American Happy Holiday

Too-Cute Apology

“Good morning, Sunshine!” Russell nudged Chrissy as she opened her eyes and started a long cat-like stretch.

“Aren't you cheerful this morning? To what do you contribute such a blissful attitude?”

“It is Thanksgiving Day and I have an abundance of blessings for which to be grateful. Foremost my beautiful wife and the two miracles she is carrying in her incredibly appealing hot bod!”

“You mean this round beach ball I'm tumbling about on? The one that makes me extra clumsy and incapable of walking more than a few steps or incapable of pulling my fair share around here anymore?”

“Yep, none other. That's the one that lured me into the breeding trap. Now look what I have created! Darn proud of all of it. You're looking hotter than ever! Want to take another roll around...”

“Not on your life! Not now or anytime within the next few months until I deliver these bundles and have time to recuperate from the ordeal! What kind of a sex maniac are you?”

“Obviously an irresistible one to you, My Dear! How else did you get in your condition?”

“Exactly! It's all your fault. Now help me get out of this bed and dressed so I can help poor Nana with the holiday prep.”

“Not sorry! And you won't be doing any of it. Doctor's orders remember? Mainly bed rest until our precious babies are here.”

“I can at least sit at the table and chop or whatever needed. Maybe arrange the cornucopia for the centerpiece. How did we end up hosting this dinner anyway?”

“You can barely travel and everyone wants to see how you are doing so Nana of course insisted she do it all here. It will only be the Conovers and Nana's gentleman friend, Andrew Grant. They'll contribute some dishes so Nana won't be overworked. Oh, and I did mention to you that I'm having one of my students that is struggling right now to join us.”

“I almost forgot. What happened again?” All the while they were talking Russ was helping her pull this over and tug that up.

“His parents have been arrested for harboring undocumented persons as hired help around the house. Other family members are very far away so he has no one right now. I asked the department of family services if I could host him for this holiday until someone comes to stay with him and his parents get a hearing. I thought you would understand. Besides little Carson may enjoy hanging out with him. He is really into outer space like our tiny astronaut friend.

“Here you go now. All dressed and ready. You look marvelous. I'll leave you with Nana while I go pick up Darwin.”


“So, Daddy, I really like Pokeman but tell me again how all these giant balloons help us know it's Thanksgiving? And who is Bullwinkle?” six-year-old Carlson Conover was curled up on his father, Douglas', lap as they watched the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade while His mother, Nora, the famous publisher, was concocting delicious smells in the kitchen.

“Well, let's see now. Uh, Macy's is a well known department store in New York City. They celebrate the kicking off of the Christmas selling season with this parade featuring these giant balloons held down by volunteers walking and holding onto strings. Hard to manage in the rain. The balloons are shaped like favorite TV characters. Bullwinkle was popular when I was a child and... You know what? I don't know how that connects to Thanksgiving. This holiday was started when the pilgrims and native Americans celebrated a successful harvest.”

“Christmas is when Jesus was born. Right?”


“Jesus always wants us to be thankful. Right? Maybe that's supposed to remind us to be thankful.”

“You may be right about all of that, my Son.”

“Tell me about a time Jesus wants us to be thankful, Daddy.”

“Uh, well... Do you remember the story about the ten lepers who wanted Jesus to heal them of the spots on their skin?”

“Sure. He told them what to do and they were fixed but only one came back to say 'Thank you'.”

“You know the story very well. Jesus reminds us to be thankful everyday for all the blessings He gives us. What would happen if God only gave us tomorrow what we thanked Him for today? Soon we wouldn't have food or clothing or sunshine or rain or a roof over our heads or people we love or anything! We need to be reminded to be grateful.”

Just then Nora stuck her head in the door. “Just reminding you to get ready. It's time to get on the road.”

“Let's say 'thank you' for Mommy. We want her to be here tomorrow.”

“Great idea, Son.”

“Dear Father in heaven. We thank you for providing our daily needs, all we remember to thank you for and all those we forget to mention; all the loving people in our lives, especially the women working so hard to bring us this special feast on this special day. Be with all the people that need extra blessings that they, too, can know your love. Thank you for sending Jesus to teach us and save us. In His name we pray. Amen”

“And thank you for taking the leopard's spots.” Carlson added.


The Merriweather/Koolridge family and guests gathered in the large Victorian home where they finally settled at the dining table graced with a brown roasted turkey including all the trimmings ready to give thanks.

“Maybe our new friend, Darwin, would like to honor us by saying the blessing?” Russell suggested trying to include the outsider.

“I wouldn't know how to begin, Sir. Please let someone else.”

“At my family gatherings I was always the one to lead the prayer.” Stated Mr. Grant.

“That would be nice.” Nana agreed.

“I want to, I want to!” Carlson suddenly piped up.

“The food is cooling. I think we better cool the argument and get started.” Chrissy hinted.

“We could each say for what we are thankful.” Douglas pushed onward.

Nora interjected. “Okay! I know the perfect argument settler. Where's the wishbone, Nana?”

November 29, 2024 21:04

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Anthony Andrés
07:40 Dec 10, 2024

You capture a kid’s voice so well! I loved the leopard’s spot line. I have heard a few kids get that confused when leading Sunday School. Always a fun read!


Mary Bendickson
18:10 Dec 10, 2024

So glad you liked and could relate. Thanks for liking 'Seeking Fair Lady' also. It is part of series all with word Fair in them.


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Rebecca Lewis
12:17 Dec 03, 2024

The banter between Russell and Chrissy is playful and relatable, and it sets the tone well for a family-focused story. The focus on thankfulness and including Darwin, a student in need, is heartwarming and fits with the Thanksgiving theme. Jumping between the two families adds variety and shows how different people experience the holiday, which is a nice touch. Overall, it’s a heartwarming story that captures the spirit of Thanksgiving.


Mary Bendickson
15:26 Dec 03, 2024

Thanks for the comment and liking it and 'Seeking Fair Lady'


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10:02 Dec 03, 2024

Ha ha. Loved it, Mary. Lovely family vibes. Charming as always. Some lovely life lessons in this story. I have to say this. Jesus wasn't born on Christmas day. They made a celebration of the sun a celebration of the 'son.' Bethlehem is in a mountainous region, it is winter in December, flocks of sheep are kept indoors as there is often snow at that time. The volatile Jews would have revolted at returning to the places of their births to register in the middle of winter. The birth more likely happened in October. Actually, no one knows the ...


Mary Bendickson
15:23 Dec 03, 2024

I have known about the misrepresented time for years. Bible didn't specify and so true about Resurrection. Thanks for liking 'Too-Cute Apologies'


18:00 Dec 03, 2024

You are correct. As Jesus is the 'resurrection and the life,' his father had to resurrect him - as a spirit who took on flesh for a time. He appeared before his disciples and up to 500 others. It spurred them on as a group to become the unstoppable force behind the preaching of the good news of the Kingdom, which work Jesus commanded them to do.


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Alexis Araneta
17:17 Dec 01, 2024

Adorable, as usual !


Mary Bendickson
18:48 Dec 01, 2024

Thank you so much. Was a rush job with the holiday:)


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Trudy Jas
04:07 Nov 30, 2024

Hope you had a happy, healthy and cute one. :-)


Mary Bendickson
18:31 Nov 30, 2024

Thank you. Yes I did. Where are you, again? Do you do Thanksgiving the way we do? You talk so much about UK like you know it well.


Trudy Jas
19:19 Nov 30, 2024

I live in Cincinnati, but originally I'm from the Netherlands.


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