Thirty Minutes Wasted

Written in response to: Write about a moment of defeat.... view prompt


Romance Creative Nonfiction Sad

In the wheels of time did Ella grow into a beautiful matured lady that even her parents were surprised about their child's growth. It was overwhelming and in that midst of mixed emotions, they were also scared. 

She was obviously the first child and could have also not been the only child but Fate had a different story.

After her 11th birthday, Ella's dad decided to take the whole family out and make a lovely and memorable day especially for the birthday girl. They were all listening to a cool and fun music that Emilia, Ella's mom had to join and sing. Ella didn't really get the lyrics right but at least she was happy.

At the moment of the whole fun, Ella got carried away by the window and the view of the beautiful blue ocean, Ella directed her hands to that view which amused her parents and also looked in that same direction but before anyone knew it, their car got hit by another car. And everything ended within a twinkle of an eye.

  Mark and Emilia died on the spot while Ella collapsed with a neck Injury and bruises on her body. 

Few weeks later, she had full recovery and was allowed to go home. She stayed with her Grandparents. They did the funeral and bade the dead goodbye. Still, she didn't say a word. All she did was to keep mute. 

Her grandma was kind enough to understand the whole pain and getting to a month, she hasn't said a word except "Mama and Papa, I'm sorry" which normally said at sleep. Her grandma would tuck her to bed once again and this happened for 5 good years. As time went on, she began to socialize with her Grandparents and made no friends. Doing things independently seemed to have really paved way for her in many occasions. Less stress till she finally changed school in her second to final year. 

Grandma died at the age of 83 years and grandpa was really broken but he didn't want to make things worse. He was of 89 of age and he became Ella's best friend. They watched movies together, gossipped, ate, went to the grocery shop together. She had this guilt in her that made her think she was the cause of death in her family. She had distant relatives, they cared less if she even existed and only came for the funeral, ever since no sign of them. Ella worked at the pharmacy shop per time, went for swimming lessons and also worked at restaurants per time mostly after school hours which kind earned some money for their upkeep. While at school, Grandpa made himself busy by watching a movie.

   On her first day of school at Westview International High school, it was normal in the beginning until she bumped into an angry lady, Stella who could easily start crying anytime from now. Her mascara was already spoilt and you could vividly see the pain in her eyes as if she got deprived of something. Ella was about apologizing until Stella said "U piece of dirt, get away!". "What a first day" She thought and still minded her business. 

 She decided to continue being her loner type of girl and didn't want any drama, so she respected herself and got unnoticed. This happened for a long time till one day, she knew Fate once again was playing with her. 

  Before that "One day", Ella might not have been noticed on the first day by many but in class, she was definitely watched. Ana, a beautifully endowed and rich classic girl in their class was almost like the popular girl in school. She had like the latest trending updates ever. She was a slay queen and her fashion sense was compared to none, she was exceptional in her own way but also had other bad qualities that overshadowed the other little good she has. She planned a party and invited the whole class and then gave everyone an entry card. Gave it to her and smirked... Ella didn't know why but left for her she still wouldn't go.

It was a party to be held by the weekend and it was Friday. So she didn't think she would attend or even plan.On her way home, few guys were following her after her work shift and it was almost late, won't lie she got scared but comported and kept walking fast, but they were almost close, she could feel them. So she started running so fast and hoped she would atleast see a soul. In the midst of the haste, fear and pressure to go home she fell down, her leg tilted a bit and she sprained her ankle.There, on the floor she sat and cried and tried to even move but the strangers didn't care. One dragged her bag. She hoped to be with her Grandpa. The other huge guy, who looks like he's the leader started touching her which made her obviously uncomfortable. 

She sat there crying and pleading that they could take the bag and leave but they only mocked her, mimicked her and laughed..

   All of a sudden, a black motorcycle was heard from afar with it's engineering sound and the rider couldn't be seen because he wore his helmet. Then the rider got close to them but they didn't move an inch, then the rider moved in circles very fast, they only got scared but where Ella sat, she had a fast vision of the accident, how the car tumbled and they all fell into the sea. She saw how her parents were drowning lifelessly and she couldn't do anything. The sound of the motorcycle might have alarmed her emotions. She started crying and closing her ears. After she opened her eyes, and calmed a bit. She saw the rider still without his helmet giving her a hand for a stand. She ignored at first and tried to do it herself, at first go she almost fell but he caught her and for a second, everything seemed different for Ella. For the first time, she felt a different kind of feeling in her heart as she gazed into the eyes of the rider through his almost transparent helmet, her heart beats faster than she thought. The cool breeze even made it look interesting to keep it going till the rider waved his hand thrice and then she got herself back.

