Family Secrets

Submitted into Contest #50 in response to: Write a story told entirely through one chase scene.... view prompt



   Wading into the colorful pungent pile beginning to decay in the bedroom corner, Maria muttered to the ball of fluff wagging her tail. “And why didn’t you go outside with the rest of the miscreants, Charlie? I appreciate the moral support, but I am not sure how much help you will be.”

    The caramel colored dog ignored the muttering and rolled over to scratch her back on the rug. Dirty laundry smells and quality time with her human was something to be enjoyed.

    As various items were tossed into a laundry basket and piles, Maria continued to grouse. Her method of laundry science was not perfect, but it was one or two steps above her husband’s where everything washed together on warm. After losing too many office outfits, she succumbed to the reality, it was one chore they weren’t going to be able to share.

    “Why does everyone bring their dirty clothes in here?” She looked around the bedroom with its piles of books, a few toys and paper strewn desk. Heaving a sigh, she kept separating items into the magically expanding piles.

    Picking up a full basket of whites, she headed downstairs for the washer. Charlie jumped up and chased after her, trying to keep her in view. The hope for a snack was never far from her mind.

    Maria loaded the washer and then trudged up the cellar stairs. The machine began to labor away as she closed the door. After checking the kids in the back yard, she continued through the living room and climbed the next flight. “Pretty bad, Charlie,” she said to the dog bouncing along ahead of her, “when the best thing I can say about laundry day is I am getting a workout in.”

    The dog stood at the top wagging her tail as Maria pulled herself up the last couple of steps with the bannister. Looking around the landing and the slice of the bedrooms she could glimpse, she sighed. Heaps of toys, science projects, books and whatnot covered much of the floor space.

    “I suppose I should be grateful I can get them to haul it this far rather than leave it in the living room.” As she started on the massive pile again, she spotted a brightly colored bit of slinky fabric peeking from under a pair of jeans. Yanking it free, she gulped when she thought about explaining its presence to her boys.

     Tossing it toward the delicate or handwash pile, she reached for the jeans. Charlie, however, viewed the spotted red and white fabric flying through the air as a toy and leaped to grab it.

    “Charlie, no!” Maria gasped. “Put that down.” She reached to seize it from the dog’s mouth, but she was off. Deciding this was a new version of the game of tag, the dog bounced out into the hallway.

    Dropping the jeans, Maria made a dash to the hall to try and corral the pooch and get the prize. Charlie had other ideas as she danced backward down the hallway and then ducked into one of the toy-filled bedrooms. As Maria rounded the corner, the dog shook her head making her prize flap around. She crouched on her front legs while her rear end prepared to launch.

    Hands outstretched as she approached, Maria crooned, “Good doggie, good doggie. Com’on Charlie, let mommy have them.”

    Like a shot, the tawny fluff ball launched past the human and through the door. She turned around in the hallway and almost smiled back at the frustrated unwilling partner in this game. With a quick toss of her head, she headed back to the laundry pile. Maria felt relief at the destination and that the game was over. “Good girl, Charlie.”

    But just before she entered the bedroom, Charlie turned and with a yip and flash of her tail bolted downstairs.

    “That’s fine, Charlie. Play all you want just don’t destroy them. They were an anniversary present.” Maria shook her head as she headed back to the laundry pile. Then she heard the scrabble of toenails on the kitchen tile and the muted slap of the dog door. “Oh, crap. The boys,” she said as she raced for the stairs.

    As she hit the bottom step, the dog door slapped again. From her vantage point in the living room she could see the dog lying on the kitchen floor, her head resting on the little confection of a private garment. The tail wagged enthusiastically as her footsteps approached.

    Maria decided to try for cool nonchalance. She walked into the kitchen ignoring the canine rascal. Opening the fridge, she got a piece of sandwich meat out and closed the door. Taking the time to perch on a kitchen chair, she called to Charlie.

    “Are you hungry, honey? All of this running around,” she said. “You must want a snack.” She held out a bite of the meat. Charlie sat up staring and smelled the air but didn’t advance.

    “Here you go. Why don’t we make a trade?” Maria coaxed. “Your prize for mine. And mine is much tastier.” She tossed the small piece toward the dog hoping to appeal to her sense of gluttony. Charlie leaned and caught the piece in the air. Her lips smacked in appreciation.

    Holding the rest of the slice outstretched in her hand, Maria rose slowly and began to slide toward the dog uttering nonsense to hold her attention. Just as she got close enough to toss the treat one way and reach to grab the prize, Charlie snapped up the colorful article and bounded out her door. Maria shrieked in frustration as she scuffled to slide her feet into sneakers and follow the dog outside.

    Grateful to have no one in sight as she turned the corner, she stopped in shock as she saw her boss and his two kids standing in the driveway talking to her family. Charlie danced around the group yipping with excitement at so many new playmates.

    As she smoothed her hands over her hair and shirt, hoping she didn’t look too scummy, Maria walked over keeping an eye on the firecracker now resting in Charlie’s mouth.

    “Hi Maria, we just stopped in to check on soccer club schedules.” Tom looked at her with a smile.

    “Great, we were talking about that,” Maria said. She glanced at the dog with a decorated mouth and then turned back to her boss. If she was lucky, maybe they could get him and his kids back in their car before the dog got bored.

    Unfortunately, Jessie, her youngest, noticed Charlie’s ‘toy’.

    “Hey, Charlie, watcha got there?” Jessie asked.

    Time to intervene, Maria thought. “Brad, honey, could you get the dog?”

    “What?” Brad said as he looked around to see why he might need to take action. The process simply drew attention to the excited canine who jerked her head to get a better grip on the wet fabric in her mouth.

    The red and white polka dotted thong panties unfurled like a flag while they all watched. Maria felt the heat rise up her neck and cheeks. Red-faced she walked over to the dog with her hand out. Charlie dropped her prize and sat back with a smile. Jessie got there first and scooped up the garment. “Whose are these, Mommy?”

    “Apparently, Charlie’s,” Maria said as she removed the wet bundle from Jessie’s hand.

   “Well, looks like you guys have a fun place,” Tom said with a wide smile as he waved goodbye and ushered his kids out to their SUV.

    Maria shook her head and sighed as she thought about the questions and looks Monday at the office.

July 16, 2020 15:44

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