Christian Romance


I do not like you and your attention-grabbing ways. 

I do like that one joke you told.

I do like that drink you brought me.

I do see that you can have your pick of the ladies.

I do not want you to pick me.

I do work out each day, and it keeps my figure slim.

I do thank you for saying hello and chatting with me.

I do not need a ride, thank you.

I do remember you from the Christmas party last year.

I do know Nathanael and Molly from school.

I do know they’re having a baby soon.

I do want to get married and have children someday. 

I do not like your nosy questions. 

I do like this café. Thanks for meeting me here.

I do like my coffee and croissant in the morning. 

I do wish you wouldn’t wipe your nose on your shirt sleeve.

I do like most dogs — not pit bulls.

I do want to chat more but I have to teach a class.

I do like you better, now that I’ve gotten to know you.

I do like the trees and flowers in this park.

I do like crosswords, but not Sudoku.

I do like eating dinner with you, surprisingly.

I do like the way you kiss, but let’s save the best for later.

I do turn off my cell at night so I can sleep. I’m sorry I missed your texts.

I do like your family, even your loveable lunatic of a brother who never shuts up about conspiracies. 

I do like your father’s silly jokes.

I do like your mother’s stories about what you did as a boy.

I do like the way your sister helped your mother with dinner.

I do like playing cards after dinner.

I do like that shirt you’re wearing today.

I do like to hold your hand.

I do like taking walks with you.

I do like to study together with you.

I do get upset when you’re hurt.

I do want marriage. 

I do want a master’s. First. 

I do know that we both had too much to drink last night, but you didn’t have to yell like that.

I do know that you have a counselor.

I do believe you should finish counseling before you contact me again.

I do appreciate how you waited before you contacted me again.

I do like church. I want you to go to services with me.

I do get scared in thunderstorms. Thank you for holding me.

I do exaggerate sometimes.

I do like time to myself.

I do believe we need to take a break from each other for two or three weeks.

I do not mean to hurt your feelings. This is for the best.

I do believe I’m ready to spend time with you again.

I do like my time with you.

I do want us to stay a couple.

I do pay my bills, not always on time.

I do like to eat steak and potatoes.

I do like vegetarian omelettes.

I do like to water my plants.

I do like a breeze along the beach and the sand that crunches under my bare feet.

I do not like it when you yell at me.

I do not like it when you promise to call, and you don’t.

I do need time to prepare to teach my classes.

I do want to go water skiing with you.

I do want to have a picnic on the beach.

I do want to go to a jazz concert.

I do like handmade gifts.

I do hope you like the gift I made for your birthday.

I do believe you are more comfortable in your profession than when we first met.

I do not mean to pry, but what’s bothering you today?

I do know that judge yells a lot at lawyers. Others have told me about him.

I do feel impressed when you argue a case in court.

I do want you to mind your manners, especially when we dine with my parents.

I do not mean to nag. 

I do not understand why you want to break up.

I do wish you wanted to have kids.

I do appreciate that you took time off work to attend my master’s ceremony. 

I do want to share lunch with you.

I do understand how much you want to take me to bed.

I do want you to understand my love for the Lord.

I do miss you when you don’t call or come by.

I do understand about not wanting kids, but I want them even if you don’t. 

I do know that you could have any woman you want for your wife.

I do hope you have a good life.

I do find it hard to believe that you texted me, again, after all this time.

I do want you to go to church with me, and I’m happy to hear that you will go with me next Sunday.

I do want this summer heat to subside.

I do want this winter cold to subside.

I do find myself pleased that you have changed your mind about kids.

I do want to read that article after you.

I do not like movies with so much violence.

I do appreciate that you’ve come to church with me for the last six months.

I do want you to get baptized, if you want to.

I do feel happy about your baptism.

I do like this trail which leads to a superb view of the ocean.

I do hope you didn’t trip and fall. Oh, I didn’t realize you got on your knees for a reason.

I do want to marry you. 

I do want to go to Bosnia for our honeymoon.

I do love this old-fashioned dress.

I do want to invite all our friends to the wedding.

I do enjoy coming up the aisle in my wedding dress with my father by my side. 

I do love seeing you stand at the altar, handsome as can be. 


August 23, 2024 15:24

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