as darkness consumes me

Submitted into Contest #92 in response to: Set your story in a countryside house that’s filled with shadows.... view prompt


Fiction Horror Mystery

They say the truth will always come out but Clementine hopes she can change her destiny or more likely her brothers. “Clem! Get down here we have to be at the house in an hour that's what the landlord said. Clem?” yelled Tess. “I’ll be down soon T!” Clementine screams back. “Alright but if we're late it's your fault.” mumbled Tess. Clementine hurryingly grabs the rest of her boxes and runs out the room almost tripping over a coat hanger she didn't see. “This house ughh glad to be outta here.” She said to herself in a frustrated tone. She stumbles down the stairs and grabs her iced coffee off the mantle. She takes a sip and makes her way to the kitchen where Tess is standing, not acknowledging the fact clementine is behind her. “Boo!” shouts clementine. “What the hell clem.” says Tess flustered. “Well you better get used to it. We are moving into an old, creepy house. We should prepare ourselves for all the creepy pasta, right?” clementine asks. “Not this again i told you we are moving there because it's quiet we cant keep coming back to this clem he is gone!” she says sternly. “I know but i just can't forget him, maybe we can contact him and…” she is cut off by Tess “NO!” she yells “he's not here not there not anywhere! I’m sorry clem but it is just the truth.” she exclaims walking away and leaving clementine in the kitchen alone. A single tear runs down Clementine's face and she proceeds to quickly wipe it off. Before getting into the car clementine makes her way back upstairs again and stands motionless in front of a door with a goofy no entry sign on it. She pushes the door open and reveals a packed up boys room. She sits on the bed clenching a football t-shirt gently sobbing into it and her eyes wander around the room looking at all the photos of her and the boy around the room. “Goodbye Liam I'll miss you big bro” she says her voice cracking. After leaving the room she wipes her tears of that are now streaming down her face quickly and goes outside. “I'm here sorry forgot a box” she mumbles. “No problem clem.” Tess says. “Ok lets go.” exclaims clementine gathering herself. A few hours later they arrive at a small ancient looking cottage and begin to unpack. Clementine grabs a box and cuts it open revealing a spirit board she quickly snatches it away to not let Tess see and runs upstairs and sticks it behind a loose ceiling beam. “Clem you alright?” Tess questions. “Yea I'm fine, I just needed the toilet.” she answers. A couple minutes later clementine walks back downstairs smiling at Tess and grabbing another box after which she runs back upstairs alone. “Weird.” Tess mumbles and ignores her best friends mysterious behaviour as she goes back to unpacking the kitchen. Meanwhile back upstairs clementine is unpacking the toiletry box. “So call me mmhmm find me a mmMmMm true loves kisses.” she lightly hums. “CLEM HELP ME!” she jumps up immediately slightly frightened. “LIAM?” she says shaking. No answer she calls again no answer she brushes it off and goes downstairs for a break. “Oh good, your downstairs dinners ready.” says tess. “Great.” says Clementine, still a bit shaken. “Are you alright clem?” Tess asks worried. “Its just...its stupid but i thought i heard him...its fine lets just forget about it like you said earlier he isn’t here he cant be right right?” she speedily exclaims. “Oh clem you just miss him its ok it gets better now let's eat. After they finish eating the leave to go to sleep in their own rooms, night t. '' says Clementine, rubbing her eyes. “Night clem” answers Tess opening her bedroom door. Clementine slowly dozes off to sleep. A couple hours later at around 2 am the spirit board thuds to the ground waking up Tess and clementine the both run toward the board and see the planchette in the middle they hesitantly place their hands on and a shiver runs down their spines. “Is anyone here?” asks tess. The planchette slowly moved to yes. “What's your name?” asks clementine. The planchette slowly moves to the letters spelling L-I-A-M. “Are you touching it tess?” says clementine in an annoyed tone. “Noo...oo.” whispers tess. The girls look at each other in horror and something in the darkness grabs Clementine's leg and starts pulling her towards the darkness that is now consuming everything. “HELP ME! TESS!”  Clementine screams but Tess sits there like she is possessed senseless and drops to the ground as Clementine is trying to tug her shoulder to not get pulled into the darkness. “I told you cc what is done is done.” says liam. Clementine knows its liam only he called her cc she screams as the darkness consumes her and her final screams echo throughout the house waking up tess who is now shaking on the freezin k floor surrounded by deep claw marks in the floor. She jumped up and still in her pyjamas gathered her things and left to call the police but everyone thought she was lying. She couldn't prove anything and she got stuck in a mental asylum to help her get better but she never did. Everyone thought she was a crazy lady who imagined that her best friend made a deal with the devil but things went wrong and instead of one soul it took two but that isn't fair. On the hand no one said the devil is a righteous chap with a cheery soul because he doesn't have one very often at least but this year he has two. He must feel very lucky he has the soul of a sister who sold out her brother to the devil and accidentally her guilt took over her and she sold out herself. So just a reminder if you're dealing with the devil don't feel guilt or darkness just might consume you.

May 05, 2021 20:36

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