
Just Give It Up

By: Sean Green

           Nick was a 35-year-old man with dreams of becoming an internet personality. His wife Lillian had the same dream but gave it up when she turned 30, she realized that they would never make it big. Lillian also knew that she was going to have a baby, they needed to take care of and work to support their child.

           Nick did not want to give up this dream, he wanted to make a living on YouTube and be a celebrity. Nick always tried to be like the great Youtubers; he tried making different kinds of videos: funny videos, cooking videos, he even did reactions, and even family vlogs. Nick tried everything and nothing worked. When Nick got out of high school he and Lillian made vlogs and they also worked jobs. Lillian liked the idea of making videos and decided to do it with Nick.

           Nick worked a good job as a carpenter when he turned 28. But when he turned 33 he left carpentry and never worked another job again. Lillian was not at all happy about this and she told him to get a job. Nick refused and said,

           “I need all this time to make my videos, remember when you use to do them with me.”

           Lillian responded, “Yes, but then I realized that we just were not going to make it big. When will you realize that?”

           Nick told Lillian, “Lillian, when we were in our early 20’s people would put us down by saying we could not do this. I still want to prove them wrong.”

           Lillian said, “Those people were not putting us down, they were just trying to tell us that we need to realize that there is more to life than just being internet celebrities.”

           Nick said, “No, we got to do this! I know it has been years since we started but you need to realize that we still have a chance.”

           Lillian pleaded, “Nick listen, something is rising up and it is not the number of views of your videos, it is the bills of our household. Why can’t you just give this up?”

           Nick snapped back at Lillian, “because you don’t know what I am fighting for!”

           Lillian adamantly stated, “What you need to be fighting for is getting our bills paid. I unfortunately have to sometimes borrow money from my family and I just hate that.”

           Nick responded, quickly “I hate it too but I promise you -soon we will be rich.”

           Lillian frustratingly said, “No we won’t”

           Lillian stormed out the room and Nick went back to making his videos. Nick said to himself, “We will be famous I just know it. I have to keep making videos even if Lillian leaves me.”

           Nick knew this time the videos he had planned would be the key to success. After calming down, Lillian came back in and said, “Nick look, I know you want to entertain people but the truth is it is just isn’t working out - we just can’t do it. You have to get a real job!  We need the money!  We have a child to take care of! Any videos you make at this point are embarrassing.”

           Nick exasperatingly asked, “What is embarrassing about it?”

           Lillian decided to tell Nick the truth, “Every time I am with people they ask me what you do for a living.  I lie and tell them that you are laid off. Someone at my job was showing other coworkers a video and it was you. The person was laughing and saying you were an idiot, an overgrown child. I was just so embarrassed because you are my husband.”

           Nick slumped his shoulders and said, “So you just want me to get a job so I am not an embarrassment. You don’t care that I’ll be bored to death and coming home unhappy.”

           Lillian said, “What do you mean, you will be bored? You always talked about how well the carpentry job was. You talked about how great the people were and how good they paid you. You even said the boss was laid back and cared for his workers.”

           Nick replied, “Yeah but I still did not enjoy the job. I just wanted to be known as an internet star.”

           Then Lillian walked towards the couch and sat down, “Look Nick, you need to find a job soon. Otherwise, I will have no choice but to leave you and take Vanessa with me.”

           Nick caved in and agreed to get a job. He told Lillian that he would look for one tomorrow. Lillian smiled and said, “Thank you. I know someone will hire you right away.”

           Nick smiled sheepishly at Lillian and then they hugged each other. Nick told Lillian that he knows that Vanessa is supposed to look up to him and hopefully his child will be proud of him. Lillian told him, “That is right and Vanessa needs you in her life.”

It was the next day, Nick dressed up in his best suit to apply for jobs. As he headed out the door Lillian who was holding Vanessa said, “I don’t care what the job is right now, you just need a job that will start paying the bills and soon!  Any job you get is better than the one you currently have.”

Nick gave a half smile and kissed both Lillian and Vanessa goodbye. Nick drove off to look for a job. He stopped in the town to look for work. Nick applied at a grocery store and the manager at the grocery store told Nick that he could just interview him now. After the interview, the manager shook Nicks hand and told Nick that he would call him within a week. Nick went out of the grocery store and he stumbled upon some people making videos about skate boarding.

