

in falling in love for the first time

Met you in the elegant eaves of Shoprite

As you undulated Naomi Campbell curves

Dressed in the beauty of a peacock but

Driven by the tender heart of doves

The sight jerked my heart like a disturbed rabbit

Sparking a roaring blue fire in my veins

My mind could not rein in my heart

Neither could it ignore lovely shocked eyes

Drilling mine as I proposed in raw flesh

Popping a “May I talk to you madam?”

In a tearing hurry like an alarmed fish

You shot back an educated look of a mom

Inconvenienced but not offended at all

Halting a step your crack voice wowed me

With a “How may I help you sir?” rebuttal

Standard question buried in a wrong tone

Made me forget the manifesto as planned

You helped me by breaking your lovely

neck like the canopy of a flower withered

My courage returned pushing a weakly

“I have fallen in love with you” breeze

Your eyes dropped to toes drawing arcs

When your brain registered my words

Tearing their scary fire off my eyes

Your breasts stood like ripe cucumbers

While your soft lips haltingly sighed

a “I don’t even know you” rejoinder

That deleted reason for pulling out

Because it was not a direct emphatic no

The question tagged my heart like a magnet

Drew me out for a killer seduction for

It showed me a light burning brightly

At the end of the tunnel called Kariba

I tumbled out I am MacKay, and you?

Your man – eating voice wowed I am Thelma

After a few exchanges it became clear how

Nature had moved strangely to conspire ways

 For you and me to get so perfectly matched

Much like what we see in romance movies

Replica of the complex ways of the cosmos

You glided easily into the sinews of my life

As you allowed me to hold you in my arms

Sealing our fates with a delightful embrace

To cherish each other till eternity shrinks

Like Planets gliding in orbits with no map

We will glide into the difficult miasma of life

Together fighting travails life brings up

Saying yes right into my overjoyed face lit

a fuse burning bright blinding bits like brief

Fierce fires of fondness flickering unhindered

 When you smiled your consent to mischief

The roaring bush fire of passions burst out wild

Consuming my combustible chest like dry tares

Hands wrung around my neck your lips sucked

Delicious love nectar from the petals of care

The knowledge that we were finally bonded

Sent joy waves floating like fish in my blood

 Looking into your eyes blue like a blonde

Buried my heart in a love that evicted all fear 

I thought merely touching you would staunch

The roaring desire racing wildly in my body

Seldom have I ever been that mistaken

But then i must be forgiven being naive

You are my first delightful catch

Delicious though the touch it scarcely

Stopped the adrenaline surge in the veins

Precious though the moment it hardly

Halted the volcano oozing the lava of lusts

The flame of love rejects reason for any beastly

Curse called separation all reasons even death.

I have fallen in love with you Thelma

February 17, 2020 18:55

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