but Violet hopes that her presence can be a comfort and that Lily can become her friend. Lily "her old friend" is very innocent and shy. Violet returned to the present. And their relationship became like this.

“I'm going to take some pictures in this park. You just wait here and do nothing but eat or find a way to write an explanation. "

Violet said this because she didn't want her photos to be spread by Lily again. Violet surrounded the place. When she was sure she'd taken enough pictures for their assignment at the playground, she returned under the apple tree where Lily was waiting.

Violet looked at Lily who had eaten an apple. And saw a lot of apples in front of Lily.

"When did you start learning to climb? I thought you were cowardly, it turns out that you have other strengths besides spreading bad news about me, "

Lily who was busy cleaning the other apples looked at Violet with a red face and watery eyes.

“Enough Vio. I've heard enough sarcastic babbling from You. You think I have no heart. I also have Vio, I can also get hurt if it is repeated all this time, "

Lily stood up, rubbing her eyes. Violet didn't know that she had crossed the line. But according to what she did, she deserves all the sarcastic comments. Even just saying it was not enough to heal and restore her trust in a friend again.

“Wow, you have a heart too. If you have a heart, you shouldn't have the heart to spread all my secrets and bad photos to others. You know the consequences of your actions, I was teased and threatened by your gang. I don't even know who I should consider friends anymore, ”Violet and Lily stood facing each other. Violet gave Lily a sneer.

“I didn't know they did that to you. You just get mad at me and stay away from me. You think I can read your mind. I just want to have lots of friends and be a part of them Vio. You will never understand what it feels like to be cornered and alone when you are busy with all your other friends. ”

“So you did that just to get revenge because I made new friends at a new school? Have you really thought of me as your friend? Huh, Lily the gossip queen? Lily who knows all the other children's secrets? ANSWER ME LILY! "

Lily remains silent listening to what Violet said. Unconsciously, tears had fallen on her cheeks silently. Lily sat down and stared at the apple she got earlier. Violet remained standing idly by. Lily didn't seem to know what Violet wanted. Violet only wanted one word "sorry" and Lily knew her mistake. Now Lily looks like she is digesting everything. Her emotions and thoughts wandered.

"I'm sorry Vio. I don't know the consequences of that. I thought they would still be friends with me if I found out and told them everything I know about you. I'm lonely and feel like I've never accomplished anything. And I guess they laugh at you as much as I find you funny. It turns out I really messed up everything. My parents' relationship, friendship and nothing lasts with me. Even you have been friends for a long time and spent time with me. I'm sorry Vio, "

Finally, the thing that Violet wanted was said by Lily. She didn't know that Lily's emotions were so complex. She knows that the relationship between Lily's parents has been bad for a long time. His father often goes out and spends time with some women at night. Lily's mother finally poured all her anger on Lily. Violet looked at Lily who was still sitting while bending her legs and hiding her face. Violet saw that Lily's body fluctuated erratically and there was a small crying sound. Violet waited until Lily calmed down by sitting beside her. She didn't know that Lily also faced many things to do stupid things just to get into a group. Lily just wanted to feel like she can be part of the group.

"Li, I forgave you a long time before this. I'm just waiting for you to know your mistakes and say it yourself. But I'm not sure I can get close to you like I used to so quickly. " Violet said it while looking another way. He did not want Lily to know he was also crying at Lily's apology.

"Ouch .."

An apple fell on Lily's head. Lily lifted her head and rubbed the apple that had fallen on her hand. Violet looked at Lily.

"Are you ok?" Violet asked by looking and turning Lily's head. Lily looked at Violet who looked very serious now.

"Ha... Ha... Ha .." Lily laughed so hard. She saw Violet's face which was covered with snot. She then gave the tissue she brought to Violet. Finally, they both laughed together. That was the beginning of the reuniting of two friends. Under the apple tree, Newton started thinking about gravity. Gravity can not only explain how we do not float on earth but can also bring friendship back.

October 15, 2020 05:26

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