Old Friends

Submitted into Contest #262 in response to: Center your story around an unexpected summer fling.... view prompt



The dance floor of the club was sweltering. Sweat dripped from Megan’s hair like rain as her hips swayed to the rhythm of the live band. She was enjoying herself for the first time in a long while. Megan closed her eyes and let the beat take her. Her hips moved and the stress was beginning to melt away. She no longer cared that her pants were so snug she had to lay on the bed to zip them up or that she ate a candy bar for lunch instead of a salad. The music made her feel free.

A hand slid along her hip and around her plump waist. She was pulled into a solid wall of muscle. Hot breath poured into her ear.

“Baby, the way you move that ass is enough to make a man hard from across the room.” His nose ran along her ear, the stubble on his chin burning along her exposed neck. Megan spun on him ready to slap the shit out of him. He caught her hand. “I knew I recognized that ass.” He laughed as she blinked at him.

“Jordan? Jordan Higgins?”

Jordan hadn’t changed since college, he was still tall, lean, and muscular. His long dark hair was pulled back into a lazy bun at the base of his neck. Brown eyes that filled her with lust looked down at her. The last time she’d seen him they’d spent a wild weekend together that still fueled a desire she hadn’t been able to replicate. She clenched her thighs together.

“Good to see you, Baby.” He pulled into his chest. His hands roamed over her curves sending tingles through her body. All it took was a look and his hands in the right place to get her heart racing. They danced for three more songs rubbing against each other until they were both drenched in sweat and Jordan’s pants were as snug as Megan’s. “You want a drink?” Megan nodded. Jordan locked his arm around her waist pulling her towards the bar.

“Water and a beer.” Jordan made the order and leaned down to her ear. “What are the fucking chances?” Megan stood on her toes to reach his ear.

“What are you doing here?” The drinks were set on the bar behind him. Jordan handed her drinks over and grabbed his, lifting his chin to a dark booth in the corner. Megan lead the way through the crowd. Once she was seated Jordan slid in next to her. Megan’s heart raced. “What are you doing here?” She repeated.

“Work.” He lifted his chin to the stage. The band was local and gaining momentum. Jordan worked for a small record label that had scraped together enough money to send him to see if they were worth it. “I leave next week.” Megan twisted the top off the water bottle and then downed half of it. Jordan watched her as he sipped his beer. “What have you been up to?”

“Same as you. Work.” Megan shrugged. “I just got a promotion. Should have had it a year ago.” Megan grabbed her beer and took a drink.

“No Mr. Right yet?” Jordan took another drink watching her with hopeful eyes. Megan laughed.

“This is the first time I’ve been out in months. I’m more interested in Mr. Right Now.” She dropped her eyes to his crotch and lifted the bottle to her lips with a smirk. Jordan laughed as he lowered the beer bottle.

“Well, then it must be my lucky night.”

“Or mine.” Jordan grinned and slid his bottle on the table.

“I did tell you that watching your ass out there made me hard, right?” Megan turned red.

“You’re drunk.”

“Not at all.”

“You remember that weekend before graduation?”

“You are drunk.” She laughed and took a drink. Jordan was always direct, one of the things she liked about him. No messing around just said what he wanted and took it.

“Nope.” He popped his P. “The minute I saw you I wanted to relive every minute.” Jordan leaned over and kissed her neck. Megan tilted her head to the side giving him access to her skin. His hand fished under the hem of her shirt. “Too many clothes, Baby.” He hummed in her ear.

She’d hoped she might be lucky enough to have a one-night stand. Jordan was the last person she expected to see. She was over the moon that the universe had brought him back into her life, even if it was only for a night.

In that one wild weekend, he had given her the best sex of her life, before or since. The way their bodies had reacted to each other on the dance floor, she couldn’t deny the chemistry was still there. No doubt they would both be more than satisfied with a one-night stand but a better plan was starting to formulate in her mind.

Megan pulled his bun loose, weaving her fingers into his hair. Jordan nipped at her neck while his thumb brushed over her nipple bringing it to a peak. “We need to get out of here.” Megan pulled his head back forcing him to look at her.

“You have a week right?” Jordan grinned seemingly liking where she was going. “What do you think about staying at my place?” Jordan resumed kissing her neck.

“You sure you can handle a week with me?” She pulled his head back and leaned over laying a hand on the bulge in his jeans. Her fingers stroked him through the fabric. Jordan laid his head on the back of the booth watching her with hooded eyes. Megan pushed the table back and straddled him. He buried his face in her chest, fingers squeezing the flesh of her ass while she ground her hips into him. Megan could’ve gotten off there and not cared if the whole club heard her scream his name. “Baby, you keep doing that and I’m going to bend you over the table.” Megan laughed and pulled his face from her chest.

“You said you wanted to relive that weekend right?” Megan swiveled her hips.

“I’ll need to check out of the hotel.” Jordan grinned and swatted her ass causing her to jump. “You may regret this.”

“Nope.” She popped her P with a grin and kissed him.

“We’re wasting time, Baby.” Megan crawled off of him and then they headed for the door.

“Fuck it’s hot.” The night was still warm but it was cooler outside than the mass of bodies in the club. Jordan wove his fingers in her hand and followed her down the block to her car.

When they got to the car Megan leaned on the back door. Jordan lifted a hand to her face, running his thumb along her bottom lip while pressing his hips into her. “You are so fucking beautiful.”

“Give me your phone, Big Boy. I’ll text you the address.” Handing his phone over she called her phone and handed it back. He dropped the phone into his back pocket. “Don’t make me wait too long.” Megan leaned up and kissed him. Jordan opened her car door and Megan slid behind the wheel. His phone buzzed before he made it to his car.

