Another Minute

Submitted into Contest #3 in response to: Write a story about a parent putting their child to bed.... view prompt



"Another minute."

She asked looking up with her brown eyes twinkling. A mix of innocence glazed over mischief. That was her niece. Unlike her brother, who drifted off before he hit the freshly made bed. His sister was still awake and didn't look like she would be heading off to dreamland anytime soon. Dressed in her pink unicorn pajamas she continued to look at her aunt with those innocent eyes. As if she wasn't supposed to be in bed. Not watching youtube on her phone and nearly giving her aunt a heart attach being in her room.

"No.", her aunt said firmly. She was tired and ready for bed herself. Working the night shift three times in a row left her with no energy to spare. Coming home she expected to enter a half lite home and make her way to bed. Hopefully not waking her mom, snoring away in her room. Or her niece and nephew, visiting from Maryland, to spend the summer. Watching them was a job in itself. Over time, without pay. After nearly nine straight hours of working, her bones ached and her legs barely held up her slim frame. She should have been home a little after ten. But, a no show and shorthands, she was compelled to stay. Lending extra help and earn a little extra pay. Even if it was minimum wage. Her brain was on its last nerve, her stomach slouchy from the fries that took the place of her missed dinner. The smells still lingered in the kitchen as she entered through the side of the house. Greeted by her dog, rubbing against her leg.

But, when she returned home in the early morning she found not the darkness of a quiet home. Instead, she was greeted by her niece. Her niece on her bed. Her tablet on and looking at her with surprise when she clicked the light on. Had she stayed up all this time?

Though she did not have the strength to think much of it. Or even complain about the little girl in her room at such an hour. Changing out of her work close and into her pajamas. She just wanted to lay done and drift away. The only thing standing in her way was a bouncing ball of sugar and lemon juice wrapped in a seven-year-olds body.

"Go to bed.", the aunt said, "And I mean yours.", she added in case her little niece got any ideas to stay in her room. She knew the little girl had sticky hands and would try to snatch things and hide them in the house. She intended to put a lock on her door for such occasions when they visited. But, her efforts shot down by her mother's scolding of her own childish behavior.

Though she sang a different tune when her precious grand-daughter decided to play with her glasses. Hiding them under her own bed when her mother could not reach or suspect.

"One more minute.", she pouted sadly, "I missed you.", she had stayed up all night for her. Though she had reservations she just didn't want to go to bed. Trying to butter her up with warm words of affection.

"Go to bed.", the older repeated. Taking the tablet and turning it off. She sat it on her bed. Picking up her niece. Struggling slightly, her bones still lagging from the long hours, she held onto the little girl carefully. Hearing her giggle as though they were just playing. Kicking her legs now and again.

Tucking the game under her arm she took them out of her room and into her moms. Her mother snoring away. Drowned by her nephew sleeping on the other side of the King-sized bed. Taking her niece she placed her on the bed. Right on by the edge. After she placed the tablet on the bed, she tucked her niece underneath the sheets.

Although she begged her aunt to let her come with her, she only shook her head. She preferred to sleep alone. Requesting items to help her sleep. Some of her chocolate milk or even some blueberries from the kitchen. Practically in tears when her aunt refused and adored her to sleep. But, if anything, her niece was persistent. And fearing she would not get to rest or worse her mother would wake up and scold her for being late. She tucked her sister into bed, no before feeding her some blueberries from the fridge. One of her favorite snack. With one final kiss on her forehead and a quick, but loving, "Goodnight.", she left from the room.

She didn't remember when she hit the cool sheets or when she drifted off into her own dreams. She did not complain. Nor did she notice the sunlight peeking through her blinds and her mother calling her to wake up. Coming into her room, with her great-granddaughter in tow. She prepared to wake her from her slumber and prepare her for the day. The sheets had been thrown off the bed. Her daughter passed out and slowly snoring away. Body spread out in different angles. And drool leaking down her cheeks. And as the mother called once more and prepared to touch her.

The little girl beat her to the bed. With her small hands, she pulled the covers over her aunt and kissed her on the forehead.

"Just one more minute.", she said.

The older mother looked down at her daughter softly. With a quick smile to placed a kiss on her forehead. One more minute couldn't hurt. Turning she left with the little child in hand. Ushering them both from the room and closing the door.

August 17, 2019 20:42

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