Christman Eve

Submitted into Contest #283 in response to: Write a story that ends with a huge twist.... view prompt

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I was Christmas eve as the old man sat down in front of the fireplace. The fire was warm and cozy. Casting a yellow glow around the room. He was feeling reminiscent as he glanced at the clock over the door. His quite solitude would soon be shattered. His son and daughter's families would soon be arriving. Getting up to look out the window; it was snowing again. Probably going to be a white Christmas the year he thought to himself.

Heading into the kitchen to check on a last minute desert. He had decided to make. Opening the oven and pulling out the muffin pan. The aroma quickly filled the room. Strawberry-Banana with honey drizzled over them. The table dishes were set. The family bringing the main meal.

The slamming of a car door told the old man total chaos had arrived. He hurried to the door. Opening it just as the swarm of grandkids rushed through. Both families had gotten there at the time. He was smothered in hugs. It felt like a plague of locust. As they swept through and onto the Christmas Tree to start shaking all the boxes.

"Their are so many of them!" He said. "They are even cloning themselves." "Nonsense dad, its only the same three. Your twin granddaughters and your grandson." As his daughter hugged him along with his daughter-in-law. After shaking his son and son-in-law's hands he finally invited them all in. The old man helped them carry the food into the kitchen along with the other boxes the wives carried.

Soon the table was set. The call was put out to the rest of the household. There was a moment of silence before the ensuing feast. There was the large turkey and ham that had already been sliced and laid out. Both kinds mashed potatoes, casseroles, veggies, more cranberry sauce than you could shake a stick at. Three types of bread and several kinds of deserts. A meal fit for a family.

After the meal the old man started to help put stuff away. His daughter saying, "Just cover it. It will be snacked on for a while yet." The kids ran to the living room to watch the Christmas specials on TV. The adults retired to the den.

As everybody took a seat, the old man opened the drawer of the end table by the couch. Taking out a bottle of twelve year old classic sipping whiskey. His daughter ask, "Dad? You sure you want to open that?" He replied, " Why not?" No one objected. He poured a shot glass for all. Holding up his glass saying, "To good times and many more." "Here Here." they all said, then they turned up their glass.

His son and daughter-in-law instantly gasp for air looking like they were about to choke to death. His daughter and son-in-law along with the old man just laughed. Finally the daughter-in-law moved her hand sideways in front of her as she squeaked out the word "Smoooth". Sending everyone into laughter.

The conversation was lively. As they all caught up with each other. After a few minutes of silence the son brought up the thought that it might be time the moved into town. "You know, just in case something happened."

"I'm fine. Besides I like it out here. Where its quiet and nobody bothers me." "But dad, your closest neighbor is at least half a mile away. And you only get to see your grandkids a few times a year." The daughter piped up. "You remember last year. The car ran off the road into a snow drift. You were stuck in the car for three days. How you survived no one knows." Then the daughter-in-law said "What about the year before that? The power went out and you were low on food and firewood." The old man laughed. "Minor set backs. I know what I'm doing."

Suddenly the lights flickered! Everyone got up to look out the window. "There must be four inches of snow out there now." his son said. The kids came in saying "The TV is out!" "Well its about time you kids headed to bed anyway. You don't want to get in Santa's way when he stops by later tonight. Do you?"

Grandpa said. "OK" they said as the children headed upstairs to bed. The two younger men were trying to pick up something on the TV in the den. As the old man and the wives went to get some desert. Then came a knock at the door. The daughter went to answer it. The old man saw the daughter step back as she opened the door, he herd her say, "You must want my dad." He saw long thin object start through the doorway. Running up behind his daughter, slamming the door shut as hard as he could. Snapping the object into.

Something hit the door hard. Rattling it on its hinges. The lights flickered again. Then the daughter hollered. "Oh guys, We may need some help in here!" The old man and his daughter were pressed hard against the door. Then the it was hit a second time, this time the door loosened up. "It won't take another one of those.' she told the old man.

In the mean time the daughter-in-law had been looking for a flash light after the lights had flickered the last time. She had found two in the drawer beside the sink. She was walking into the foyer when the door was hit a third time. Sending her sister-in-law and the old man off their feet. The door shattering into splinters. Then the lights went out. Then the daughter-in-law quickly turned on one of the flash lights. Pointing it to the door as the two husbands came up beside her. There in the beam of light stood a tall figure dressed in a hooded robe, holding a broken scythe.

