Lucy’s pony adventures - where it all began.

Submitted into Contest #211 in response to: Write a story involving a friendship with an adorable animal.... view prompt


Friendship Kids Teens & Young Adult

It was Saturday, it was summertime, and Lucy was so excited she was getting ready for her first-ever riding lesson at the local stables.  

It was Lucy’s 7th birthday and her Mum and Dad had bought her a new riding outfit, cream jodhpurs, black jodphur boots and a lovely silk hat cover with lots of unicorns on it; Lucy loved unicorns.  She loved anything horsey. 

Driving to the stables with her Dad Lucy had a funny feeling in her tummy, her Dad said it was called butterflies.  Lucy wondered how butterflies had gotten into her tummy, but she went along with it.  All she knew was this feeling is because of the excitement of meeting all the ponies at the stables today, and starting to ride.  Something she had only dreamt of to this point. 

They arrived at the stables and Lucy jumped out of the car and headed over to see the ponies, whilst her dad let the instructor know they had arrived for Lucy’s lesson.  Lucy couldn’t wait to see who she would be riding, but she hoped it would be the one who looked like paint had been thrown all over him.  His name was Ringo, Lucy assumed he was called this because the brown and white patches looked like lots of different rings around his body. 

The instructor Suzy came into the stables and asked Lucy if she liked Ringo, and did she want to ride him for her lesson today.  Lucy was so excited and said ‘yes please’.  She helped Suzy tack up Ringo, and listened as Suzy explained each part of the tack. She said this is something that you need to know if you are serious about riding.  

Suzy explained that first, you needed to put on the bridle, which goes over the horse's head with the bit in its mouth. The reins go over his neck which you hold in your hands whilst riding. Suzy fastened the different straps called noseband and throat latch, which hold the bridle on. 

She then explained the saddle which goes on the horse’s back and what you sit on when riding the horse or pony. The saddle is held onto the horse by fastening a girth from one side of the saddle, underneath the horse’s belly and fastening the other side. The girth is like a material strap which is soft on its belly but holds everything together. 

Now that Lucy had helped Suzy put the tack on Ringo, Lucy then walked with Suzy and Ringo to the riding school and was shown how to mount the pony correctly.  There was something called a mounting block in the corner of the school, which Lucy was asked to stand on.  Suzy then walked Ringo to the mounting block and Lucy got on as instructed. 

‘This is the best day ever’ thought Lucy as she was riding around the school. Suzy told her she was a natural horse rider, Lucy was happier than she had ever been. She felt like she was flying. Lucy had the horsey bug, and this was just the start. 

Lucy spent every weekend over the next few months at the riding stables helping out. She attended the horse workshops which Suzy had arranged. These workshops were for new horse riders like Lucy, to learn and understand the basics of looking after horses. These workshops included talking about the grooming kit and what each piece of equipment was called and how it was used. 

Dandy Brush - used to remove dirt and mud from the horse as this has stiff bristles 

Body Brush - softer bristles used to brush over the horse after the dandy brush once removed the dirt. This brush can also be used on the face. 

Mane & Tail comb/brush - as it says this brush or comb is used on the mane and tail. 

Rubber curry comb - used in a circular motion to remove any loose coat. 

Hoof pick - this is used to remove dirt and stones from the horse's hooves. Care should be taken around the frog area of the foot (the triangle shape inside the hoof). 

These workshops helped Lucy to understand how to care for the horses correctly. Suzy even suggested that as she was spending most weekends at the stables, Lucy could look after Ringo whilst she was there. This would involve grooming him whilst he was in the stable, in between riding lessons, and learning how to muck out the stable too. 

Lucy attended another workshop, this time about the parts of the horse and parts of the tack. 

Winter had arrived, but Lucy didn’t care as long as she was with the horses. She had warm clothes on so she was not worried. Lucy has now been riding for 6 months and had a lesson each week, so was now more confident. She had done walk, trot and canter easily, and last week had gone over her first jump. She was a little nervous but pleased when she managed to jump the fence completely clear. 

