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Happy Middle School Speculative

As the days begin to grow colder, the nights begin to grow longer. Leaves of all vibrant colors, fall in front of my eyes. As I walk to the New coffee shop, I observe the beautiful scenery around me. The kids playing. The people raking. The dog viciously barking. The wind gives me a gentle kiss on the cheek, and the cold caresses the tips of my fingers. "This day can't get any better." I think to myself. But believe me, I was wrong. As I enter the shop, the sweet and comforting smell of home hits me. I'm immediately comfortable. I don't want to change this feeling. I've captured the feeling and I refuse to let it go. I slowly sit in the nearest chair. The chair fits me in all the right places. As I sit in the chair, I think about what I may want. Before I can come anywhere close to making up my mind, the waitress interrupts. The waitress, rather slim, and intriguing, asks me, " What can I get you?" My attention is captured by her heart-shaped face, and her blue eyes. Her hair is as black as the stripes on her black and white shirt. Her facial expression makes her look like she's hiding something. She suddenly pulls out her notebook from the navy green apron that hangs at her waist. Considering the fact that I've never been here, I'm confused by this question. "Excuse me?" I repeat. Saving time to think. "What can I get you?" She repeats again in a gentle tone. " What do you have?' I ask in true curiosity.

" Well, we just released a really good beverage called "Cinnamon Fall." " It doesn't sound interesting to me though. "Anything else?" I ask. " We have one called "Loving arms."" That's sounds more like me! I confirm that this is the drink that I want. The waitress hesitates and slowly leaves the table. Leaving me alone once again. While alone, I enjoy the people and things around me. I see a little girl filled with laughter. She smiles at me, and I nod. I even decide to make a silly face. Her smile begins to turn into immediate laughter. She reminds me, of a younger me. Ready to discover the world. As I'm looking at her, I think of the time when I was just a little younger than her. I go back to the place that raised me. I think of the curious little girl I was, getting into anything and everything. Nobody could tell me that I couldn't. Even as I have gotten older, I still carry these traits with me. Although I'm stubborn, I'm open to new ideas. I've always been that way. She turns back around, and I focus straight ahead of me. There's a teenage boy sitting alone. He looks sad and lonely. He looks to the ground below him. In the corner of my eye, two people have caught my attention. I see an old man being accompanied by his son. The son helps him into the booth in front of me. They sit there in silence. The son has an envelope in his hand and begins to open it. He smiles and yells "I've got it! I'm in! I've been accepted Pa!" Joy rushed across the father's face, followed by a moment of confusion. He smiles and stands up, and they both do the cutest victory dance, catching everyone's attention! People begin to cheer ( some not even knowing what's going on.) After the cheering, I sync back into thought. It seems that everywhere I look, I see nothing but love, laughter, and peace. Finally, moments later, the waitress returns. "Enjoy," she says, as he places the glass mug on the table. Immediately, I see that there's a heart made out of cream on the top. When I pick up the mug, I feel the warmth on my hands. The hands that the cold once caressed is now filled with warmth. When I sip the cup, I see where it gets its name. I feel the love roll down my tongue and rush down my whole body. I suddenly get a flashback, to when I was younger, hearing the voice of my beloved father yelling, "You've got it! You've really got it!" as I ride a bike for the first time. At 5 years old, I was determined to ride my new bike. I was determined to achieve what I had persevered for. Although I had failed multiple times, I continued to try. And the loving people around me continued to watch me progress. Until one sweet day, I was happily riding my bike down the sidewalk. My mother was video recording me. My father was screaming with excitement. Both running behind me. The neighbors watched me, with a smile, as I succeeded. The smile and laughter here remind me of that day. The day that the world seemed happier. When I'm out of that thought, I turn to the waitress and ask " What is this made of?" She smiles and replies "Can I tell you a secret?" I look around, looking to see if anyone is looking. " Sure, why not?" I reply. I'm confused by this, but my daring side insists. I lean in close. She leans in even closer. She looks me in the eyes and with a soft, comfortable, soothing, docile, tone, " Everything here is made with love, including the people. When people walk through that door, they feel safe. They feel included. Here, we are all treated as family. " I smile and look up at her. She slowly backs away once again, where she is then called for an order. What the waitress has told me, provoked me to do something I thought I would never do. I walk up to the counter, and ask, "Can I get another order of "Loving arms?"" "Yeah! Of course." She replies. I began to walk toward the table where the lonely boy was sitting. I stop at the table. He looks up at me with confusion as I sit in the chair across from him. " You here alone?" I say suddenly. "No, I'm waiting for someone." He mumbles. Before I could say anything, he continues. "My brother." Right away, I can tell that seeing his brother isn't something he's happy about. "Ok," I say. I then get up and walk away. As the waitress comes to give me my second helping "Loving arms." I whisper something to her, and then she disappears, taking the mug with her. Seconds later, she emerges from behind the counter. She walks over to the boy's table and stops. She sets the mug on the table, along with the note. He looks around the room for the person who has done such a kind act. He reads the note out loud. "Sharing the love."

October 13, 2020 22:49

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1 comment

Jo Axolotl
18:56 Oct 22, 2020

This was such a sweet picture, Nevaeh! I loved the mystical yet familiar feel of the coffee shop, and the concept of "sharing the love." Watch your structure. Break up your story into paragraphs, and indent every time a person speaks. It'll make your story more pleasant to read.


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