Lights On?... Enlightened or Frightened and walking with the Sleep Walkers.

Written in response to: Write a story about someone pulling an all nighter.... view prompt


Bedtime Christian Inspirational


Stop kidding ourselves.

There has been a lot of talk as of late. About lights. About lighting.

As a non-bonafide-shopper, I am the person wondering why Merry Christmas decorations are aligning the shelves along with the ghouls, ghosts and goblins of All Souls Day and Halloween.

I spend my nights trying to understand.

Trying to fit in.

Trying to fit it all in.

Have you ever walked smack dab into the wall? A wall. Any wall. Of self. Of another.

In the light.

In the dark.

While the conversation back and forth between what to do and what has been done, is “done”.

That will certainly keep the eyes from shutting, resting, or anything closely related. The opposite of exhaustion is exhilaration.

Yes. In Him all things are possible.

Even sleep.

Except when the wrestle-fest of exhilaration takes hold. Takes a hold of you and your senses, sensibilities.

Then. Is all lost?

Not exactly.

Complicated is more the outcome.

It has been said.

By studiers of all things, us.


Love. Is the strongest emotion.

There is a range. Of emotions to keep us awake at night: Happiness to fear and anger with its strong dopamine (sorry to get all hormone-y on ya) response.(wk). A peace that passes understanding.

The difference?

Love is more profound, more intense, affecting behaviors, and life-changing.

A drive. Of sorts. Not stale. A drive for contact. Care for others. Wherein you care as much about each other’s needs as do our own.

Ah. Love is so simple.

Except. It is not.

It’s range of experiences include, but are not limited to: boring, depressing, un stimulating, agitating, discouraging, upsetting, worrying.

As in, “I need a new deal.” Whatever that may mean. To believers in love. It means the world. Everything.

The rhythm of the night is interrupted. The bio rhythms too. Wake cycles.

The opposite of love?


Love drives, directs, navigates, and gives meaning to our existence. Hate encourages loneliness, love forbids it. Hate undermines individuality, love strengthens it.

Incredible acts of giving come from love, but aggressive behavior comes from hatred. (wk) Cheapskates beware. Tight. Fearful. Controlling. Except of course when it comes to those selves. They spare no expense.


About their wants and needs.

But. Not yours.

Your wants and needs.

And that includes that of love.

Humans tend to complicate this to the “nth” degree. Thinking they are being responsible, when in fact, they keep another person at an arm’s length, and allow intruders into the mix. For their benefit.

To know.

Really know true love is freeing and beautiful all at the same time.


Even in its messiness. It’s “trying to figure it all out.” It takes no prisoners. It takes ALL prisoners.


There you have it.

Lessons in love.

From someone who does.


In spite of the poor lessons. The poor lessons of exposure. Exposure to the bug of all things un pure, un resolved, un repentant.

Therein is where the tightwad may struggle. Cheap for thee, but not for me. Ka- Ching. Goes the register. The cash register.

The thing about all-nighters, the night shift. It involves a level of wakefulness few are able to complete. To compete. It is a dance in the wakeful versus the wokeful. Take the hours any which way but loose.

Love is there.

To save the day.

But the price to pay:



Admittance that you do not have it all.


There is a responsibility to ourselves and others to not: Fudge it. Fake it. Cash the check and run. Away. After the exchange. The conversation.

Saying, “See ya sucker.”

There is an affection that is involved in the reciprocity of kindness with another. Never to be tight-wadded. Not to be squandered.Love can stand. The test of time.

Carries no malice. No viciousness. That is best left to hatred.

A vice. A practice. A behavior.A habit. Generally considered wrong in the associated society. A fault. A negative character trait, a defect, an infirmity, or a bad unhealthy habit.(wk)


Full of vice.

And that is not love.

The opposite.

Vice means failing or defect.

Like an old jalopy?

Well. We are our own vehicles that get us from here to there.

Consumption assumption.

Jealous, are you? Of his or her. Or they or them.

When all along the wakefulness of life was a desire in keeping

your own affairs in order. How’d that work out? Too tightly? Wound…..

Good to ask the self. Have you ended up with, the love you have craved? Created?

Too many cooks in the kitchen is just that.

Too many.

And the you that is you has already been spread too thin on the bread of life.

Hunger causes sleeplessness, for certain. Even if and when you may have shared a table with those who you thought were your friends, your teammates, your bidders.

Of the life you wish you had.

Too late.

Caution: Love is not a bought thing. Does not come around too often. Is not thrifty.

Quite the opposite:




And it feels good.

To love.

To be loved.

Able to survive periods of time of reduced food availability too. A hunger strike of sorts.🙃

The mere suggestion has some running to the nearest grocer, maybe farmer’s market. At night time. Provided it is a 24 hour establishment.

Love is patient.

Love is kind.

Love does not envy.

Love never boasts.

Love is not proud.

Love does not dishonor others.

Love is not self-seeking.

Love is not easily angered.

Love does not keep record of wrong-doings.

Love does not delight in evil.

Love rejoices in the truth.

Love protects.

Love trusts.

Love hopes.

Love perseveres.

Love never fails.

With love, where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.(wk)

What keeps you up at night? Staying awake all night?

Waling aimlessly from here to there.

A good.

A bad.

What you may be seeking may be hiding behind the fear of self. While others continually skip off into the sunsets of their own facade. Destined to repeat the game another day. Hoping no one will notice.

The ultimate grounding.

His ultimate grounding.

Depends, of course, how one may look at it.

Through the filter of good.

Through the filter of evil.


Throw the eyes of love.

November 14, 2023 04:47

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