After checking out of the hotel, Jordan made the short drive to a cabin just outside of town. It was dark and isolated, a single light lit the way to the small porch. Grabbing his bag from the backseat, Jordan headed up the stairs.

Through the window, he could see Megan dancing to some random rock song pumping through a sound system throughout the house. Jordan smiled even in college he’d loved the way she moved. When he’d first seen her on the dance floor all those years ago, his friends thought he was crazy, they never could see past her weight. Megan had curves but beyond that she had confidence. That confidence drew him in then and still did.

He turned the handle, she’d left the door unlocked. Entering as quietly as he could he set the bag down and enjoyed the blast of air conditioning. He walked across the hardwood floor to wrap his arms around her. They swayed together her hands raised behind her pulling him into her neck.

“I told you moving your ass like that would make a man hard.” Jordan pressed his hips into her to prove his point. Megan leaned back into his chest and hummed.

“Took you long enough.” Jordan kissed her neck. Megan turned in his arms. Grabbing his shirt she pulled him down to her mouth. When she released his lips he looked down at her with lust-filled eyes.

“Bedroom?” Megan took his hand and pulled him down the hall to a large room with a king-size bed.

Megan turned to face him in the doorway, her hands seeking the button of his jeans. His mouth landed on hers as he backed her toward the bed. Jordan broke contact with her lips to pull her shirt over her head and tossed it to the floor. Megan took her hands from his pants and reached around to unclasp her bra. Jordan pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it to the side. He kicked off his shoes and watched as Megan wiggled out of her jeans. “Damn.”

Megan laughed as she lay on the bed waiting for him. Jordan made his way to the edge of the bed. Grasping her behind the knees he pulled her towards him. Megan lifted a foot to his chest, stopping him. “Forgetting something there, Big Boy?”

“Shit.” Jordan turned to look for his wallet. Megan laughed as he spun in circles looking at the pile of clothes on the floor.

“Nightstand.” Megan’s hand danced along her inner thigh inching closer to her center. Looking over to the nightstand he grinned.

“You thought of everything.” Jordan brushed the receipt off the box sitting there and tore it open. He watched her while he tore the foil with his teeth. Megan’s eyes locked on him as he rolled the condom on. He moved her hand and positioned himself as he lifted her hands over her head.

“I’ve had more than a few dreams start like this since that weekend, Baby.” Jordan slid inside her and Megan arched off the bed. “Fuck.” He breathed as she wiggled herself closer. Jordan began to the thrust with wild abandon. Megan wrapped her legs around his hips pulling him closer and meeting him thrust for thrust.

Sex with them had never been rough but they never held back. It was honest and pure. The one thing neither of them had found in other partners. Something Megan doubted she would find it with anyone else. Sweat slicked their bodies as both of them built to an explosion of pent-up desire. Megan was the first to break.

“Right there!” She cried. Her thighs clenched around his hips as wave after wave of pleasure rolled through her. Jordan didn’t let up, carrying out her release. “Please.” She begged him as another wave hit her. Jordan’s body tensed.

“Holy fuck.” He collapsed over her. The last pulses of his release feathering kisses inside of her, imprinting her with the feel of him. Jordan breathed heavily in her shoulder. “Damn, Baby. We’re going to need more condoms.” Kissing her shoulder he stood. Megan sighed when he left her. She sat up on her elbows watching as his naked body walked to the closet door and opened it. “Bathroom?”

“Down the hall.” Jordan walked out of the door. A minute later he poked his head back through. “You coming?” Megan giggled and rolled off the bed. Jordan flashed her a lazy grin and they chased each other down the hall to the bathroom. A few minutes later he had her pressed into the shower wall.

The rest of the week went much the same. They went to a few clubs so that Jordan could get some work done and they had sex; lots of sex.

All too soon it was time for Jordan to catch his flight. Megan followed him out to his car, wondering if the week would be nothing more than a memory. Jordan tossed his bag in the backseat and turned to her, taking her face in his hands he kissed her with all the passion they’d shared.

“Maybe next time you come my way?” Megan grinned, she liked that he was implying it would happen again.

“And what would I do there?” Jordan laughed, his arms circling her.

“Same thing we did here fuck until we can’t breathe.” Jordan kissed her cheek. “You have my number. Stay in touch.” Megan stuffed her hands into the back pocket of her jeans and rocked back on her heels.

“You got it.” Jordan got into the car and Megan watched him pull out of the driveway. With one last wave, he was gone. Megan walked into the cabin basking in the post-sex glow and delicious soreness that Jordan left her with.

Gabbing a cup of coffee Megan walked out onto the back deck over overlooking the stream flowing behind the property. Leaning on the rail part of her hoped that she never found Mr. Right. Mr. Right Now had given her everything she needed.

August 08, 2024 14:19

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Shirley Medhurst
10:04 Aug 13, 2024

😅 WOW! Steamy, to say the least! Takes the heat prompt to another level 🤣 Just a quick question if I may…. What does this mean: «He popped his P » (sorry, I’m from the U.K. - don’t know this expression & am always keen to discover new turns of phrase )


Jenny Benavidez
16:28 Aug 13, 2024

Thank you that is what I was hoping for. Popping his P is meant to say he put more emphasis on the p in nope.


Shirley Medhurst
22:33 Aug 13, 2024

Ah ok, Interesting - thanks v much, Jenny 😁 I wonder if you wouldn’t mind passing by to check out my story if you have time. I’d love to hear any thoughts you may have about it..,


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Trudy Jas
23:55 Aug 12, 2024

:-) Could have fit the "heatwave" prompt as well. Hot and steamy.


Jenny Benavidez
19:30 Aug 13, 2024

Thank you. More than one way to bring the heat.


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