
In 2019, when I was in 5th grade, I was 11 years old. Everything was going just like a usual classroom is supposed to go.But at the start of mid-October, everything changed.Usually, when the teachers change our seats,we get worried who we are going to sit by,if we like that person,and stuff like that.But we all knew each other since second grade,when the school first started and we all came.None but the four new kids, Max, Lucy, Gwen, and Elena were worried.I got put next to a girl named Elena.As I am a very talkative person,we talked a lot,and before you knew it we felt like we had known each other since Kindergarten.We were best friends.We were the same height, liked the same things, we had almost identical personalities.The school curriculum consisted of foreign language,so we had to learn Latin.The teacher was Mr.Grimm.As I said,we all came in second grade, but Max came to the school in 4th grade, and hardly knew anyone.And then it just happened , somehow Elena and I had another friend named Max.We sat at the same lunch table,and played basketball together at recess.We had lots of fun together,and very soon, we were the most athletic,funny,and well liked in the class.We made the most boring classes enjoyable .Coincidentally Latin was the most boring class.So we decided, why not make a class clown club! Day by day our club grew, until it was almost the entire class.We had so much fun that we thought school was more fun than video games.Everything was going great.Well, everything except the teachers.Since our school focused a lot on virtues,the teachers gave out virtue sheets.My friends and I have detested virtue sheets since we got our first one. Virtue sheets are a bit annoying once you receive your fair share of them.The teacher writes what you did wrong, then you have to stay in for recess and write down how to prevent that from happening, how to fix it, and all that stuff.Yes, that’s pretty horrible, but is it as bad as this? Parents have to sign! I don’t know if you get my meaning, but that’s not exactly what I would call good.Parents signing means they have to read what you did wrong, which means they get you in trouble.You received a sheet for things like sticking out your tongue at someone.I mean that’s not really harmful, is it?All we did was crack a couple of jokes in class, and make people laugh.That did prevent the teachers from teaching, but I personally think they knew they were being a bit harsh by giving us virtue sheets for stuff like that. But harmful or not, we were more careful from that day on.Unfortunately,careful as we were,the flow of virtue sheets were still flowing steadily.The teachers clearly had developed a dislike for us.While we were the pranksters of the group, we were the most intelligent too. At least our teachers didn’t hate us completely, due to that fact.We helped the other kids with math, and with other subjects in our free time.Anyways during Latin we cracked the most jokes.Eventually, we got to choose our work groups.I don’t know why we were allowed that privilege, considering our class behavior.If we are put in groups with people that we know very well, we are prone to get distracted, and joke around,but if we are surrounded by unfamiliar people,we would probably stay on topic, and work on the task in front of us.Although we all knew very well that Mr.Grimm ,our Latin teacher ,was just trying to be nice, this of course led to the class thinking that Mr.Grimm was a bit crazy by letting us choose our own groups.And most unfortunately, just as I predicted, the classes behavior got worse.The following day we started to learn about the human body in science class.My friends and I were making jokes,of course appropriate ones.My teacher got very agitated, and e-mailed our parents, and assigned us extra homework on the human body chapter, to see if we learned anything, or not.She said if we didn’t receive a passing grade on our extra homework we would not be allowed to talk at all during class.We all worked really hard, and got a one hundred percent each, and tried as hard as we could to behave in class from then on.In the mean time our friendship kept growing stronger and stronger.Slowly, day after day, week after week, month after month our jokes were coming to a halt.We started to help Mr.Grimm control the class by not making jokes anymore.Since we were the leaders of the joke club and jokes, the class was easier for Mr.Grimm to control, and he liked us much more after that.We realized that helping the teachers is better than making jokes.We changed our joke club to an after school tutoring club, so that everyone can come and learn, or get help on stuff that they are confused on.This is a win and win situation, because we could help others, and at the same time we would be learning more ourselves.Then, one day, I had to take a test that is necessary to get admission in a gifted program at school. I passed with flying colors.At first I was delighted, but then it dawned on me that this would mean going to a different school.I would never see my friends again.I was crestfallen.I told my friends, and they had a similar reaction.It was very sad to leave each other.I said, in an attempt to cheer them up, that we can always call or have playdates, but they were still sad. The day of the 5th grade graduation finally came.We were all in gloomy spirit, until we saw something we love.Food.We ate a lot of food, and later, went into the room where the ceremony was to be held.We listened as the principal gave a speech, and the awards were handed out.We were zoning out until we heard our names.We had won the friendship award.We were delighted.We soon parted and went our own ways,but we didn’t forget each other, and we remain friends to this day!

May 07, 2020 22:06

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Tanya Mishra
18:58 Feb 17, 2021

thank you very much! mom, and Johanna Montilla


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00:31 May 20, 2020

Nicely written ,I enjoyed reading it.Keep up with your writing.


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Johanna Montilla
16:11 May 14, 2020

Hi Tanya! Nice story! Elementary and High school are the best time to create fond memories of our friendship. And most of the time those friendships last forever.


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