Nick went over to see what they were doing He saw the people making the videos and one person told him what they were getting thousands of views and sponsors galore. Nick said, “Wow that is awesome, I have always wanted to be an internet sensation.”

The guy said, “You still can! We are trying to make a living off of our trick videos and other things.”

Nick replied, “I would love to join you guys!”

The guy said, “Well come join us, we want to bigger than Mr. Beast! we are not all the way there yet but we will be soon.”

Nick agreed and told him that he would join them. The guy told him that they usually meet at various parks in the town and gave him his cell number. Nick told him that he would see them there. Nick went back home and Lillian approached him and said, “So how did it go?”

Nick replied, “Good I actually got interviewed at a store and I bet you I got the job.”

Lillian hugged Nick and said, “I know you did! You are a hard worker and you can do so much more with your life besides making videos for the internet.”

Nick was lying to his wife. He was just going to make the videos with the team. He thought that he would be able to make his break with the group before Lillian would ever find out the truth. He told Lillian, “Don’t you worry, you will be surprised with money I will be making.” They were happy for the rest of the day and they went to bed without an argument.

 The next day, Nick lied again and told Lillian that he was just going to applied at a few other places. Lillian was overjoyed at the idea of Nick seeing the light. Instead, Nick went out to meet up with the video making people. While Nick was driving, he got a call from the grocery store. The manager decided to hire him now and told him he could start next week. Nick told the manager,

“Well sir sorry.  I’ve already taken another job that I am going to now.”

Nick hung up the feeling satisfied and he then met up with the people. They all told him what they were doing for today and they told him that he can just start as a creator. Nick told them that he was just super excited and has been waiting for something like this for years. Then everyone told him that they are happy to have him. Nick told them about the ideas that he tried to do for his YouTube channel. He told them everything and they liked his ideas The head of the group even told them that Nick was going to make them rich.

The sun was going down so Nick made his way home. Nick told Lillian that he got a job. Lillian was so happy that she started jumping up and down and kissed him, Nick lied and said that it was at the grocery store. They decided to go out and celebrate. When they were at the restaurant Lillian told him that he was going to be great at the job and Nick said he was excited to be at his job. Lillian said, “Ever since our talk I feel like it is all coming together for you and I am so proud of you.”

Nick said, “Just wait and see what the future holds for my career.”

Lillian said, “I still kind of wish that you went back to being a carpenter, that was really good money.”

Nick told her, “With this career I don’t think I need to be a carpenter. This new career is going to bring in more money than we won’t know what to do with it”

Lillian replied, “Well like I said as long as you have a job I am fine but you should really think about getting a job that might pay more.”

Nick said, “I will work very hard and we will all get what we want.”

Lillian stated, “Maybe you might be promoted to manager!”

Nick told her, “It could be something like that.”

The rest of the night they made plans for the future. Nick could not wait to start his career to stardom.

It was the following day, Nick and Lillian woke up with high expectations for the day as they got ready for their jobs. They wished each other luck at their jobs and they left work. Nick met up with the group, they told him that he was going to be hosting the video. Nick was very excited and he thought that his dream was coming true. Just before they got started Nick received a phone call from another one of the places he filled out an application. They told him they wanted to interview him but just like the grocery store he turned them down. As the group was about to get the next scene started Nick got another call from another place he applied at for an interview and did the same thing.

           That whole day Nick got phone calls from all the places he applied at and turned them all down. Nick was having so much fun making the video and he believed that this was just the beginning. to the road to success. Nick got to host the show that day which was watching a man eat as many shrimps as he could. By the end of the day Nick was feeling like a star, he even asked the group when the money would come around. The guy told him once they get a lot of views and a lot of subscribers to their channel that the money will kick in.

           Nick was desperate enough and hoped the video would get the views and subscribers and the money would come rolling in, he hoped that all of that would come and Lillian would be proud of him. Nick felt like he could do whatever he wanted and for the first time in a few years that he and Lillian were happy. Every day he would come home and Lillian would be happy and ask him how work was. Nick lied all the time about where he really was; during the day he would make videos and hoped people would watch them. He just hoped he would get paid soon.