This time, he didn't listen to her, he carried her up from her leg and placed her in his front so she wouldn't fall off, atleast that's what he thought. They got back home with Ella's direction, when she got home saw her Grandpa pale and waiting in the cold weather in the balcony.

Ella wanted to run and meet him but her leg.. 

Nobody said a word until, Ella had to say something.

"Can I atleast see your face? I want to remember who saved him on this day.... Please"

That feeling came back for Ella, she got drowned in her thoughts and gaze and it felt like it was slow mo for her because all he did to just get off a helmet was just so unnecessary. He finally did and waved off his hair and fixed it back like he wouldn't even still wear it back. 

Ella has never in her life seen such a dashing and good-looking young man, maybe because she's always indoors and go from home to school and while at work she barely looks at peoples faces. It was a bit weird for her because it was first love and it might have made her heartbeat go so fast, that fear gripped her... She only felt happy while with him. 

"I'm Mike" brought out his hand for a handshake 

Ella only stared at his hand and even started predicting how soft it was going to be and even cute. She had all kinds of thought just at that moment. While in thoughts, Grandpa with his walking stick came and said "Oh my dear Ella, where have you been? I've been worried sick"

Mike wanted to say something about the incident till Ella interrupted and said "uhm, Grandpa am really sorry I waited so long, the shop people were so annoying they kept us in line for long" she gently said.

And then hugged him and they started going inside. Mike was still standing smiling at her when she turned she smiled back. And then he drove off.

Ella gave grandpa food, he didn't wanna watch Tv tonight, looked like he was tired. Ella was eating in the parlor watching a movie, she had already massaged her ankle well which she learned from her grandma. she basically taught Ella everything she has to know, nothing was left out. So she was versatile almost in the traditional field. 

She thought about what had happened right from school and even wished she came home a little bit earlier so she could gist with Grandpa how her Day 1 was at school. 

Her phone beeped; a notification about their class party. She sighed.While eating, she stretched out her hand for a remote until she took up a cloth which had blood stains on it... She was gripped with fear at first, she checked herself and body if she was bleeding but nothing. Her only thought was heading straight to Grandpa. She got afraid, didn't want to conclude so fast that she let it slide and thought of asking him in the morning.

   Before she left for school, She gave grandpa breakfast and turned on his favorite reality Tv series for him to watch and keep him company... She almost left the house before she remembered. "Grandpa, I saw a blood stain on your favorite towel last night, where did the blood come from again?"

"Oh my dear child, the dog's at it again" and he laughed at his TV series. She was confused to the peak But she had this locked up thought in her she didn't want to let it surface. So she handed a clean towel because even Grandpa wasn't listening. They had no dog so which dog in the first place. It all sounded weird, she let it go and off to school. She got to school and everyone seemed happier. What was Day 2 of her being noticed going to feel like? She thought and headed straight to class. During Lunch, while at lane, Ana and her toxic friends came at her and they laughed at her, practically embarrassed her but she didn't say a word just looked down. They even chanced her, she didn't do anything just so to avoid problems obviously till Stella who was in final year came to take her food, they both gave each other bad stare. Ella just seemed to not even care about it all. She just wanted to make Stella feel the same way a person gets treated like that. They took their food and to take a seat. She was seated alone. Then Mike and his friends, Willy and Tom entered, Tom holding a basketball and Willy with a football. Mike was actually a swimmer, a really good one. She spotted him and wanted to turn her gaze till all of a sudden she was once again noticed, she had no idea Mike was also popular and it broke her. He came straight to her with his friends, they introduced theirselves and Ella could only smile without saying a word. Mike smiled at her, she noticed everyone looking at them, mostly Stella with a very very bad stare. She even got frightened. Some gave her a good stare, others laughed while others gave her a bad stare. She has never felt so scared in her entire life for a just being noticed and it was all because of Mike. "You are popular? Isn't it?" He smirked.

"Wish I wasn't" she affirmed with that. "Hey, didn't get your name?" He asked. "Ella," she answered. "So you are like in??" Waiting for her to complete his sentences. "Oh oh, second to final year level" she said.

