The Adventures of Ari and Charlie: Charlie and The Not So Good Ending

Written in response to: Your teacher tasks you with writing a story based on an eavesdropped conversation. When the story is published, your subject isn’t happy.... view prompt

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Friendship Happy Middle School

It was just one of those boring old days. If you ask me at least.

We're so much like NPCs! It's ridiculous! It's always wake up, eat breakfast, brush your teeth, get dressed, go to school all that and more! Breakfast isn't even real! It was made up by some religious dudes working for food companies! If I remember correctly at least. That's not the point though. That's just a story for another day. But right now, we're focusing on, Charlie. "Ari!" he whispered to me in class. "What?" I asked. "What does 'eavesdropped' even mean?!". Let me explain, we all were compelled to write stories based off eavesdropped conversations. Now, I am fully aware that 'compelled' is quite the harsh word to use but...

We are..


Being forced to do so...

Anyways, Charlie isn't a huge fan of writing, hates it, and so Charlie will often...."I'm just going to let the bird chew it again." he mumbled. "Seriously? The school is going to catch on to you one day!" I whispered to him harshly. He rolled his eyes "Whatever." he replied. "Little girl!" I yelled in whisper. "Hey!" he yelled out loud, causing everyone to turn to us. "Will I have to move the both of you to different tables?" Ms. Murphy said. "Nah." we both told her, she scoffed, "You mean, 'No'." Charlie stood up "No, Ms. Smurfy, we mean 'Nah'!" she was fuming..."Sit down you savage!" Charlie raised an eyebrow and then smirked. "This is why your husband-" "PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE NOW!"

I smacked him in the back of the head as we walked out of the classroom full of giggling children and out into the hallway. "What? She called me a 'savage'! Do you know how racist that is?!" I paused. Dang it that's what Grumpy Dude does! "I- No, you are right.". It was silent the rest for the rest of our time walking down that stupid hallway. But my brother is no savage We got in trouble, got dismissed early, got lectured and then it was time for me to help nincompoop, write his story. After TWO HOURS, of trying to write the danged, he decided he was going to give up. "This is pointless, helpless and meaningless!" he yelled, falling back in his chair. "You're helpless, my dudester!" he grumbled "That ain't even a word!" I laughed, his accent! His anger! It was just too good! "Stop laughing at-me!" his voice cracked. I laughed harder. Our Tia came in. "Are you two alright?". I sighed. "Charlie is having a hard time writing a story for school." She came in. "I see." she sat down on my bed. "I'm just going to let the stupid bird eat it.." Charlie mumbled. She gasped "Is that what happened to all your other assignments you had a hard time with?!" Charlie stuttered before running out of the room and then out the front door, yes, tia chased him out of the room and out the front door too. I sat there alone in our room, I read the Bible and then began writing my story while listening to Little Lies by Fleetwood Mac, one of my favorite songs, but it also sparked an idea.... Perhaps, Charlie can write about lying, he does that a lot! "That's it!" just as I exclaimed, Charlie ran back in and slammed the door behind him. "What?" he asked me as he walked back to his desk. "I have the perfect idea!" "Fleetwood Mac, sucks." "That's not what we're talking about!" I trotted to him. "There's a cap that says those exact words by the way." he leaned back in his chair. "Now I know what I want for Christmas." I turned off the music. "You can write a story with a liar as the main character!" he groaned. "Isn't there another word for that?". I ignored him. Although, he's probably right. "Ari! It sucks!" he yelled three hours after he began writing it. "It's not! You just have to keep writing!" I told him, turning back to my work. He just groaned and broke his pencil. "I'm typing it out, for sure." He turned his computer on began typing. He sounded a lot like me when he said that, no wonder we're twins. Anyways, for some reason we began arguing back and forth, I don't quite remember why! Or do I? "NO! That's not right!" He shouted at me. "It is!". We were arguing over, an orchid.


An Orchid.

"It just needs an ice cube and that's it!" "I thought you were worried about your stupid story, Ari!" "I am! But I also do not want you killing my orchid!" I furiously shouted, it echoed, for some strange reason because the room is full of stuff. Oh, you should've seen his face! It was great! "Okay, it just needs one ice cube." he said nervously, walking out of the room to get the ice. I really didn't want him killing my orchid. I love my orchid. I even got more orchids! "There. The flower has been watered." Why'd we start arguing about an orchid, I thought. "Ari!" I jumped "Oh, sorry. Yup! Back to writing!" he groaned "Ari, can't we take a break?" I charged at him yelling "YOUR GRADES ARE HORRIBLE!" He paused, then sighed "Fine, but once it's-." he turned to look at the time, just to see it was already our bedtime, the time we usually go to sleep at but didn't because CHARLIE didn't want to do his assignment and so CHARLIE didn't get it done in time. "Ari?" "What now?" "Can I go to sleep?" "What'd you got done?" I went over to his desk. "Hm, good amount of words, good story." he scoffed "Of course it's a good story to you." he mumbled.

Yes, he mumbles a lot.

"You need to stop mumbling, mister Charlie-" "And the chocolate factory, you won't make me laugh.". I sighed and walked back to my desk. I have to admit, I did go to sleep after a few more hours, writing is tiring. I woke up the next morning, rushing through everyday tasks. Once we got to school, I noticed Charlie was cuddling with his favorite teddy bear, Snarf, when he's nervous. "Charlie, it's time for you to come up and read your story." Ms. Smurfy announced. He turned to me, then looked at Snarf, hugged Snarf, placed him down and then walked to the front of the class. "You nincompoops all know my name and so I'm just goin' to read the danged story." And that is exactly what he did! Once he was finished reading, I clapped whilst the rest of the class looked traumatized, and so did Ms. Smurfy. "Charlie that was.... Why did he jump?" Charlie shrugged and sighed "It- It's just a story..." He went and sat back down. "Dang, so he really witnessed the murder of his aunt?" "Yes." "And so, he decided to be a superhero?" "Yes?" "And he found and killed the man who did it, all by listening in on the conversation the detectives were having." "Yeah." I chuckled "Sounds like Spiderman." he sighed "Yeah, I guess. The Spiderman who didn't stick the landing nd listened in on a secret conversation." I laughed "Yeah, that's you as Spiderman." He laughed along with me.

"You are Spiderman!"

"Not exactly a lie."

"What is that supposed to mean, Ari?!"

May 14, 2024 02:45

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Arianna Casillas
02:50 May 14, 2024

This took all day, I really hope ya'll enjoy it. FLEETWOOD MAC DOESN’T SUCK I WAS JOKING!


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