           Every day Nick would make videos with the group, but no money ever came. Nick was pawning what he could without Lillian finding out so he could at least have some money coming in. Nick just thought it was just a matter of time. He did sometimes feel like it was kind of the same as when he was making videos by himself. However, he did feel happy because he had the group who supported him with his video making now. He only hoped that Lillian did not find out and he made real money soon.

           A few weeks past and Lillian asked Nick a question when he was home. She asked him,

“Nick I just wanted to ask you, now that you have this job and you been there for a few weeks why have I not seen any of your paychecks?”

           Nick said, “Well they automatically go in the bank.”

Lillian said, “Okay, well I thought that maybe we could go on a vacation soon”

Nick was starting to panic because he knew that he had not made any money. He told Lillian, “Are you sure we should take a vacation right now? I mean I only started a few weeks.”

Lillian said, “Well I guess your right because we do need to pay some bills and once they are paid off we can go on our vacation.”

What made Lillian said made Nick panic more and he had to think of a way to get money. He said to Lillian that he would try to work extra hours. Lillian liked the idea and told him that would help a lot. Nick went in his room and knew he had to get some money fast. He thought but he did not know how. He called everyone he made videos with and asked them if they were close to getting paid. Everyone said that they were not even close. Nick did not know what to do. Lillian came into the room and said to Nick, “You look like something is bothering you even when I was talking to you.”

Nick replied, “No just a little stressed out from working, probably just from working job for the first time in a few years.”

Lillian smiled and Nick did too, but deep-down Nick was feeling scared. It was the next day, that afternoon Nick went to meet his group at the town park. They told him that today’s video was going to be a challenge for people. However, the leader of the group had to make an announcement, he said that due to them not making money he was going to have to let some people go after today. This made Nick worry, the leader called out names and he did say Nick’s name. Instead he heard someone else say his name.

Nick turned his head and it was Lillian. Tears were welling up in her eyes.  She said, “Nick I was going for a walk with Vanessa and I was about to visit you at work but I see you here …….., why.”

Nick replied, “Well you see….”

Lillian made an angry face and said, “Well”

Nick confessed, “The truth is I lied to you and I have no money.”

Lillian who was angry and shocked said, “You lied to me this whole time, I can’t believe this, I have been the one supporting this family while you have just been doing what you have been doing.”

Nick with everyone snickering in the background said, “I am sorry! I know let you down.”

Lillian was mad and she walked off with Vanessa. Nick was feeling down because he knew that Lillian was probably going to leave him. He lied to Vanessa, he had to put her through a lot of stress. Once the video shoot was over, Nick went home only to find that it was half empty. All his stuff was there but Lillian’s and Vanessa’s was gone. He saw a note on his chair that was from Lillian that said,


I cannot do this anymore. I have now come to realize that you will never grow up and you did not listen when I told you that this was your last chance. I am leaving you and I am glad that I did now because of Vanessa future. I did not do this for me but I did it for Vanessa who needs a hardworking father figure in her life.



Nick just sat on the floor crying because he knew he lost everything.

 A year later, Nick had been working at a fast food place and was next in line for a supervisor position.  He finally had a steady paycheck coming in. He still watched the Youtubers and secretly still held on to that dream of being the next breakout star. A friend of Nick’s sent him a video that he found on YouTube that burst Nick’s dream into a thousand pieces.  It was a video of a man who was pranked by Mr. Beast. The man introduced his wife and daughter and Nick could not believe his eyes.  the man’s wife and daughter was Lillian and Vanessa. Every day when Nick was on his lunch break he watched the video with Lillian and every time Vanessa called the man daddy, Nick could not help but cry.  

December 04, 2020 22:19

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VM Roberts
23:35 Dec 09, 2020

Wow! I loved your story. It was well written also. It's unfortunate that many couples go through this. I don't think there's anything wrong with dreams. They must be realistic though. When children are involved, not having a job and earning a pay check makes it worse.


Sean Green
03:15 Dec 10, 2020

Thank you


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