A child's defeating his fear the monster basement. By Tyra Jonhson

Submitted into Contest #33 in response to: Write a story about a character making a big change.... view prompt



In the dark ,old ,wooden, creepy and cob web ceiling. My enemy and nightmares dwelled in the night time. This monster in my house called the basment; kept me for many years a prisoner of fear, torchure and distress in the nights only. I was being bullied in my own house.

The first time I met this monster was when I was 6 years old. I looked inside his dark chamber and he caused me since then to have nightmares of him. Eating ,chewing and crushing my little bones into little pieces.

My father had his fishing equipments ,that we would use and go fishing at the lake; stored in the monster.

Many nights I couldn't sleep like a night owl I covered under my blanket , fearing that the monster would come for me. I leave cookie and milk outside his door ;trying to become his friend. But he never accepted my friendship because he always leaves the cookie and milk.

Many nights I love to sleep with my superheroes called Mommy and Daddy;because I felt safe with them because they read me bed time stories ,protected me and kept me warm throughout the nights but I couldn't always sleep with them;because they needed adult privacy.

How does a 8 year old child, with skinny legs and toy gun, challenge a dark and big monster.

I thought about bargaining by offering peanut butter and jelly sandwiches to the monster to spare and save my life ; because I was scared of the monster trimming and grinding my bones into thousand pieces.

One day after school , I decided to tell my grandfather because he always knew ,how to handle bad situation. I went to my grandfather also bestfriend house to tell him about the monster and ask for advice. He was a soldier that fought in world war: he was brave and old like a lion. I sat on his couch next to him. My grandfather sailed the deep and blue sea, fighting against mighty battles ships from Germany.

I said ,"Grandfather I am having problems at home with the monster called the basement,I want you to come and fight him because your the greatest soldier in the world".

And he said ," Your the little bird and the basement is the big monster,the monster is feeding on little birds fears and the more you run from the monster,he will become stronger,you alone must face your fear,die like a hero not like achicken". Then filled with encouragement. I felt a little better and confident.

I love to watch cartoons not horror movies but I was soon to be caught in my own horror movie. Luckily I survived to tell the tale of the little bird and the big monster that was defeated.

It all started in the cold and rainy night. The sound of the heavy rain pouring on my roof top woked me up. I went to my mother and father room searching for them to comfort me but I couldn't find them. Then I heard monster making sounds; bang! and Clash!.

I runned fastly to the door but it was locked from the ouside. Then I went to my room and under my blanket. My hearts skipped beats fast like ligtning and the sound my heart like thunder,as tears poured like rain in my eyes. I was scared. I urinate my red pyjamas pants in fright. The monster knew I was alone and he was coming to get me. Finally the enemy would strike.

The monster had taken my mommy and daddy and locked me inside. My heroes were gone. What would I do,my little brains exploded with many thoughts and fear.

Again he threatening me with the sound,bang! and bang !. I closed my eyes and I thought to myself enough!. and I exhaled.

The monster taken my parents ;he caused me fears for many years and sleepless night. Enough! then with confidence ,wisedom and strenght, I was finally ready to war and face this monster. Just as my grandfather adviced me.

I opened the monster door . In my wet and leaking like a lose pipe pyjamas ;with my skinny legs trembling and shaking like a tree in a hurricane and swallowing my saliva.

My fear I could taste being swallowed. I was prepared to die like a hero and not a chicken.

The words of my grand father played like music over and over in my head. "Face your fears,die like a hero and not a chicken". I shouted angrily at the monster and said ,"This is my house ,I am the boss and I am not scared you anymore ,I am the grandson of a world war warrior and I came to fight you,mr monster".

I runned down the stairs like a cow boy in the wild west movie into the monster house. I was shocked and amazed because I discovered my cat name lucy tangled in my father fishing net. It was lucy that was making the sound of hitting the small boat;while trying to free yourself from the fishing net.

Then I assisted her from the fishing net. With a smile like a thousands star on my face ,as I looked into Lucy blue eyes as the sky. With tears of joy, I had defeated the monster. While laying there with Lucy warped in my arms tightly. Lucy sounded, "Meow". I felt even Lucy was applauding me for my bravery.

My mommy and daddy came home. They found me in the basement with lucy in my arms and tears of joy in my eyes. My mother turned on the lights in the basement and My father said ,"Your grandfather is at the hospital because he had a heart attack but he is doing well and we locked you inside,while you were a sleep to protect you from criminals and not going outside".

I said , "I defeated the monster,now I can sleep at nights peacefully and sliently". Then with bright smiles on my parents face, we had a family hug together inside our basement, that was once a monster but then became apart of our home. My fears had become love,glory, victory and happiness.

Finally with a heart of joy,peace,bravery and fighter; the the little bird had escape from the big monster. I learned facing your fears makes you stronger and happier because fear the enemy of mankind becomes stronger,when we are scared to fight it.

March 15, 2020 02:46

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Thaine Chase
13:02 Mar 24, 2020

I enjoyed this, and the grammar issues did not lessen the experience, though getting a handle on it would make you unstoppable. :)


Tyra Johnson
13:14 Mar 24, 2020

Thank you.


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Gloria Salazar
18:34 Mar 23, 2020

Good roots and morals to this story. Needs a little work in the editing department but great potential. If you have trouble with the grammar try Grammarly.com to help until you get better with it.


Tyra Johnson
22:07 Mar 23, 2020

Thank you for your advice.


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John Greene
23:14 Mar 21, 2020

Firstly I notice some slight grammar spelling errors,thats why it is important to read over your work but however this was a wonderful story.I was pleased and enjoyed it...your theme facing our fears is good.


Tyra Johnson
23:17 Mar 21, 2020

Yes thank you..I did notice my slight error "basment" etc and yes I did not read over my work to check through..but be sure to do so next time


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Alex Sumner
22:42 Mar 21, 2020

I like your story but I did see some slight grammar errors...However still a nice story and well taught lesson to face our fears..creative and impressive.


Tyra Johnson
22:52 Mar 21, 2020

Thank you..yes I do have slight grammar spelling errors..I noticed because I didnt read over my work..but next time I will be sure to read over


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Tyra Roberts
22:21 Mar 21, 2020

I loved and enjoyed your story.


Tyra Johnson
22:54 Mar 21, 2020

Thank you..


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