"Oh my junior" they laughed. " I didn't get to say thank you last night, I was just lost in everything" she said 

"No, it's absolutely fine, no worries" He said.

Then a group of girls came in with their almost awkward performance and they relayed an information about swimming. The contest was going to come with a big cash prize for a 50 million to the winner, 30 million to the second runner-up and for the third, 25 million. "That shit always gets interesting"

Mike said. "I'm guessing you're a swimmer too?" She asked. "Are you one too?" He asked with surprise. 

Then they both laughed at the huge surprise.. then smiled at each other. And continued eating.

   At night, she saw the story of how her class party was going and it was going well without her as usual which she clearly didn't mind. A crazy thought struck her mind immediately. She went slowly into her grandpa's room. With a needle, she collected some blood into the syringe and poured it into a small bottle for preservation. She did this while he was asleep. That same incident might have occured again, and the first thing she'd do was to go straight to the hospital for some examination, all these she learnt from her Grandma, she used to work in the hospital. Then her phone beeped, it was a text from Mike, "Hey, got your number from your class group, hope you don't mind? Well, am doing some swimming lessons tomorrow, u wanna come?" She knew it was him, his photo said it, alright. She smiled and maybe extended to blushing and replied " Yes, why not" and it got delivered asap.

   On her way to the hospital, Stella happened to be there too, they bumped into each other. Stella really got angry because it was Ella again " You blind or what?" Stella rudely questioned "The girl with the good eyes, why can't you see your way through then?" Ella for the first time stood up. "Stay away from my boyfriend" Stella said and left. Angry Ella wasn't so cheerful again but she's doing this for her Grandpa and had to be sure. She took the blood to the doctor whom the nurse directed to. She collected his number to stay in touch and paid the required fee. While she was about leaving, the Doc stopped her and insisted she gets some blood tests done totally for free which she agreed. After she left. Seemed to be that's why Stella came in the first place. 

The she headed straight to Mike's swimming lesson center where it was just the both of them. She wore her swim pants and holding her bag whilst walking towards to Mike, he was playing in the water with his legs and asked her to join but she said no and told him she had other swimming preparations to do at school. He concured, he too was in that category but in the boys section. 

And they got on with their swimming, they played at first, talked for a while and even got closer, then gets interrupted and continues the swimming race. They were both perfect but for Mike to regard her as a very good swimmer, he kind of thanked his stars he wasn't a girl so he wouldn't get beaten up. This he told her which sounded so nice someone has ever said to her. They went to school together to do a swimming race and both walked in to school together which aroused the students, Mike held her hand tight and told her not to let go. Meanwhile, Grandpa fainted and the neighborhood called school. This all happened when Ella was done swimming and Ana hid her clothes. She started crying until Mike came looking for her, gave her cloth and took her to the hospital. She was so scared. Her Grandpa was diagnosed with cancer, a very vital part Grandma left out and his treatments would cause more than a million. It was hell for Ella, she broke down thankfully Mike was by her side. She blamed herself for everything, for being the problem at all things life threw at her it was, she was defeated. Every single time. She stayed home with Grandpa for two weeks and during that two weeks, Stella came and claimed to be Ella's twin which got Stella door jammed multiple times. Ella couldn't believe such a method to get revenge on her but she got the upper hand, this she thought. On the day of the swimming competition, she arrived, she had the mindset to win and nothing can stop her. Everyone was astonished. She went into the room to change and then the door got hooked from the outside, she could hear Ana"s voice."You'll never win, u loser". Ella shouted for help, that money could do alot for her but no help until Stella noticed her absence and decided to go look around the school. It was thirty minutes remaining for them to get the door unlocked. Ella was in deep pain, remembering all that had happened to her. She for sure felt defeat. After unlocking the door, they both ran but nothing could be done. The prize was given to each participant. Mike won his prize first runner up and he wasn't so happy because Ella was in deepest pain. Her phone rang and the Doc said grandpa was dead. She felt it again. That slow-mo, that heavy heart Everything lost at a twinkle of an eye. She knew Thirty minutes was going to change her life but she could do nothing. 

   After everything, Ella hooked up with Mike and they were in a relationship while Stella welcomed her in to her home. Others might have been happy but truly, the dog was at it again.

June 23, 2024 09:00

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