Fiction Suspense Drama

It has been eighteen months since I worked from home due to pandemics and following lockdowns. In a way, office life is disappeared from my life. Today I am back to my old routine, I got up, had a shower, a piece of toast and drive to work. My boss, managing director of the company Alan sent to me a text on Friday and asked me to be in the office on Monday." We are back to normal Tony, see you Monday," it was short but not sweet. It is difficult for me to adjust myself to a new old life. I put the CD on to listen to "I don't like, Mondays from Boom Town Rats," my favourite song for this particular day while I am driving. The car park seemed quite empty to my surprise. If we are all back to work I should not find a parking space so easily I was pleased, plenty of space to choose from. I sighed and took my time to get out of my car. It was like being a new employee just starting to work. I was feeling like a stranger also had a sixth sense that something was not right. I could not put my finger on it. I saw the car park attended called "Boney" stood next to my car. I lowered the window and said " Hi Boney, long time to see you man, how did you cope with the pandemic have you been okay? " "Not bad really, as usual, I came here to check the place and saw a few of you coming today, Alan, Joel, Robert and Jane are here. Nobody knows why they are here, big-headed Alan does not speak to me, good luck," and walked away. I got out of the car and walked to the main entrance whispering the I don't like Mondays song. To my surprise, the automatic door at the entrance did not open. I pressed the button for the office and heard Jane, " Can I help?". " It's me, Tony, trying to get in". I took the lift to the third floor and saw secretary Jane at the reception. Her face looked very miserable " Everything is okay, just wondering what we are doing in here today ? "I asked her. " Don't ask me, Alan is in a very lousy mood, we should find out soon. Only four of us had been required to be here today, rest are at home," I walked to my desk slowly and sat down, staring at my computer. It felt like I had never used it before. We have an open-plan office layout. I saw Joel and Robert at their desk and Alan's head from his private room. I waved them and switched the computer on. In my mind, I am still feeling something was bad. Joel and Robert came to my desk after usual greetings and questioning " Do you know why we are here ?" Joel asked. "No, does anybody? Look at him, he calls us back to work without any explanation, still behind his desk instead of talking to us," I said.

I am the financial manager of the company. Joel is my assistant. Robert is the Auditor for the customer accounts. It is my duty to complete the daily usual transactions with the customers. They are the same procedures I had been doing from home. Joel sends invoices to the customer, also copy to my attention. Robert does the auditing for the orders despatched and paid as agreed. At the end of the month, he consolidates the payments. It is the same procedure for the materials we buy. I also deal with payment of other transactions from other staff such as travel expenses, I owe you, petrol charges etc., It was nearly lunchtime, I was planning to invite Joel and Robert for a drink at our local. Alan was still in his office and did not speak to us. It was a really strange atmosphere in the office. I saw two men entered. Jane took them to Alan's office while we are all questioning what was going on by staring at each other. They spent nearly half an hour with him. In the end, they came out of his office " Gentlemen, we have officers from the Fraud office. It appears there is some discrepancy with the company's accounts. They are going to check our computer records to find out what is happened. It has been organised by the Head Office. Please assist the gentlemen with their inquiry. I asked Jane to get some lunch for all of us. Please do not leave the office till further notice," Alan said.

There was silence in the room. Now we knew why were called. I just walked to Joel and called Robert and asked them to be calm and collected. We needed to know exactly what they were looking for?

" Two of your customer bought the parts they ordered and paid a total of £ 36.825 for them but credits are not showing in the companies accounts. This is an enquiry to make sure claims made are true, thank you for your cooperation," one of them said.

The company, we work for produces parts for the car industry. Two of our customers apparently claimed that the parts they ordered, payment had been done but our accounts were not showing them.

Gentlemen from the fraud office wanted to find out where the money of £ 36.825 .- had gone. We all got together. Three of us started checking each transaction around that time purchases were made. Somehow, £ 20.000.- and £ 16.825 had disappeared in thin air. We could not trace them at all. Dispatch notes were showing parts were sent to the customer in time. They had to pay the full amount for the order as being a new client they had no credit facility with our company. I remember those two company names, opening their account and registering them. Our warehouse could only send goods ordered if they are fully paid and receipt of payment recorded on the computer. I called the Store Manager Mike "Hi Mike I've got a problem with these two companies, they are claiming they paid for the goods we sent. I have two fraud officers send by the HQ to find out what's going on, could you please confirm you checked the payments totalling £ 36.825 (£20.000.- and £16.825 respectively)," I asked. " I shall get back to you within an hour, chap dealing with computer records is off today, I shall do it," Mike said. It was a very difficult situation for everybody. Mike called me back saying that " His clerk did not check the bank payments for those orders but received emails from them, confirming the payments. That's why goods were dispatched and send to customer." I had a quick meeting with Joel and Robert. After further discussions, I decided to check the companies other accounts. We had three. One account for sales, one account for purchases of materials and the third one for the staff wages and company expenses in general. I decided to check the bank records for purchases, suddenly I could see those two payments staring at me. "BINGO!!!!" shouted. We had made the mistake of giving the wrong bank account details to customers when their account was opened. Of course, consolidation of the accounts could not be completed. I went to Alan's office and explained the details to him and two fraud officers. Alan smiled for the first time and thank us for our effort to correct the clerical error. I instructed Joel to inform both clients of new Bank details and email them for the apologies. I asked Joel. Robert and Jane to meet me at the " Dog and Partridge" for a drink " It is my treat,"

Alan could not make it " You lot take a day off tomorrow and stay at home for work till further notice I don't need you at the office you've done a very good job today, thanks again," he said.

After few drinks at the Pub, I was back at the car park. "Hi, Boney, Listen, I shall be working from home again it was just a day better to forget. You won't see me for a while. Take care," I had a big smile on my face.

I drove away listening " I DON'T LIKE Mondays" song with a happy smile on my face. Thank god it was over what a day I had. Well, back to normal tomorrow. You can't beat working from home.

September 02, 2021 14:38

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