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Black Crime Drama

This story contains themes or mentions of mental health issues.

once there was this older man and a few groups had no fair for travel up the coast for escaping a crime of there so called pandemics and stealing goodsof stores like radios and head sets and police spotted the man an group often hitting transporet of buses and trains without paying fairs and think all fun and games at this and pretending tp posing as homeless on street just to obtain money off strangers ,why did they do all this ,they recieve good income of the government,so here goes the story ,.and on boarding the xpt train to the sunshine coast of escaping with loads of stolen cash of posing as homeless and reselling the radios,now on that xpress train to the sunshine coast where they plan to hit the casinos.that s all while savin g thousands of dollares of there income of there dole money allowance when the gang would split and buy a rows of units in a culdesac.

and in all of this dream never happened as they heavily splurged on gaming machines at the casinos ,and secret hefty fines of jumping transport s buses and trains around that sydney suburbs ,

and that old nman in the groupand two of the left men ,the rest of the gang had been caught and arrested.now the old man and the other two men were sitting in a cafe and didnt realise they had high coffee consumption ,leave the cafe ,haula woman ,for her handbag and claimed the credit card in her handbag and then beaten her and raped to death,

andthe police chase on the way ,the men and the old man escape into shrubs and found stack of moonshine winbe and sat and drank to there content ,while police searching and found the three all parapletic and died on the way to the hospital ,and a diary found by the three men reading ;well be to die this way then rot in prison,and another gang came out to play games witrh the police an d robberies ,all in one final game ,and be soe hero,,and a prisoner of the other one of the groups had escaped and tried to return back to the sydney surbub for a clean slate of a new man and find propervwork, and made his trip back to sydney vterminal station and when a group of police officers surrounded him to try to arrestvthe man bill for his transport fines but bill offeredto work of some sort of community wirk to pay the finesvso bill endedwith a job on the council team to helppay the fines which took him a couple years and by then an older man now unable to work a normal job as he ended with sore arthritis and government offered ba aged care home to rest of all troubles of his past but at the nursing home the past had haunted him terribly in his sleep,so was found dead in his nursing home bed with sleeping pills opened by his side and noone could tell how many he had taken to conmittedhis suicide,well a note attached to his chest read, ;lsuch is life; and didnt so many suicidal person attach that silly same written sign on there chest before doing there own suicide pact ,why always having the same sign of such is life on themselves,,and still so many moire people transport spot for free and half gotten away with a hefty fine or a prison sentence.there have been no more radio selling and more people sell other things now like stolen cars and mainly pushbikes , for hard earned cash ,didnt have any clue of selling stolen items as like there in some sort of trance,perhaps dementia or something,one male had slipped our if his body liuke in a sleep walk trance and woken up in a nearby park all harmlessa and didnt know how and why he had gotten out of his bed and into the shrubs police find him of course and taken the man to the hospital for checkup but all him wad fine and let him go home.he had been just labeled possible sleep walk kleptomaniac as a few goods gad been found near the shrubs where he ended but no proof or evidence of this sort by police squad so they saying they would keep extra eyes on this sleep walking notorious male ,and his bedroom window around after midnight when is is seen lurking thriugh night and not anyone knowing he was only in his trance of sleep walking..well may be harmless with somehow stealing goods like lost wallets and credit cards and somehow ends in the shrubs but since that night the police found him there and discovered everything about this male well the male had not been seen lurking around the dark streets and ending in the shrubs with more lost wallets found and or list credit card and noone had even seen that man around through day at the local supermarket shopping for his groceries with the cash money he found in the lost wallets ,poliuce never seen the man anywhere andwho knows where he disappeared suddenly ,well that maybe another story to solve the disappearance of the silent street sleepwalker prowlng around after midnight,well with his disapppearance all persons wallets missing should be safely found by good human being of retuning back of tracking the owner and accepting a decent reward of some sort,well maybe there would be some good human out there finding list wallet even with money to return back to owner or the local police to track the owner,,,well such is life ,the end,,,well a fair amount have been handed to the right owner with whole wallets containing right amount of money and those good human beings gotten half of that rewarded,and still some more kleptomaniacs wont return any lost wallets or anything of value ,well at least some good humans or at least a few good humans left of this world, hopefully this will be the end and another chapter should open of all the fun and games each person or group come up with ,,,the ending ,

April 16, 2024 09:19

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1 comment

Rebecca Maric
05:02 Apr 29, 2024

Anyone who is the public of train travel and buses over a pass time and having no money.


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