
Something about a joke I like!”, she smiled. It hadn’t been six months since it began each day better than the next and now she had to question everything. The concert wasn’t designed to be a big time production but it had far exceeded all expectations. Everyone had a great time. It was a warm spring day and just as the glowing sun faded into the coming darkness beautiful music and voices filled the glade. It was one of those perfect moments in time neither of them wanted to end. Ronnie was a great guy and Sherri knew how lucky she was to have met him. Maybe her expectations were a little high but she had her standards. Of course it wasn’t his fault those men approached them and there was little he could do to dissuade them. It was almost like watching a show.

The first man, the tall one with the brilliant smile was totally disarming and she had been as intrigued as Ronnie when he asked, “Ya’ll ever seen me on T.V? Y'all ain’t never seen me when I do it?” Before she could caution him against proceeding further with the stranger Ronnie asked? “Do what?” Instantly three cards appeared in his hands and he was moving them back and forth as he told us this story. “I’m from the Cincinnati Card Company and they pay me to go around the country and show folks this game. It’s a little game that started in China. See a Chinaman showed it to a Hindu who showed it to a Jew who showed it to me and now I’m showing it to you. It’s called the Red Card Game because it’s the red you want (as he showed us the Queen Of Hearts) and the black you don’t.” Showing us the two black queens.

“Now remember” he insisted “the red sets you ahead and the blacks set you back. Now I’m going to slip, slide and glide and try to hide it, you watch it when I stop it and try to cop it.” His every word is in sync to the cards moving smoothly in front of us and not really fooling anyone at all. By now several more people had stopped to see the show and we were all intrigued so when he said, “First one point to the red card I’ll give them $500.” Both Ronnie and I were pointing with everyone else to the center card but apparently this other guy was ahead of us because he’s the one the guy called on when he asked, “Who was first?” As soon as the guy pointed to the card on the left, I knew he was wrong. Oh my God, he had to be blind. I whispered to Ronnie, "I know where it is”. “Me too”, he assured me looking toward the center card but before we could challenge who was first the guy from the Cincinnati Card Company handed five one hundred dollar bills to the blind man who could see just well enough to reach for the money but before he could get it, the card guy snatched it back saying, “There are rules to his game and the rules say before I can give you 500 you have to show me you have 500.”

I don’t know what that guy did for a living but I was amazed when he reached into his pocket and pulled out 500 dollars. That’s when the card guy looked at him and said “500 gets you a thousand but before you can turn it up you have to put it up. And then he looked directly at me. “Let her hold the bet.” And they each handed me 500 dollars. I was so nervous I didn’t know what to say. I wanted to tell the poor guy he was throwing his money away but I just stood there holding the money watching Ronnie watch me watching them.

And then the card guy announced, “Turn up the Red card to win” And the poor blind sucker turned up the black. I felt terrible for him as I handed the money to the card guy but quickly forgot about him when the card guy asked, “Who seen it out of the two? Point to it and I’ll give you a thousand dollars.” I can’t honestly say who was first, Ronnie, the other guy or me. We all pointed with extra quickness but the card guy chose Ronnie. Point to it sir he instructed and I’ll give you this thousand. Ronnie pointed to the previous middle card and I knew he was right.

I was so proud of him as he reached for the grand but again the card guy snatched it back. “ Sir I’ll give you this thousand dollars for the red card but before you turn it up you know the rules. Before I can give you this thousand you have to show me you have a thousand.” I felt my heart sink when Ronnie was only able to produce a couple hundred dollars but my faith was restored when the card guy said he’d bet watches, rings and all sorts of things. Before I knew it I was taking off my engagement ring, Ronnie’s watch and producing all my cash. Together we were just able to cover the thousand and I couldn’t believe our good fortune as we put up our end of the bet and let the other guy hold it as Ronnie turned up our card and it was black. In an instant we were crushed and it’s all Ronnie’s fault.

That ring meant the world to me and I can not understand how a man who supposed to love me could allow anyone to take it from me. I don't think I'll ever be able to forgive him and no, I don't want him to buy me another engagement ring. He shouldn't have allowed me to lose that one. And I didn't appreciate his attempt at humor. Instead of laughing and trying to play it off, he should have had more restraint. Like I said there’s something about a joke I like but this wasn't funny. Ronnie should have known it’s all fun and games until someone gets her ring taken.

April 12, 2024 22:56

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