Vertical Integration, Corn stalking, Corn fiddling and Cotton Eye Joe

Written in response to: Write about someone whose luck is running out.... view prompt


Crime Horror Suspense

The laundry is piling up.

Up or down.


Listen up.

Especially ever important with the little bugs nearly implanted in our brains via a small rectangular device planted in our ears—for 8, 10, sometimes twelve hours a day.

Please listen up and hear.

Sometimes a path of life experience is experientially walked.


I believe most people are good.

And any person who kicks another when they are down deserves to sit alongside the devil in a cold and dark room, to sit down and think about what they have done. To be silently alone with their own thoughts. It can be disconcerting to say the least.

In the meantime, there is work, hard work to be done. (LK) And the first order of personal business is to resist the temptation. To,

Sell out. To sell one’s own soul.

Symere Bysil Woods has chosen to share his gift of life wrapped in personal historical words and songs of his own life. That takes a special kind of courage. Professed in his own words, in his thoughts, words and actions, that he unselfishly shares his life to teach others. To me, Symere has been trying to tell us. That in giving we receive knowledge and a peace that passes understanding.

Street smarts. And a peace that passes understanding.

From being let down, a person can fight the fight to get back up. Be better. Be up.

The trajectory of their life can go up.

The devil is in the details.

Thank you for sharing. Thank you for wrapping and not wrapping life in to a neat little package. Because life is messy. Life can be difficult. Near to impossible at times.

And. At one time or ‘nother the devil comes a knocking on all our doors. For all of us. What will determine our outcome, our own destiny is within our control-even if and when we think—we are lost.

Seek and ye shall find. The way. The truth. And life.

What we have and what we do with the devilish temptations is within our control, it is within our own hands. Within our grasp.

”Luck be a lady tonite”


Luck be self reliance, self sufficiency, and the ability to deeply feel.

Makes all the difference in the world.

Charity never fails.(GB)

Chaos has a way of confusing even the most linear of thinkers. Some bury feelings down deeper than others. Pity the person who uses this tactic against another. Listen to Symere and his heartfelt words, thoughts, actions and expressions of a life well lived, but of a life well challenged. Challenged to the brink.

None of us are immune.

Not one of us are immune.

No one is immune from the devilish smile of a devilish intention.

But. If we stick together. We will be ok.

Which DID come first?

The chicken or the egg.

Great question.

We will never know.

Seriously considering becoming a vegetarian…….

I believe all folks are good. And will continue to. No matter and in spite of what you do. To try and deter me from my truth, your truth, any person’s truth.


Integration of the highest order may cause a Gerber photoplotter to turn into Gerber applesauce. Indeed. As 1981 marked the beginning of EDA as an industry, socially crediting was a whisper that is now screaming at us in our budding ear of ear buds.

The potential for deafness, tone deafness is high.

And. Flowers ain’t blooming. EDA ain’t growing flowers either. What is growing is a non stop virus and a nervously oriented sense of existence that we are all cordoned off in our four walls, cubes and boxes. The undeniable causing us to forget to walk out the door and BE with one another. Reach out to one another. Help one another.

How ‘bout this call to action….A call to bring back the good ole’ “Boom Box” of good expression to play out loud. Loud and clear. For all to hear. To join together. The ultimate in vertical integration for all.

Not just a few.

No one likes to be the one “left” behind of the “back” door deals being passed “under” the table.




Not positive words. Not upwards words. Not uplifting words. Ultimately brings all down and only a handful of persons up.

No deal.

In order to get out of our own heads, step out of our own ways, we have to listen and hear of the trials and tribulations of a person as courageous as Symere. Because, again, the courage to share the good, the bad and the ugly is not for the weak minded. Nor the weak hearted.

None of us is immune.

Not one of us are immune.

No one is immune from the devilish smile of a devilish intention.

But. If we stick together. We will be ok.

Seriously considering becoming a vegetarian……….

Because the meat of the story is not in the center, the center cut.

Because the hen keeps pecking.

Away at the goodness.

And I don’t wanna play with the hen pecker.

They are mean.

They hurt. Others.

No. Thank. You.

To know a great Vet is gold.

Plain and simple.

Stalking is stalking is stalking. Virtually. Or. Otherwise.

Corn. Pre-existing. Or. Otherwise.

Which came first? The chicken or the egg.


Chicken like to play in poop too.

Just like some people I know. And when operating under the FDACFVM to monitor retail meat. The CDC monitors human samples. The CDC plays in poop both literally and figuratively.

Nope. No thank you.

No thank you. Will not fiddle around with peoples lives. If you choose to play your personal corn fiddle. For your immunity. Have at it. Play your corn fiddle. To the tune of cotton eye Joe?…..

Your choice.

Not mine.

I believe all folks are innately good.

Thank you for sharing Symere. For sharing your life story. He knows where he is going. Knows where he has been.He shares the good, the bad and the ugly. My gratitude rests with his words of Symere’s plights and flights.

Scars are apart of our bodies for a reason. The good scars are meant to be shared. The bad scars are vital to share. For the upward trajectory of everyone’s lives.

I prefer to listen and hear the experiential path of Lil’ Uzi’ Vert.

Cotton Eyed Joe may be inspirational. But in order to really clear up blind confusion, perhaps one must continue to dance the line dance…..alone..…your choice…….I prefer to venture out of my comfort zone and learn. The good in others. The good “out there”. Even if and when I or others may seem “Out there”.

As for me, I like how Symere has wrapped the gift of his life to share. Thank you for sharing. Your story. Your life story.

Thank you Lil’ Uzi’ Vert.


January 09, 2023 18:19

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