The Long Way Home

Submitted into Contest #44 in response to: Write a story that starts with someone returning from a trip.... view prompt

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We were up bright and early. Today was the day. My sister was coming back home to stay. It felt like forever since I heard the sound of her voice or witnessed the warmth of her smile. She lit up rooms with her glorious face. I miss her so badly that its hurting my heart.I never realized just how much until she was taken out of my life. I just want to hug her and tell her how special she is to all of us.Mother put me in charge of setting the two tables. I polished our best silver early this morning and washed and dried our most beautiful china.

I covered the long dark cherry dining table with Mothers favorite blue and yellow tablecloth. When all the dishes and silverware are in front of each place setting, I step back and admire my work.

"Lily you did an amazing job." My Grandma said softly.

"I hope Mother thinks so."

"I need you to open the pickle jar. I tried but my arthritis got the

better of me."

"Grandma its brunch pickles?"

"Yeah pickles are her favorite."

I hurry to the kitchen and grab the dill pickle jar off the formica

counter. Two tries and its open. Grandma looks pleased.

The waiting is only making my anxiety worse. I need to keep myself busy. I fold our crisp white sheets then a basket full of clean towels. I find Mother out on the front porch. Her green eyes meet mine. She gently takes my hand in hers. We stand there in silence and look at the sky. It's a radiant blue not one single cloud.

"Are you excited mom?" She looks confused.

"Yes but I just keep it on the inside. You got enough energy for all of us. My family is back together today."

She kisses my face. We hurry back inside and Mother looks at her watch for the fifth time. Grandma is making sure all of our food stays warm. Mother makes more coffee. Grandma always seems better with caffeine. I take our stairs two at a time and hustle into my room. I grab the pile of letters that are placed on my vanity, I can t wait for my sister to read them. When I return to the first floor, Mother is speaking on her phone. I'm too far away to make out most of the conversation. Mother explains that the flight was delayed and itll only be a little while longer now. I examine both tables again to make sure they look perfect. Mother watches me with pride. Two pickles, one cookie and half a glass of milk I am no longer excited about the wait. I leap to my feet at the sound of tires on the gravel driveway. At the bay window of the front room I admire what I can see.

"Shes here! Mother Grandma Mia is outside!"

I bolt out of the house leap off our front porch and run towards

her. The sight of the radiant yellow taxi that has brought my sister home stops me in my tracks. I continue to stare as the huge burly man exits the cab and unloads the suitcases from the trunk. The side door opens and I see Mias long tan legs swing out of the seat. She looks great. I reach out my hand to her. She grasps my hand and pulls me into an embrace. She smells delicious. Her long brown hair reminds me of strawberries and her neck and shoulders smell just like sweet peaches. She let me go.

"Lily you got so bad. What happen to my baby sister?"

"No I didnt. You look different too."

"Oh yeah in what way?"

"I cant explain just kinda different. You look so dark."

"Thats a tan everyone out west has one." I laugh.

"Ok maybe not everyone. Lets go eat." Mia pulled me all the way

back inside. Mother and Grandma took turns hugging and kissing

her. The next two hours we indulge in our brunch. Theres

blueberry muffins Mother made from scratch, a ten egg omelet,

a giant stack of pancakes and a juicy spiral ham. Grandma made her special home fries and a yummy lemon lime punch. I never ate so much food in such a short time. I feel like a stuffed turkey at Thanksgiving. Mother gathers up the dirty dishes and grins at all of us. I feel how pleased she is. the sense of contentment has washed over everyone. We gather in the den and I take my usual place next to Grandma on the flowered loveseat. Mother exhales as she drops into her favorite lime green chair and Mia has the burgundy sofa all to herself. At first all we speak of is the wonderful meal. How we couldn't possibly eat anymore but if Mother went and brought in that plate of chocolate chip cookies I sure might try. All eyes are on Mia now. We desperately want to hear all about her journey back to us. She explains that it was like a dark cloud was hanging over her entire trip. Mia crossed her long legs and began her story. She had packed two suitcases three days before her flight.

The day before Mia was supposed to arrive home she woke with an excruciating headache. It seemed to stay with her throughout the entire day. Mia has errands to run. She picks up her allergy medicine, empties her bank account and visits one of the only real friends she had in California. Mia and Amy had tea with their lunch. Amy begged her to call and email once she returned to New York. Mia promised that she would.

"I still wish you would stay. It can be great here once you really settle down."

"I tried I really did. The weather is always perfect but itll never be my home." Amy frowned.

"I know how much you miss your family. You mention Lily and your mom all the time. They sound truly amazing. I dont think I could give them up either." Mia smiled.

"So you understand why I just cant. My father was a nightmare. Mother worked incredibly hard to give me and Lily things that she never had herself."

"She really sounds incredible. I hope I can meet her someday. Are we ever going to mention his name?"

"Not if I can help it. I just finally feel free for the first time in my life. He almost broke me Amy." Amy touches Mia on the hand.

"No not even he could do that. I just think your the strongest person I know." Mia shakes her head.

"No really it was more about getting out before he ruined me for good. I don't know if Id consider that strength."

"Your brave Mia even if you don't know it."

When lunch ended they hugged for quite awhile. Mia promised to come for a visit before the end of the year. The next morning Mia slept through her alarm. When she showered the water was ice cold. She dressed in a blue floral sundress and comfortable white sandals. After a forty five minute wait for a taxi Mia was on her way to the airport. The airport was crowded and the lines were terribly long. She took a deep breath and waited like all the rest. Everything seemed to be going smooth until she landed in Chicago. The weather was horrendous. The connecting flight was delayed for several hours. Mia started to wonder if something was trying to prevent her from getting home.

"I was so relieved on my way here. It just felt like the longest journey in my life." Grandma reaches forward and pulled Mia in for an embrace. Grandma let her go and I smiled.

"What was that for?" Mia asked.

"Just because you deserve it."

My sister stood quickly and said she brought us each something. She ran toward her luggage and returned with three colorful boxes. Mother got the red one, Grandma the blue and I received the green. Mother loved her new book. Grandma smiled when she lifted up her sweater. I had my box on my lap.

"Lily open it come on I wanna see if you like it."

"Can I do it after?" Mother looked confused. Mia got sad.

"I guess so. Is something wrong?"

"No I just have something for you. Mother can I get them now?"

"Yes Of course go and get them."

I leaped off the love seat and tore out of the room. I returned

with my hand written letters for Mia. She smiled at me. I had put

a bright red ribbon around the pile of letters and she thought it

was lovely.

"Wow this is really amazing. You wrote all these?"

"Yeah you were gone a long time. I thought about you

everyday." Mia had tears in her eyes. I held her hand in mine.

"I wanted you to be happy. I didn't mean to upset you."

"I am happy Lily. These are tears of joy. I really want you to

open that box."

I wasted no time. I lifted the box and ripped off the bright

green wrapping. Inside was a beautiful leather bond

journal and a fancy pen like you might see on someones

desk. I started to cry. Mia knew me so well.

June 06, 2020 00:56

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1 comment

Eva Gryder
21:32 Jun 12, 2020

Good story! Maybe work on your grammar and dialogue, and also auditing unnecessary details.


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