Drama Fiction Friendship

Olivia looks forward to tea at Chipped China every Sunday with Sarah and Daniela. Something had Olivia pacing back in forth in her room, chipping her nails away, in her plum silk spaghetti strap that she kept fidgeting on as it fell off her shoulder. She began to question if the lilac plaid skirt would look better than the white snake skin skirt, or if she needed to re-do her nails. Olivia had not yet come to terms about seeing Daniela delete a message thread under the name, “Joseph.” Joseph had been Olivia’s middle school crush, and she though that after being best friends from eleven to twenty-two years old, she wouldn’t do something like that to her. Although this seems like a sticky situation on its own, there had been a little situation she hadn’t brought up to Daniela and didn’t want to assume it was even, since Olivia wasn’t sure about anything. 

As Olivia continued to pace back and forth, index and thumb grabbing on her bottom lip, she finally looks up towards her door. Completely spazzed out, Olivia raises her aims as if she’s under arrest, staring right into Daniela’s eyes, “How long have you been standing there?” Daniela can’t help but laugh as she stares at her from head to toe.

“Long enough to know you’re crazy, now are we putting some pants on or should we all go in our thongs?” 

Olivia was reluctant to go the tea party because her whole friend group was going, including the boys. Which meant that Joseph was going to be there too. She saw it as a perfect opportunity to be observant and poise when she finds that her suspicions are as true as true blue. 

Soon after arriving to Chipped China, Olivia and the girls were sat in a long rectangular table with a beautiful taupe color table cloth, that sat eight guests. Olivia’s stomach began to turn, and even began to let out gas. Olivia excused herself to the lady’s room to gather herself but Daniela followed. 

“Daniela? Why are we sitting at a table for eight? Are five other’s coming? Who are they? Do I know them? Do they know me? Why not sit on a table for 5? Isn’t it just Joseph and Sarah’s boyfriend, Tony, joining us? Why DANIELA WHY?” exclaimed Daniela as she remembered she would remain calm. 

“I know Olly, I am so sorry. Don’t freak out. But I felt so bad I invited Andy, and told him to invite anyone else. I mean I didn’t want to exclude him from pre-planned plans. WE literally just broke up.”

Olivia had gone from freaking out, to really freaking out.

“Andy? Like Your boyfriend. Or I mean ex-boyfriend, right?” Olivia was pale under her sand colored foundation. 

“I know you told me to stay away from him during this breakup but we’re like best friends, you get that right?”

Olivia looks over to the mirror and gives herself a one minute pep talked in three seconds and nods her head for “yes” as she walks out.

Walking towards the table grasping her purse in front of her, she sees the table is full and all the guest have arrived. She makes way and sits next to Joseph. She gives him a hug hello, as he gives her a kiss on both cheeks. 

“It’s Chipped China, we’re always Paris in this joint. You feeling okay? Maybe you want some sake in your tea to let lose?” 

Olivia had always refused liquid poison in her tea on Sunday, as it was not allowed in Chipped China; but she really needed to let lose. Olivia took her first sip and felt a sense of relief. But as the conversations went on over lapping each other, Olivia realized that she was becoming lose lip Olly and would not shut up. 

“Quickly, grab me some water,” she told Andy, who sat across from her. Joseph looked over at Olivia confused, because there was a jar of water right in front of them. Suddenly Olivia felt like it was just Andy and her, sitting right across from each other. The blur on the sidelines was on mute. 

“Why are you acting so obvious Andy?” asked Olivia, as Joseph tapped her shoulder.

“Olivia, are you okay? How’s Andy acting so obvious? I don’t think he’s even spiking his tea. He only came for the macaroons.”

Olivia was too in her head, it’s no wonder she was so reluctant to show up to the tea party. She knew she would be the one to spill the tea in the end. Olivia decides to sip water for the remaining of the time at Chipped China, she didn’t want to make a group outing about her. She noticed Daniela go to the restroom quite often, so she decided to follow her and ask if she was okay. While walking in the restroom Olivia hears Daniela fall in her stall, so she crawls underneath to help her up. 

“Oh my goodness Daniela, are you drunk?” Olivia was too strong on acting poise to even admit her intoxicated levels. 

“Oh Olly, are you new here? I hide my flask in the toilet thingy and sip when I come use the restroom. Is that nasty?”

Olivia was just a little grossed out, but she recommended they just head home, with that plan, nothing can go wrong. But Olivia was feeling a little bold.

“Hey Daniela, by chance, have you and Joseph been texting?”

Daniela looks over at Olivia with a deep stare, exits the bathroom stall and washes her hands while looking into the mirror. 

“Yes, why?”

Olivia grew furious, but again, keeping her chill.

“Oh what about?” asked Olivia as she too washed her hands.

“He asked me if you were the reason why me and Andy broke up.”

Olivia dropped her whole dignity on the bathroom floor. Olivia had been frantic about telling Daniela that Andy pulled her into a linen closet during happy hour the day before they broke up. 

“Well why would Joseph ask you that?” said Olivia with fear instilled in her eyes.

“Oh, because he knows. But its okay, no one else needs to know.”

Olivia walks out the bathroom after being bathed in shame, because she thought that Joseph knew that Andy and her made out in a linen closet during happy hour at Greg’s Tavern!

Olivia heads straight to the table to gulp a glass of water, as she looks back to the bathroom door, she sees Daniela signaling with her fingers covering her lips. As this is happening, Olivia looks down to Joseph, who is also looking at Daniela. Joseph looks up at Olivia with a huge grin on his face.

“Daniela finally tell you she left Andy because she has a huge crush on you? Don’t even tell me why you guys were in there for so long. ” As Joseph giggled Olivia’s brain raced in slow motion. Daniela didn’t know that Andy and Olivia kissed in the linens closet. And the reason why Andy kissed Olivia in the linen closet, is because the day before Andy and Daniela broke up, Daniela confessed to Andy she had feelings for Olivia. Andy wanted to be seen, so it can get back to Daniela but it didn’t. But the reason why Joseph knew, is because Daniela confided in him at first. And Joseph is as actual idiot. And Daniela is in love with Olivia. And it’s no wonder Andy hates Olivia. Olivia should have just stayed home. 

January 13, 2022 04:53

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Fatima Jawaid
04:27 Jan 20, 2022

Oh what a tale of friendship and intrigued. Nice work!


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Unknown User
00:29 Jan 21, 2022

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