Suzy mentioned that the stables were holding a small local winter show in a few weeks, and suggested Lucy could enter Ringo if she wanted. When Lucy’s dad arrived to pick her up, she couldn’t wait to tell him and to ask if she could please enter Ringo into the show and do the jumping class as well. 

It was the day of the show and Lucy was so excited. She woke up early to get herself ready, her mum made breakfast making sure Lucy ate before she left, and a packed lunch to take with her for the day so she wouldn’t get hungry. ‘Good luck Lucy’ said mum, ‘just do the best you can, and remember it’s all about taking part and getting the experience’ she continued. Lucy smiled at her mum and gave her a big hug before heading off to the show. 

Lucy and her dad arrived at the stables where the show was being held. She swiftly went over to Ringo’s stable and started to get him ready. Suzy was waiting to help show her how you turn a horse or pony out for a show. ‘They need to look clean and tidy’, she said, ideally they need to be bathed so they are looking nice and clean. Suzy had bathed Ringo the day before so it saved a little time. Lucy brushes Ringo to remove any overnight scurf or dust, she picks out his feet and brushes his mane and tail. Suzy then showed Lucy how to plait the mane and tail. Ringo looked lovely. 

Lucy tacked up Ringo and took him to the practice area so she could warm him up ready. This loosens his joints and will stop Ringo from hurting himself when he gets in the show ring. 

It was then Lucy’s turn, she heard her name being called from the big speaker outside the arena, and headed over with Ringo. ‘Be good, and look after me’ she said to Ringo as they entered the big arena. ‘Oh my gosh’ Lucy said quietly to herself, the arena was full of people watching in the seating area. Lucy took a deep breath, closed her eyes for a second and re-focused her mind, she opened her eyes and asked Ringo to walk on. She glanced her eyes around the jumps and the course path she needed to follow; Lucy had already walked the course earlier with Suzy and her dad so she knew which path to take over the jumps. 

Lucy took a deep breath and asked Ringo to canter, she turned towards the first jump, and yay Ringo sailed over it. She turned towards the next, then the next one, Ringo jumped all of the fences smoothly. ‘I could get used to this’ thought Lucy. She followed the path over the fences which she had remembered from earlier, walking the course with her dad and Suzy. As Lucy came over the last fence the spectators in the seating area cheered. Lucy felt great as she left the arena, her dad came over to meet her and say well done. Lucy had to wait for the rest of the riders to complete their rounds before she knew where she had been placed in the lineup. 

Lucy heard the speaker as all riders were being called for Lucy’s class. She crossed her fingers and waited for her name to be called. There it was, she had made 3rd place.  Lucy was so pleased, her dad was jumping for joy. She made her way into the ring and lined up with the others to collect her rosette. It was a lovely yellow one. Lucy learned the colours and order of the rosettes, they are generally given to 6th place and follow the order of Red 1st, Blue 2nd, Yellow 3rd, Green 4th, Orange 5th, and Purple 6th. Sometimes, she was told, the 5th and 6th colours can vary or swap their order. 

That night when Lucy went to sleep, she had the most amazing dream. She dreamt that one day she would be competing at the ‘Horse of the Year’ show, and being talent-spotted. Maybe this was just the start, and the dream, someday, would come true. 

It has been a couple of months since the show, and Lucy has continued to have lessons with Suzy which included improving her jumping. Suzy had told Lucy that through the summer there are quite a few horse shows which Lucy could attend, so they need to work hard to prepare for these. 

A few weeks later, Lucy’s mum and dad sat her down and told her they had bought her a pony. As she had proved she was serious and had learnt about how to look after a pony, they thought she was ready for her own. Lucy was so excited she jumped for joy. She couldn’t wait to go and see her new pony Shandy. 

Shandy was a brown pony with what looked like little white dots, called flecks. The name of this colour is strawberry roan. He looked lovely and Lucy loved him straight away, he was all hers. 

Lucy was sorry to leave Ringo, but she knew he would now be able to help another little girl to follow their dream, just like he had with her. 

It was now time for Lucy to continue her dream with Shandy, and see where this takes her…….

August 14, 2023 06:32

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