Everybody was speechless. The old man and his daughter were up off the flour now. The son exclaimed "Dang! I really liked that weathered looking door." The daughter-in-law asked "Do you know this guy?" The old man answered "Yes. We go a ways back." "Who is he?" the daughter-in-law ask. Her husband looked at her like she was from another planet. "You're kidding! He's Dracula!" her husband said. The old man turned to the hooded figure. Both the old man and the hooded figure just shook their heads. Looking back at his daughter-in-law. She just shrugged her shoulders. "I ought to disown you. That's the Grim Reaper!" The dad said. "No Way!!" his son exclaimed. "Wow! I have heard so much about you." As he stepped up to the Reaper holding out his hand. The Reaper slowly reached out to the shake the mans hand.

Then the reaper shook his scythe hard on time and a new blade appeared. Slowly everybody began to circle the room. The old man said "Your not after them, it's me you want." The Reaper scanned the room. Sweeping his arm across the whole room pointing to everyone. Then pointed upstairs. Suddenly the lights came back on. It was total confusion.

Everybody went in a different direction. The Reaper swinging wildly. They all seemed to move so fast the Reaper had trouble hitting anybody. The old man had taken the Katana off the display stand on the fire place mantle. The old man and the Reaper met in the middle of the living room. Each drawing back to swing.

The lights went out again. Then there was a loud clang and the sound of broken glass. "What was that?" The son-in-law ask. The daughter said "That sounded like the table with the reading lamp beside dad's recliner." Then another loud thud. "That was the footstool in front of the coach." A long ripping noise followed. "That's the middle cushion on the coach."

Suddenly the lights came back on. The Reaper was standing with a string of Christmas lights over his shoulder. Covered in tinsel and a red Christmas tree ball hanging off the end of his scythe. Evidently the tree had been involved also. Just as the kids were working their way down the stairs. One of the twins shouted "He's trying to heart grandpa!" It looked like three tornado's as they ran into the living room.

The grandson jumped onto the Reaper's back pulling the hood over his face. One of the twins ran up and kicked the Reaper in the shin. Causing him to drop the scythe. The other twin had run into the kitchen, pulling the ice cream out of the freezer. Taking a big scoop and heading back into the living room.

The Reaper had thrown the grandson off was still hopping around holding the leg that had been kicked. The second twin ran up and dropped the ice cream down his robe. Causing the Reaper to wrap his arms around himself as he shook the cold off.

The daughter and daughter-in-law had dove for the scythe and picked it up at the same time. "Mine!" the daughter-in-law said. "No! It's mine!" the daughter yelled. The tug of war moved into the dining room. As the group of on lookers followed the lights flickered out again.

Sounds of chairs being over turned, breaking dishes, drinks spilled, the turkey bouncing across the floor. Then PLOP. Silence filled the room. Finally the son ask "What was that?" "It sounded like either the mashed potatoes or the pumpkin pie." said the Dad. "I am not sure but I think I stepped in it." the daughter said. Again the lights came back on. "Eww!! That's gross." said her husband.

Then the Reaper glided over and took his scythe back. The daughter-in-law ask "Why were you after all of us?" The reaper scanned the table slowly raising his arm and pointing to the tuna casserole. "No way!" the son said. "The cans were only a week past the expiration date." "That's it?!" his wife shouted. "You are never cooking again."

The clock in the kitchen chimed midnight. "OK. That's it kids. Santa will be here soon. You need to get back to bed." "OH Grandpa." they said in unison. "No complaining or I'll have Mister Grim deal with you." He looked up at the Reaper and winked. The Reaper raised his scythe over his head. The kids all screamed and ran up stairs.

The old man looked back at the Reaper. "Well is that it?" he ask. The Reaper reached inside his robe. Taking out a rolled up piece of paper, unrolling it. Then showing it to everybody. It was a calendar page, for the month of December. Slowly the days all shifted and the year advanced to the next year.

"What does that mean?" His son-in-law ask. "It means the same time next year." the old man said. As he and the Reaper headed out of the dining room. The old man picked up the bottle of whiskey. Taking a swig then handed it to the Reaper.

Everybody watched as the Reaper turned the bottle up. The amber colored liquid fell though his jaw and cascaded down his ribs, before handing the bottle back. The two headed out the door. As the Reaper was gliding off into the snow. The old man called out. "Better luck next year." The Reaper reaching back and flipped him off. Before disappearing into the snow.

The old man's daughter ask, "How long has this been going on?" The replay was. "Year's now. I wouldn't miss it for the world."

January 01, 2025 08:22

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1 comment

06:48 Jan 10, 2025

The end is an unexpected surprise. I really thought it was turning into some sort of comedy horror. It was a fun read. Good job!


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